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Elder Scrolls: Online

:D I actually really enjoy running trading guilds tbh - but it is far easier to run the one I took over lock stock and barrel because I can make decisions autonomously. The guild where I am one of a triumvirate of leaders is more difficult, it is just slower to get anything done or any decisions made, I can't just make a decision and go with it, I have to run it by the other leaders. I still have to do most of the work, but with no remit to just go ahead and do stuff.
After none of the other 2 'triumvirate' guild leaders had shown up in game for nearly a month I tracked them down on Steam and with their agreement have merged that guild into my guild, making the entire thing far more manageable.

If anyone ends up on the PC NA server and needs a trading guild, send me an in-game mail (@Epona222) if you want to join Ghost Sea Trading Co. One consolidated guild, bigger and better than ever.
I've tried really really hard to love this game and today just realized, I shouldn't be having to try.

I realise why it hasn't made me fall in love with it like Skyrim did.

It doesn't feel open world. Skyrim felt huge, you could travel anywhere and find something to do at almost any time.
ESO is compartmented into a linear pathway. Do this area, now this area, now this area. Once you've grown out of an area there really is little point in traveling back there ever again.
I've tried really really hard to love this game and today just realized, I shouldn't be having to try.

I realise why it hasn't made me fall in love with it like Skyrim did.

It doesn't feel open world. Skyrim felt huge, you could travel anywhere and find something to do at almost any time.
ESO is compartmented into a linear pathway. Do this area, now this area, now this area. Once you've grown out of an area there really is little point in traveling back there ever again.

Yeah it is very much it's own beast - more like a chapter RPG than a single player TES game.
Although I love the game and play it every day and run a guild, I think Zenimax kind of shot themselves in the foot by making it cater too much to existing MMO players and the type of loot grind they want, and not enough to TES fans who wanted more of an open world "TES with friends". I think the latter would have been more popular - that is what TES fans wanted when they asked for a multiplayer game.

The game is still doing well (it was never doing badly, it went B2P because of getting it onto the XBox because MS would not waive the XBL fee for players, not because it was failing on PC), but it has never quite managed to fully meet the expectations of either MMO fans, or TES fans.

Even so, I personally get a huge amount of enjoyment from it, but I accept it is not for everyone.
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I have unexpectedly found myself on the player committee that regularly has voip meetings with Zenimax to give feedback and suggestions. Not sure quite what to make of that, but there you go.
Anyone playing this on PS4?? Im level 9 know, still in Stonesfall. Don't seem to been many other players around
Orsinium DLC announced - 2nd Nov PC/Mac (which will technically mean 3rd Nov for EU server), 17th Nov XBox, 18th Nov PS4. Free access to subscribers, or 3000 crowns.

Really looking forward to this one, it's more geared around solo/small group, and any character can play it, will be levelled to the zone. Repeatable content in the form of a single-player arena, similar to DSA (several levels, 2 difficulty modes, leaderboards with rewards) but for solo rather than group.

Also a base game patch that introduces many changes, but most exciting is the ability to group with members of other alliances for dungeons - should make it a lot easier to find a group, and make cross-faction PvE guilds more workable.

Elder Scrolls Online
I should still have the account I set up to beta test. I'll join the NA server. Will be interesting to do some guild stuff. Not seriously been in a guild since KOL
I should still have the account I set up to beta test. I'll join the NA server. Will be interesting to do some guild stuff. Not seriously been in a guild since KOL

Brilliant, let me know when you are set up and I'll add you and invite you to my trading guild. I also sort of run a play guild but it is all but defunct, I suppose I should try to give it a bit of CPR.
Also can help out with any crafting/gear/consumables you need.
I'd be interested to see how crafting goes in eso
I gave it a fair try in guild wars 2 and dabbled in other mmos but it often seemed like a time and money sink. Maybe more of an endgame thing. On the other hand love crafting in skyrim.
From what I remember (and it's been a long while since I played, and things have probably changed since then) crafting in ESO was a lot less hassle and more enjoyable than in GW2. You quickly got to a point in GW2 where it became difficult, but I don't remember it being so in ESO. But then I didn't reach a massively high level.
I'd be interested to see how crafting goes in eso
I gave it a fair try in guild wars 2 and dabbled in other mmos but it often seemed like a time and money sink. Maybe more of an endgame thing. On the other hand love crafting in skyrim.

Crafting in ESO is pretty fun, everyone can do the basics, but it takes a bit of time (researching traits) and some skill points dropped into the craft skill line(s) to be good at it. But that is time in terms of you set off some research and it takes x amount of hours or days (and time you are logged out counts, the timer doesn't stop when you go to bed) to complete, not hours spent at a crafting bench.

The only slightly painful thing is rarity and difficulty of collecting some of the rare styles to learn, but that's cosmetic rather than functional.
Shippy, I tried sending you a friend invite in advance, but it wouldn't let me, you probably need to activate the game on your account before I can do that - either add me when you get in game (@Epona222) or give me a shout here and I'll try again.

Edit: probably should have said, my trade guild is cross-faction; the play guild I have inherited and am trying to resuscitate is EP.
Looks like i can download and install off my old beta account.
I wonder if it will let me in on that...

If you were emailed a code to activate your account then it will - if the code is coming with the game shipment then you will still have to wait for that, but you can get the game downloaded and ready on your existing account - just make sure in the client you have selected NA server BEFORE starting the download, because stupidly it is not 1 install for all servers.
selected NA. Unfortunately don't have the code yet. The game was actually only £18.74. However although it was posted yestertday it has an estimated arrival of 15th-24th
booo hisss.

Still better than paying £50 for the digital version. Madness in the pricing there.
That is something of a bargain, probably worth waiting for it rather than paying full price!
Yeah. If it was only 5 or 10 pounds difference and I was working I may well have splurged but under half price while I'm back on the dole? no choice.
OK so I'm now hitting about the point I made it to in the beta. Must of the stuff seems very similar. Although i feel they may have made some sections a little easier.

Trying to find what combat suits me best. I do like the idea of archery but skyrim has me spoiled. I was so badass ninja in that this can help feel like a clunky mess. Doing a bit of dual daggering which is fun. Ideally i'd fire off a shot or two on my bow then switch for close quaters but not worked out if there is a quick switch yet.

Also got a few crowns to increase my bag space. I always buy more bag space in MMOs
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