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Elder Scrolls: Online

Cancelled my subscription yesterday, since I haven't really played it for a couple of months. Might come back at some point, but since I'm mostly sticking with EVE Online for social gaming and Skyrim for fantasy questing I have no need for ESO right now.
The US server is now on v3, so I have been mostly playing round with the dyes - absolutely love it, love the way I have to work to unlock dyes what with them being tied to achievements (although dyes are account wide, so you don't have to get everything on one character to unlock dyes, all characters can use a dye that any character has unlocked).

Vintage Paw - the 1g respec is limited time only, but I have been unable to find out for how long the offer applies :/ Anyway, once v3 goes live on the EU server tomorrow, just let me know if at any point you want to use the "travel to player" option to get to a respec shrine quickly as I suggested in an earlier post. Oh the patch is around 6Gb btw.
The fight at the end of the DC storyline is making me cry, it's really fucking hard!
I nearly survived the first wave on my last attempt. I think I am going to sit outside the door to the final fight and beg anyone who shows up to group with me. :oops:
This game has no easy mode.
Last night's guild event was Cyrodil quests - because a lot of people were away or had other commitments, there were only a small group of us, but we did all the quests in Cheydinhal and Cropsford, and had a really good time (as well as staggering back to town afterwards loaded down with loot!).

We (the guild I am in on the NA server is a Pact guild) encountered a Dominion player in Cheydinhal and easily bested him, but he must have called up his mates afterwards because we were in battles with the same group all night after that. I think we all died at least once, but the game now tracks when you kill a player who previously killed you, so I know I got 2 players who had previously got me. I think I like the city questing better than I like the all-out sieges, when there is a siege going on you know it will be a pitched battle, but when you're doing city quests it's more a case of keep an eye open for enemy groups and try to get them before they see you. Makes for some interesting fights between small groups. The NPC guards must be on steroids though, they are tough as hell.
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My favourite times in Cyrodiil were with the guild, roaming around going into dungeons and towns looking for skyshards. One evening our group dissipated and I found myself in a town, figured I'd try to grab the nearby Skyshard and do the little quest there. One of the people I was previously in the group with was around too, but we weren't grouped up anymore. We suddenly started getting sniped from a couple of different directions. Turns out there were a couple of Covenant players up in the buildings, hiding and trying to pick us off. Somehow we managed to turn their advantageous position against them and we took them out. It was a lot of fun.

I agree with you, I prefer doing stuff in towns and dungeons in Cyrodiil over the bigger battles. They can be lots of fun, but I like that smaller-scale thing where you have to keep an eye out because you don't know who's around the next corner or in stealth following you waiting to make their move. I got caught in a building waaaaay up at the top of the map (I was AD). I was picking up a lore book, I think, or maybe handing in a quest, and someone from the Covenant came into the building, presumably to do the same. I was alone, and they got the drop on me, and they were about 15 levels above me, but I managed to survive and take them down. It was a real buzz. Then on my very, very long trek back to AD territory (I spent most of it in stealth!) I ended up in an epic fight with a Covenant player. It lasted for ages as we kept trying to whittle the other one down. I won that too.

Definitely my favourite experiences playing the game so far.
Aye, the stealthing around and doing dungeons and quests in Cyrodil is just so much fun, I love that the design allows for a range of different PvP styles from the large battles down to small groups running into one another while questing.

Also although we were in an open to all campaign last night, there is also now a campaign for non-vet level players only, so it's far easier for lower level characters to feel as though they are useful in that campaign and have fun up against players of a more similar level, rather than being 1-shot cannon fodder to a VR12!
Update 4 is now on the PTS, and is due to go live sometime in September. The patch notes (as they stand at the moment, subject to change when it's been tested on the PTS) are available:


A new group veteran zone with new trials (high level players who prefer to solo, don't panic, there is a solo veteran zone planned, probably coming in update 5 or 6)
Arena fights in the Dragonstar Arena (for groups of 4 players, both normal and veteran modes)
Changes to enchanting so it's not so much of a bloody nightmare to level the skill, and new enchantments that can alter your abilities
A new researchable armour trait, Nirnhoned, which gives a bonus to spell resistance, and an extra rank of the perk that reduces research times
Improvements to all delves in the final zone of each faction (part of a general rollout to improve the size, uniqueness, and boss encounters of delves throughout the game, Cyrodil was done in update 3 and more will be coming in the future)
Grouping improvements including shared quest stages when grouped for a whole number of quests
PFX Prioritization - effects on you and your group will take priority over background stuff, this should provide a big improvement in terms of less combat lag and quicker response, and less delay in seeing combat cues on foes
Also more hireling messages have been added, may seem like a small thing but I'm excited about it!
Well I'm still playing.
My main on the US server is now Veteran Rank 10.
Best thing ever in update 5 is Undaunted Pledges (additional dailies to go clear a group dungeon, with extra rewards if you do it a certain way/meet additional difficult targets). Some of them are really tough, I was in a group in Veteran Crypt of Hearts for nearly 7 hours this weekend. We did manage to beat it eventually, but it was very challenging.
The bastards in my guild made a new rank of "Butter Feet" just for me, to pay homage to the ease at which I seem to fall off keep walls (often straight into the enemy hordes below) when trying to place and use siege equipment. :mad: :facepalm:

Anyway, I expect everyone has heard that the game is going B2P in early March. As an avid fan I am not particularly happy about it, as it means content updates will happen less regularly, and there will be a cash shop. It does, however, mean that any of you who already bought the game will be able to hop on any time without having to pay a sub.
Anyway, I expect everyone has heard that the game is going B2P in early March. As an avid fan I am not particularly happy about it, as it means content updates will happen less regularly, and there will be a cash shop. It does, however, mean that any of you who already bought the game will be able to hop on any time without having to pay a sub.
I hadn't heard that. I guess maybe I might return in that case, although I got rather bored of it before.
Anyway, I expect everyone has heard that the game is going B2P in early March.
So this is happening tomorrow, apparently. Any chance of a quick rundown of what has significantly changed in the game since last summer, to save me untangling patch notes and reddit threads? :)

Edit: Uhm, nevermind! :D

Edit 2: The new Justice System sounds interesting - what has it actually been like in-game? I can imagine that unless it is very carefully balanced there are the occasional mass NPC slaughterings?
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In case anyone is interested, I now run a reasonably successful and friendly trading guild on the NA server.

Anyone who joins that server, hit me up for an invite, my username is Epona222

(and yes, it was the same me who said at the start of the thread "pffft MMO? Not getting involved in that" or words to that effect :D )
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Out on ps4 next week. Will us console players be on different servers from you?

Yes, because it's behind MS/Sony network paywalls (which, btw, is why ESO went b2p, because MS were being difficult about xBox release, NOT because the game was failing).

XBox players will be on 1 server, PS players will be on 1 server, those are different servers than the PC server.
Loving this game! Only got it this morning but had a couple hours play and utterly absorbed in it! My clan now is a guild in game with our own bank and things are looking good for some serious fighting fun!
Loving this game! Only got it this morning but had a couple hours play and utterly absorbed in it! My clan now is a guild in game with our own bank and things are looking good for some serious fighting fun!

I'm really glad to hear that you are enjoying it :)
Which server are you on?
Oh OK, I'm NA PC server, I'd have friended you if on the same one.

Can I just say though... guild politics, ugh, exhausted right now. Not even my guild.
Oh dear. Well luckily I'm in a clan from another game so we're all friends. Very low levels of bullshit!
Oh dear. Well luckily I'm in a clan from another game so we're all friends. Very low levels of bullshit!

Wait until you realise you need to be in several trading guilds too ;)

We all have a 'low bullshit' guild that we identify with, then there are the guilds we are in so we can sell stuff :D
Sometimes playing on the NA server sucks.

I stole an absurdly long knitted scarf which was OBVIOUSLY a Doctor Who easter egg, but no-one gets it. Kill them all. Kill them all with fire. :mad:
Wait until you realise you need to be in several trading guilds too ;)

We all have a 'low bullshit' guild that we identify with, then there are the guilds we are in so we can sell stuff :D

Lol fair enough! Man this game is good but it does take an age to get leveled up!
Running a trading guild is exhausting - there are people who pst every time you log on, wanting to say 'hi' or wanting advice about this that or the other. There are mails from people who want to donate towards raffle prizes and send a ton of random lvl 20 green gear. There are mails from people complaining about the guild tabard, because it is not what they would have designed.
The next person who contacts me about something ridiculous is going to find themself in charge of the guild while I have a quiet week.
Kinda gone off it tbh, was loving it but find its hard to get the amount of time it needs to get anything done...
Dear fucking god - what is it about some GMs that they don't appear in game for 2 weeks, and when they do turn up, make a fucking song and dance about the sodding guild raffle offering the wrong prizes? (All prizes paid for out of my own personal gold mind you).

Well someone offered me the chance to take over an existing trading guild, so I did - GM of guild A gets upset and wonders how I am going to cope with running 2 trading guilds. Errr... if I was supposed to be running yours whilst you spent all your time playing Rust (not been online in ESO for 2 weeks, leaving me to deal with trader bids etc), you should have just made me GM and let me do it without having to seek you out on Steam or ts (anywhere other than in the damn game) so that you could disapprove of every damn move I make.

OK thank you, glad I got that off my chest, thanks for listening - nothing to see here, move along, move along :)
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