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Elder Scrolls: Online

I'm not overly keen on archery in ESO, tend (on my stamina based characters at least) to use it more as a backup in fights that require ranged (especially in group dungeons, some bosses have a perma-aoe thing going on that you need to stay out of). You get weapon swapping at level 15 and then can have 2 weapons equipped and a second skill bar which is useful! The default key for weapon swap is dreadful though, I'd recommend going into Settings>Controls>Keybindings and allocating it to an easier key when you get to the point where you want to weapon swap.

Once you get the second bar, fill it with skills that you want to level up and switch to that bar when turning in quests, you'll level up skills and alternative weapons quickly that way, allowing for more flexibility at higher levels.
Oh also addons. There are some I cannot play without now. Best place to get addons is esoui.com

My list:

Advanced Filters (makes inventory management bearable!)
Awesome Guild Store (adds filters to the guild store interface)
Master Merchant (stores data on prices of stuff sold through any guild stores you are a member of, so you can price stuff appropriately or hunt for bargains from guild traders - displays that info in the guild store interface if also using Awesome Guild Store)
Greymind's Quickslot Bar (makes potion selection in combat easy)
Research Assitant (adds a little icon on the inventory screen to let you see if you have researched traits on the weapons/gear in your inventory, so you don't accidentally decon stuff that you want to save to learn the trait)
Research Grid (adds a window that you can bind to a key and toggle to see what traits you have researched)
Potion Maker (helps keep track of what effects you know on which plants, a favourites list, search by potion name when at the alchemy bench, very useful)
Merlin The Enchanter (similar to Potion Maker but for enchanting)
pChat (very useful improvements to the chat box)
Sous Chef (marks recipes that you don't know with a great big tick, can see what recipes other characters know if you have alts, marks ingredients that are used for recipes that you know)
Loot Drop (anything you pick up, or any time you gain XP, crafting inspiration, gold, AP, it is displayed briefly at the edge of the screen)

Ones that can ease the way, but aren't necessary (and may be undesirable if you prefer to find stuff by yourself, I didn't use these on my first character):
Destinations (marks all sorts of stuff on the in game map, highly configurable)
Skyshards (marks skyshards on map and compass bar)
Lorebooks (marks lorebooks on map and compass bar)
Rare Fish Tracker (useful if you want your fishing achievements!)
Kill Counter (displays a bit of additional info when in PvP, useful to see which keeps are under attack, keeps track of your kills)

If using a lot of addons, you'll want to increase the lua memory available which is done in (default location) Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/Live/UserSettings.txt - I set mine to 512 which seems adequate.
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I had a really weird dream that was ESO related last night - I dreamed that I had been left in charge of a guild that wasn't a trading guild or a PvE guild or a PvP guild or a trials guild or anything like that - it was a "coffee morning guild" (whatever the fuck that is supposed to be) for quite elderly people, and it had happily been ticking along for ages. As far as I can work out, the main stated aim of the guild was to chat and swap recipes for biscuits.

There was a hostile takeover and I was called in to a board meeting filled with people using zimmer frames to discuss the fact that I had failed to make this "coffee morning guild" successful in PvP because I hadn't ever been emperor in any campaign, and that I should immediately be relieved of my position. I woke up at that point in a cold sweat.

I sometimes hate what my brain does to me when I am asleep :/
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Orsinium DLC is WONDERFUL!

If they keep putting out new content of this quality, then I will be very happy.

Very TES feel to the zone and quests, music and art great, quests are engaging. Haven't played through much yet, but have done a lot of exploring and gathering and thieving. Only slight issue is that everyone and their dog(/goat/scamp/dwemer sphere/etc.) is there at the moment so it is very crowded, but that is to be expected this close to release.

Even people on the official forums are raving about it, and that place is normally a bile-filled pit of hate.

