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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

You said this principle would be sufficient for you to deal cycle zebra, despite not having bothered to learn the relevant rules. But of course it isn't, as I've explained - what would you do if a pedestrian started crossing after you've entered the cycle section - accidentally your angle grinder around while blasting out Radio 6?
I wouldn't enter the cycle crossing bit if it looked like pedestrians were approaching the zebra crossing and I was going to need to stop for them. I don't need a rule to tell me that's the right thing to do, because it's obvious that it would block the route of people using the cycle path.

Not being aware of the new rule wouldn't affect how I behaved in a car. It has affected how I behave as a cyclist only in that I have thanked drivers who stop for me by giving them a wave, because I hadn't realised they were actually obliged to stop. My new awareness means I can stop doing this.
It’s almost like all the car abolitionist cyclists here are such clueless occasional drivers that they have literally no clue about what driving actually involves. When they criticise drivers for doing x, y and z they thus speak from a position of near total ignorance and hypocrisy, and are best ignored.
I wouldn't enter the cycle crossing bit if it looked like pedestrians were approaching the zebra crossing and I was going to need to stop for them. I don't need a rule to tell me that's the right thing to do, because it's obvious that it would block the route of people using the cycle path.

Sure, but this doesn’t account for the circumstances where you aren’t sure whether pedestrians are going to cross or not. Something you would have encountered frequently if you drove for more than five minutes a year.
It’s almost like all the car abolitionist cyclists here are such clueless occasional drivers that they have literally no clue about what driving actually involves. When they criticise drivers for doing x, y and z they thus speak from a position of near total ignorance and hypocrisy, and are best ignored.

I drive every day. I have never been forced to stop in an advanced stop box.
Sure, but this doesn’t account for the circumstances where you aren’t sure whether pedestrians are going to cross or not. Something you would have encountered frequently if you drove for more than five minutes a year.
It's no different to approaching any zebra crossing when you're unsure if pedestrians are going to cross or not. If it looks like they might cross, stop at the relevant line. If they then clearly aren't going to cross, carry on. You will now ask what happens if they start crossing after I have stopped and started again. What happens will be the same as would happen if I did not know about the new crossing rule - I would choose to block the cycle path for a short time instead of running some pedestrians over. Of course most drivers would see this as unsatisfactory because they would prefer to block cyclists and run pedestrians over (whilst listening to talk radio or classic FM) and they would be annoyed that they would only be able to do one of these.
I drive every day. I have never been forced to stop in an advanced stop box.
Because you don’t drive in heavy traffic. The most common reason you’ll see a car stopped in an ASB is that the traffic has begun to flow across the junction but something has caused it to stop prematurely, usually the car in front. That usually happens because a ped or cyclist or something else has come across the lights on red and caused the halt. You are highly ignorant of these matters and should not post on these threads, Biggles.
You’re the one who introduced the word ”forced” into the debate, another straw man.:facepalm:
Crikey. Criticising other people's choice i
of words after your smug and wrong-headed mangling of the language.

Every fotler ever started off with idiotic and wrong interpretations of traffic laws just like yours. I'm not sure that doing it just to be an obnoxious cunt actually makes it much better.
The most common reason you’ll see a car stopped in an ASB is that the traffic has begun to flow across the junction but something has caused it to stop prematurely, usually the car in front.
No. The most common reason is because the driver's a cunt. The situation you describe accounts for ten percent at most of cars stopped in asbs. Being in a car you only see cars immediately adjacent to you so don't see the situation very often.
Because you don’t drive in heavy traffic. The most common reason you’ll see a car stopped in an ASB is that the traffic has begun to flow across the junction but something has caused it to stop prematurely, usually the car in front.
Only people who have combed through the law for loopholes would end up in this position and it would be deliberate. Well they probably haven't actually combed through the law - they will have read about it on those pistonface forums, or at their local UKIP meeting.
Crikey. Criticising other people's choice i
of words after your smug and wrong-headed mangling of the language.

Every fotler ever started off with idiotic and wrong interpretations of traffic laws just like yours. I'm not sure that doing it just to be an obnoxious cunt actually makes it much better.

You’re the one mangling language, clearly.

If any of my interpretations of traffic law are incorrect feel free to correct them.
No. The most common reason is because the driver's a cunt. The situation you describe accounts for ten percent at most of cars stopped in asbs. Being in a car you only see cars immediately adjacent to you so don't see the situation very often.
Here you go with your dubious percentages again. The actual figure is 96%.
Only people who have combed through the law for loopholes would end up in this position and it would be deliberate. Well they probably haven't actually combed through the law - they will have read about it on those pistonface forums, or at their local UKIP meeting.


Not worth further comment.
If any of my interpretations of traffic law are incorrect feel free to correct them.
I already have. There is a requirement by law for cars to stop at advance stop lines. The reason you and your fotler mates manage to get your fines overturned is not because there isn't.
Because you don’t drive in heavy traffic. The most common reason you’ll see a car stopped in an ASB is that the traffic has begun to flow across the junction but something has caused it to stop prematurely, usually the car in front. That usually happens because a ped or cyclist or something else has come across the lights on red and caused the halt. You are highly ignorant of these matters and should not post on these threads, Biggles.

I know you're not actually stupid enough to think that pedestrians and cyclists, rather than cars, are the major cause of traffic jams. I also know that if you ever actually drive on roads you'll have seen countless motorists ignoring the highway code and stopping in the ASB at a red light as a matter of course. The only question then is what is the fucking point of you pretending otherwise?
I know you're not actually stupid enough to think that pedestrians and cyclists, rather than cars, are the major cause of traffic jams. I also know that if you ever actually drive on roads you'll have seen countless motorists ignoring the highway code and stopping in the ASB at a red light as a matter of course. The only question then is what is the fucking point of you pretending otherwise?
Don’t be ridiculous, Plank. You know full well that you are totally unqualified to comment on transport related issues.
It was obviously a mistake for me to mention the simple advance cycle box as a basic counter-example to pedestrian crossings and box junctions, because to the car-abolitionist nutters here it seems to be like a red rag to a bull.
Correct. My comment is final and closes the matter.

Embarrassing for platinumsage that it's now revealed that not only am I a better driver than them, but so is SpookyFrank .

That may be true, I’m not one of those people like you who have an exaggerated opinion of their own driving prowess.

What is obvious though is that I’m a better cyclist than anyone else on this thread.
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