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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

I guess I must be dead then because I live in the west and I don't have a car. Much of my generation doesn't.
Yeah, as i wrote before, the western market shows signs of being saturated, UK license holders between 21-29 dropped from 75 to 63 % 92/94 to 2014. The numbers of households with no access to cars stopped falling round 2000 and have stayed at 19 % since then. Cars per capita and per household is still rising.(Census figures, mostly, gov.uk). 85 % of all distance travelled are by car - stable numbers since 86.

Signs of stagnation, sure. But very few signs of decline. And stagnation on around .62 vehicles per capita compared to .18 worldwide.
For other aspects planetgeli said enough.

farmerbarleymow (and others) who's gonna ban cars? What western government (or influential opposition) would dare (or want) to do that? Is there anywhere there's broad popular support for such action? Maybe a more fascist style government, like the chinese could pull it of, but would they want to?
Here's an american having his mind blown by groningen.

More than ten years ago now. Way ahead of most other places.

What I find interesting is that even on Urban 75 (which has more socialists than anywhere else I know), people are so against the state intervening for the greater good.
Offer them some real world socialism where they might have to adjust their life a little and they bottle it.
Easier just to bang on about nationalising the railways (whilst scabbing on them in your car).
Teuchter, no, I didn't watch the video - I never watch that sort of video. They tend to spend ten minutes saying what could be written in a minute's worth of text.

Can't be arsed carrying on arguing with you though. There really is no point. You think you know everything and will never actually pay attention to anything anyone else says, just respond with your own spiel and ignore anything that contradicts it.
And look - It still has cars. But...

Also - not one helmet, no lycra, no special clothing. Just a normal, practical way to get a round a city that's been designed around the needs of people who don't drive cars, and are so selfish that they'd begrudge anyone else driving one.
Teuchter, no, I didn't watch the video - I never watch that sort of video. They tend to spend ten minutes saying what could be written in a minute's worth of text.

Can't be arsed carrying on arguing with you though. There really is no point. You think you know everything and will never actually pay attention to anything anyone else says, just respond with your own spiel and ignore anything that contradicts it.
You don't have to argue with him, because he's wrong. He likes to think he's right but so did Hitler, when he tried to force his ridiculous opinions on people.
Has anyone else noticed that it's the worst road users (cyclists) who want to dictate who should be allowed to use the roads?I
Who would have thought that such a selfish bunch of people could be so selfish.
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You don't have to argue with him, because he's wrong. He likes to think he's right but so did Hitler, when he tried to force his ridiculous opinions on people.
Ah, the Hitler comparison. The ultimate sign of WTF are you even talking about. :rolleyes:
Oh Saul Goodman. Have some brackety hugs. I think you might need them(((Saul Goodman )))
Thanks for the offer but I'm all hugged out.

Just occasionally, I allow fascists to annoy me. Fortunately, this isn't one of those times. I'll just laugh at them instead, and revel in the knowledge that I'll never be so spiteful as to suggest that someone should be deprived of their means of transport... Not even cyclists.


Absolutely no good when it’s pissing down, blowing a gale etc.

Even on a good weather day that contraption is not appealing compared to the convenience and comfort of a car.
Maybe a more fascist style government, like the chinese could pull it of, but would they want to?
They've already imposed major restrictions to buying/using a private car in some of the big metropolises like here in Beijing. Not massively familiar with how it works as a non-driver but there's a lottery to get a new license plate that means lengthy waits if you do want to buy or buying/leasing an existing one, then IIRC there's odd and even number days where the final digit of your license determines whether or not you can enter the city inside the sixth ring road that day. Probably more, would have to look it up. Of course it's set up in a way that anyone with money or connections can get round it.
I think the boom in private care ownership really took planners here by surprise, they thought demand would grow more slowly plus never admitted to themselves that the size of the grey economy meant far more people had the money even to pay the early exorbitant cost of a new car when headline household income stats suggested they couldn't. But the appeal was so strong and encouraging domestic consumption was another facet of strategy. Another factor is the way massive infrastructure projects have been used to stimulate the economy and thousands of kilometres of new roads have been a big part of that.
Sorry, not much of a coherent overview there, just a few things I've noticed. The old work unit system was well on the way to disappearing by the time I first got here but even then seen a massive shift in urban areas from people living right by their places of work and bus/tube/cycling being the main means of personal transport to gridlock that competes with anywhere in the world in about thirty years.
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Exactly, rideshare in nice long 30- 50 seater single and double decked cars.

Personally, I hate using buses. First job I had after leaving school took me 45mins to an hour travelling by one bus into city centre then another bus to where I worked.

In the summer you got baked inside due to large greenhouse windows, sometimes had a wiffy smell, was loud, could hear people’s mind numbing conversations etc. In bad/freezing weather standing in the bus queue was miserable especially if it was pissing down.

So I learnt to drive, bought a car and whizzed to work in 15mins - 12mins if roads were clear. Grinning ear to ear in my own environment, music playing and a lot less stress. Want to go somewhere? No more waiting for slow buses, just get in the car and go. There’s no comparison :)
Teuchter, no, I didn't watch the video - I never watch that sort of video. They tend to spend ten minutes saying what could be written in a minute's worth of text.

Can't be arsed carrying on arguing with you though. There really is no point. You think you know everything and will never actually pay attention to anything anyone else says, just respond with your own spiel and ignore anything that contradicts it.
This is why the best response to threads like this is to take the piss. :) They're just cycle-twat wankfests with SpookyFrank and Bees tugging each other off like crazy whilst Orang Utan sticks his fingers up their bums like Sooty and Sweep, and Teuchers scoffs the soggy biscuit.
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IIRC there's odd and even number days where the final digit of your license determines whether or not you can enter the city inside the sixth ring road that day. Probably more, would have to look it up. Of course it's set up in a way that anyone with money or connections can get round it.
I know not terribly rich people (school teachers) who have two cars to get round this. :rolleyes: Private cars were just kicking off big time when I lived there but seemed pointless inside Beijing itself. Even in 2002 the whole city was just a big traffic jam. Smell the freedom eh.
Has anyone else noticed that it's the worst road users (cyclists) who want to dictate who should be allowed to use the roads?I
Who would have thought that such a selfish bunch of people could be so selfish.

It's like the troll that trolls itself.
I know not terribly rich people (school teachers) who have two cars to get round this. :rolleyes: Private cars were just kicking off big time when I lived there but seemed pointless inside Beijing itself. Even in 2002 the whole city was just a big traffic jam. Smell the freedom eh.
Out here in the sticks you can also use a provincial plate so long as you stay outside the city proper or pay loads for a one off permit to drive in. So e.g. Inner Mongolian one like our mate has is fine for going to nearby towns but not into Beijing proper.
Working for a living isn't nearly as appealing as burgling some houses and then spending the day gouching out on some strong fucking drugs. For some reason society has decided that I'm not allowed to live like that though.
Ah, but that's because to do so you'd be in a minority with little power to oppose the societal mores that prevent it.
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