10/10, well done Zenimax, you got it just right. Keep going like this and I can see myself playing for a long time :)
It doesn't feel open world. Skyrim felt huge, you could travel anywhere and find something to do at almost any time.
ESO is compartmented into a linear pathway. Do this area, now this area, now this area. Once you've grown out of an area there really is little point in traveling back there ever again.

I'm with you on this. And each area feels like you are trapped in a bowl/ valley, with mountains ranges at the edge that you can't cross. Unlike skyrim where with was far more open. Reminds me of LOTR online. When you do move onto the next area, it looks exactly the same. Don't know about a maxed out PC, but on PS4 the draw distance is very low. I've not ben wow'ed by the graphics at all.

And some of the enemies are just plain weird... Massive jellyfish floating inland? whatever they are called? No, just NO

Given this game a month, but sadly I'm gonna quit when fallout 4 and star wars battle front comes out.
And some of the enemies are just plain weird... Massive jellyfish floating inland? whatever they are called? No, just NO

FFS, they are netches and are an established part of the TES universe. Yes, just YES. :mad:

Edit: A netch in TES III: Morrowind (released in 2002)

Going to reinstall this after a long break.

Because it's just the way I roll, I didn't let my sub lapse, and as a result I have 18200 crowns to play with :oops:

Epona - if you buy something from the crown store is it account wide or per character?

I'm eyeing up that pretty lioness mount (and maybe the nightmare courser). And all the crafting styles, of course.
Okay, a quick google says pets/mounts are account-wide. WOO.

Still looking whether crafting styles are. I suspect not, but idk.
Okay, a quick google says pets/mounts are account-wide. WOO.

Still looking whether crafting styles are. I suspect not, but idk.

Sorry mate, only just logged back in here. Mounts and pets are indeed account wide. Crowns can only be spent for stuff on either the EU or the NA server though (ie. if you spend them in NA you will not have the item on EU, so pick a server and stick to it). Crafting styles are learned via motif books/pages, but of course if you do that on 1 character that character can make gear for every other character on your account (or even for other players). I am more than happy to help out if you come back and need stuff crafted.

If you're coming back in, please come to the NA server, I run a trading guild, I also regularly do group stuff on a Friday night/Saturday morning (and at various points in between if we are all online) with my friends Marcia and Gidget (we have use of a teamspeak server), we're all middle-aged women and we're actually pretty good at the game. You would be more than welcome to join us although I realise I made our little group sound a lot older and a lot less cool than we feel iykwim... (same goes for Shippy, should he desire to dip his toes in the pool again, he'd be welcome).
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I like ESO but i'm terrible at giving MMOs the time they need. also for not doing the social stuff.

I hear you wrt being social, quite often I play in offline mode so I don't get bothered if I am feeling unsociable. I have a lot of friends in ESO who quite like to chat, and chat, and then chat some more, I don't mind that occasionally and sometimes I want to chat with them too, but it's a bit of a pain when I am trying to quest (and to be fair, if what I wanted to do was go online to talk I'd have a facebook page). Come do a dungeon or something constructive, not just sit here and chat! So thank goodness for "offline mode". :D

But yeah regardless of all that, you are welcome to join us on our Friday night adventures.

Edit: sorry,forgot to mention the play guild is an EP guild (not my decision, I have characters in all factions, but Friday night is EP night.) My trading guild is cross-faction.
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Vintage Paw - I think I sent you a friend invite on the NA server in case you decide to pop in there, but friend requests can be a bit temperamental (at least they are for me
) so if you don't get it, try inviting me - @Epona222 (I also have a second account because "Zeni, why only 8 character slots???" which is, predictably enough, @Epona223)
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Alas, I still have all my (7!) characters on the EU server, with one of them at lvl 24 (which is nothing, I know), and I don't really want to lose the hard work I put in back then.

All my attributes and skill points have been refunded in my absence. Damned if I can remember how to play the damn thing and where to put them :D

I also have a free tiger to ride, which is SO AWESOME.

I've gone back to Auridon so I can retrain myself against weaker enemies.

So much has changed!
Slowly getting back into the swing of it. Trying to remember how to mmo against enemies 4 levels below me at the moment, because I keep forgetting to do things like block. I was overlevelled for Grahtwood when I stopped playing anyway, so I'm more or less picking up where I left off.

I need to find out how dyes work. I haven't seen a dye station yet, I expect there will be a book or a person there to ask.
Presumably you use some add-ons, Epona?

I'm going to get the various map marker ones, not sure what else is useful. I have no idea what I'm doing in combat so I doubt one with extra damage numbers and all that jazz will be much use to me until I get back up to speed (and frankly I don't much care about eking out an extra half a percent damage anyway). Are there any add-ons you'd definitely recommend?
Really enjoying getting back into this.

I'm hideously overlevelled for the area I'm in atm. I missed an entire hub in Grahtwood, so I'm level 26 doing level 17 quests :oops: - and I have a bunch of level 20s left too. Which, tbh, is no bad thing because I'm still in the 'l2p n00b' stage of refamiliarising myself with everything. Plus, my facerolling nightblade isn't as facerolling as she was before Craglorn (that's how long it's been since I've played!). Rebalancing be damned *shakes fist at sky*

I've maxed out provisioning. Am I right in remembering you can have only 1 food or 1 drink active at a time, yes? I like food over drink, but I've never run the numbers to see which would actually be better. I think food, since I have some regen passives going on.

I'm also trying to level up woodworking and clothing, since I'm in medium and started with a bow. I've got daggers on my second bar now, so I'm dabbling with blacksmithing, but once I get back to a character that uses heavy armour and/or 2H I'll get them to focus on it.

Fuck enchanting and alchemy. I hear alchemy is super easy to max out now, I'll check a guide at some point.

I thought I'd find it difficult to pick it up with my old characters but not at all. I can't remember much about the main story, what quests I've done so far, but I'll be starting a couple of new ones at some point so they'll help get me up to speed. My sorc and templar are only level 8 or thereabouts I think, my dragonknight is probably 12ish, can't remember. I'll probably do a proper cookie cutter khajiit nightblade at some point - I'll treat Sisa Nightwind (my current lvl 26 bosmer) as a trial run while I get used to the game - although I do love her dearly, she's perfect.


Internet is playing silly buggers this evening, just got kicked out for terrible latency. Grr.
Vintage Paw - I posted a list of addons that I use a bit higher up the page, it dates from October but is still the list of what I use - in terms of essentials, Greymind's Quickslot Bar (allows you to hotkey potions/consumables) and Advanced Filters (for better Inventory management) are ones that I absolutely couldn't do without.

An awful lot has changed since you last played! I decided I really couldn't get along with Nightblades, there was just something about them that I didn't 'get' iykwim, but they are the class that is most likely to make me shit myself if I go up against them in PvP (fear, and high burst damage). So I can't help with specifics on their particular skills. Having said that, I think magicka Nightblades tend to be more effective than stamina builds, as most of their best class skills are magicka only (unlike say Templar, where many class skills can be morphed to a stamina version), and it leaves your entire stamina pool available for sneak, dodge, interrupt, and block.

A general tip for magicka builds in general, is that dual wielding maces with the sharpened trait actually makes all your offensive spells more effective (due to blunt and blade passive in DW line bonus for maces is to ignore a percentage of physical resistance per mace equipped, and sharpened trait increasing armor and spell penetration) - so it's worth considering having that set up on 1 bar, and whatever other weapon you like on the other bar.

For stamina builds, it's worth considering leveling 2H and having it on 1 bar because of the Momentum (morph to Rally when available) active, which is a stamina-based buff to weapon damage and a stamina based self-heal over time.

Alchemy and Enchanting - I would recommend leveling both, for starters both are a lot easier to level than they used to be. Alchemy - being able to make a variety of your own potions with 3 effects is invaluable at higher levels. Gathering the plants is the most painful part of the process, but it doesn't actually take that long at the alchemy bench to get to Alchemy level 50 (I had a big stock of plants and solvents and it didn't take me more than a couple of hours to max it out on 3 characters - and you're unlikely to need to make your own potions until you hit vet rank, so just collect plants and solvents for now and then level it when you need it). Enchanting - use Denata (blue) runes on 1 character to make glyphs with the highest level potency runes you can use, and decon them on another character (the one deconning will get most inspiration from the process, and again it only took me a couple of hours to max out 2 characters by that method). You will want to allocate skill points while leveling to use the highest level solvents/runes that you can, but can always respec afterwards (respec is now only 50g per skill point, so a lot cheaper and more viable than it used to be!)

Provisioning - either food or drink can be active at a time, not both (except xp booster drinks, which I don't imagine you will be using given that you are already overleveled!!) General rule of thumb is food for questing/PvE, drink for PvP where resource regen rate is more important. There are now a few recipes that do increase max of 1 resource and increase regen of another, they don't drop, they are Wrothgar quest rewards and many people prefer to use those for difficult content (trials etc.)

Crafting in general - because there are now so many style motifs and some of them are a pain in the arse to collect, if you are going to split crafting between 2 characters, have 1 do bs/cloth/ww and the other do prov/alch/ench - just so that you only have to get the style motifs on 1 character to have full use of them!

Argh, sorry about that, major case of verbal (well, typing anyway) diaorreah there, but I hope some of it is useful :)
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Ah, I forgot about that list up-thread, thanks. There are a couple on there I'll take a look at.

I remembered I used Wykkyd's toolbar back at release - glad to see it's still going, I like having all that info at the top where I can just glance at it.

Re nightblade, there are a few class abilities that can be morphed to use stamina later on, that's the way I'm going at the moment, and I'm using a lot of weapon abilities as well. I've got my points 2/1 stamina/health atm, and I never run out of magicka but do still run out of stamina! For class abilities I'm mostly using teleport strike, the stealth invisible one, and the first siphoning one. When I last played, I'd focused quite heavily on siphoning, so that's got a few levels to it, I'd done nothing really in the shadow line, but I'm incorporating more of that now. Siphoning strikes looks very useful. My goal at the moment is working towards never running out of resources while pumping out as much damage as possible. I can spam the health siphoning attack and never run out of magicka without a single point in magicka atm, and I think I need to look into getting something that will help me increase the healing done. I haven't made my mind up to what extent I'm going to commit to a specific class line yet, and have been focusing on getting my weapon skills where I want them. I was considering 2H, and looking at my skills it looks like I had started levelling up resto staff back in the day - I think I was looking into more of the siphoning stuff when nightblade could do some decent healing. I like what you say about Rally though, so I'll keep that in mind. Honestly, I don't know how it's all changed, but I'm focusing on traditional damage right now (with a touch of self-heal) aimed around incapacitating enemies, lots of options for that. My bow bar right now doesn't let anything get close to me at all - snipe, that cone one (barrage?) slows them down, volley, then spamming the cone one and sometimes upgraded scattershot if they get too close, and that keeps them in the volley aoe until they die. I do more damage with my daggers (haven't looked into the other weapons yet, I'll keep in mind your comments about maces for the future though) than my bow, but I only go in if something is a) being stubborn and is taking too long to die, or b) refuses to be snared. That said, I'm over-levelled, so... I still had a hairy moment against one of the public dungeon bosses yesterday (my own fault for not opening as I should have).

Honestly, I find builds far easier in The Secret World where everyone goes on about how it's really difficult to understand, but it isn't at all! It's just different. There are no classes, you can learn any skill you want, use any weapon you want (like in this), and by the end you'll probably know every skill in the game. You wield 2 weapons at a time (like this) but you get one bar of 7 (later 8) actives to share amongst both weapons, and a bar of 7 (later 8) passives to slot to accompany them. You can slot any passive from any weapon line at any time regardless of the weapons you're using (unless it says it only applies when using x weapon). The power of any build comes from its passives, and the synergy you create. So if you've decided you'll use a blade because it looks cool, you look at the blade's actives, look for the status effects it can use, and then search all the passives in the game for references to those status effects and build something that has good synergy, and pick a second weapon that can compliment it. So you can find a passive that applies affliction when you penetrate using one of the blade's skills, and from there you need to do 2 things: 1) find another skill that exploits the affliction status to get maximum utility from it (for example: x skill does y damage and also applies impaired if target is afflicted); and 2) find a way to reliably penetrate. Then of course you need to find something that exploits impaired. You end up having this big web of information that's looping back in on itself as you make connections between skills and passives and build something in 14 (later 15) slots that works incredibly efficiently.

But in ESO, for one you need an external site to look at what all the morphs are so you can plan ahead, which is annoying. My brain also doesn't seem to gel as well with what I need to take into account to find those synergies. Trying to decide on a weapon (never mind two of them) is hellish. I really don't like the feel of the staff combat for some reason, it feels really underwhelming, but that automatically biases me against using them. I need to rectify that. Hell, the time I've spent thinking about race, class and weapon combos - before I even get into the nitty gritty of attribute distribution, or which class lines - is ridiculous. It's all just a muddle in my head. I hate not being able to get it straight.

I have a level 4 Khajiit sorcerer with a bow sitting on my account and I can't for the life of me remember why I went with that combo.

Used to be a bow was great with sorcerer (I have a level 8 altmer bow sorcerer sitting there too), and with templar (likewise, level 8 bowplar sat in the DC). I get the impression that's not so much the case now though. idk. Coming back after many, many incremental re-balances is tough! I'll get the hang of it in time though.

I need to upgrade my gear. I'm nearly lvl29 in 20-24 gear, but that's been fine because I've been taking my time finishing Grahtwood. I popped into the next zone last night, and will spend some time foraging to make a new set. I've got some Viper's Sting stuff that I found and bought, and some Torug's Pact stuff because it's one of the first unique crafting stations I came across. I should go back to that stealthy nightblady place in Auridon to craft some stuff there to make up for what I'll be losing in Viper's gear when I upgrade.

For all my pontificating though, I'm just enjoying riding around on my tiger and looking at all the pretty scenery and listening to the quest givers and promising myself I'll read the lore books only to close them immediately because there's this Thing I Have To Do Right Now and maybe I'll come back to it later.
Epona thought I'd ask you since you're more likely to know (and I can't find anything online): when I logged in for the first time in months there was a mail waiting for me from someone I don't know. No message, no subject line, but 5 or 6 VR 15 weapons attached. Now, it's not that I'm not grateful for this unexpected windfall, but I want to know if there's some kind of scam going around getting people to reply or take attachments or whatever.

In the spirit of comradeship I was going to mail them to ask if it was intended or a mistake on their behalf and if they want it back, but I won't do that if there's some kind of nefarious bot scam I don't know about...
I can't get greymind's quick slot bar to work. I set it up, assign keybinds, have my stuff in the relevant slot, but when I click that keybind it simply highlights it, or selects it, on the bar but won't actually use it.

I'm uninstalling for now and will see if I can use the one in advanced ui.
No, I can't get that to register my keybinds either.

What might I be doing wrong? Any ideas?

The keybinds I assigned are showing in the bar, the items are showing in the bar, but when I go to use them nothing happens.
OK - lot of posts since I last looked, first thing first - Greymind's Quickslot Bar - you can hotkey your consumables, but you still need to hit Q to actually use them. So like I have health pots on F1, Magicka Pots on F2, Stam pots on F3, Tripots on F4, Food on F6 - I hit F1 to select the health pot, but still need to hit Q to actually take the pot. The quickbar doesn't make you auto-glug potions, it's just an easier alternative to the horrible radial menu as to what is currently going to happen if you press Q.
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