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Elder Scrolls: Online

Oh also on the NA server I just blasted through Fungal Grotto/Banished Cells/Spindleclutch with some guildmembers, it was great fun, if anyone still has to do these on the EU server we could get together and have a bash at it perhaps?
Right I am trying to get rid off stuff I don't need.
Giving this stuff away free on EU server.
Argonian motif book
Shadows Embrace medium armour chest piece - I have 2 of these, 1 level 16 and 1 level 17, unused so no problem to give to another player.
I wouldn't mind the Argonian motif book if that's okay (id sdunne).

If you mean the Embrace of Shadows (i.e. the chest from the Shrouded Armour set) then I'm good thanks, got drops of the other 3 pieces so my NB archer already has the full set bonus until he grows out of it on the next ding.
I wouldn't mind the Argonian motif book if that's okay (id sdunne).

If you mean the Embrace of Shadows (i.e. the chest from the Shrouded Armour set) then I'm good thanks, got drops of the other 3 pieces so my NB archer already has the full set bonus until he grows out of it on the next ding.

Cool, I still have the motif - PM me your username or character name so I can send it to you.
I hope there are going to be some fixes for bugged Nightblade skills in the next patch. I have put aside my NBs for the time being, and created a sword & board DK in heavy armour - pretty much steamrollering over everything I found difficult with NB.
Is anyone else still playing? :confused:

I'm really loving my DK tank/dps build (Sword & Board + 2-Handed). A few issues with forced soloing of certain MQ/NPC Guild bosses because I have little ranged capability, I'm currently working on getting bow levelled up a bit so that I can switch to it when kiting something solo may be of benefit! (Had trouble with Doshia for the first time in ages because it's just more difficult to get the healing bubbles with a pure melee build). It's taking me a little time to get used to the fact that when there are a few people hanging around near an open world boss or dark anchor that everone's waiting for me to start the fight, I'm more used to sneaking in the background until someone else has got the attention of the mobs then sniping/flanking. I'll get used to it though, and it's fun :)
Is anyone else still playing? :confused:
Very occasionally - still playing a lot of EVE Online instead.

The most annoying thing about ESO is still the vast numbers of people all doing the same thing wherever you go - it's silly to find 30 people all putting out the same three fires or rescuing the same five injured priests. I thought it might have stopped being such an issue after the first couple of weeks.
I played for a month and stopped, although I still have my sub going I think (well, I didn't cancel it so I assume it's still going). I keep meaning to go back. I like what I heard from this month's 'the road ahead' and about update 3. I probably will go back to it once that hits the ground (it's starting to roll out on the pts I think), and will likely start over with a new character (I have a hard time picking up where I left off). Seems like they might have nerfed dragonknights a bit too much, they're still looking at balancing templars, and are on a long-term project of bringing nightblades up to spec. I don't know if they've dealt with the evil sorcerer vampire bat swarm of doom problem or not - I've barely looked at reddit or any other news.

I really liked it, but I did find that when I got past Auridon and to the next area I felt a bit overwhelmed. I think if I had a person to play with it'd be a bit better, but I'd start to feel stressed and under quite a bit of pressure to play the way they like to play - whereas I'm quite a dawdly, meandering player, I can backtrack over the same area countless times just for the heck of it rather than having a goal in mind and trying to get X amount done.

Another thing that made me feel overwhelmed was I let myself get sucked in with the idea of ideal builds again. I told myself not to, but I always end up thinking, "what should I take next? What should my 2nd weapon be? What if I don't like it? Should I be doing something different? Am I going to be ineffective? ARRGGGHHHHHH!" which is ridiculous but I can't seem to shift it. I never wanted to become a vamp/werewolf so some of the most interesting sounding builds were never going to quite fit with how I wanted to play. When the next update drops I might spend some time looking at various builds and see if I can't find something I like.
I played for a month and stopped, although I still have my sub going I think (well, I didn't cancel it so I assume it's still going). I keep meaning to go back. I like what I heard from this month's 'the road ahead' and about update 3. I probably will go back to it once that hits the ground (it's starting to roll out on the pts I think), and will likely start over with a new character (I have a hard time picking up where I left off). Seems like they might have nerfed dragonknights a bit too much, they're still looking at balancing templars, and are on a long-term project of bringing nightblades up to spec. I don't know if they've dealt with the evil sorcerer vampire bat swarm of doom problem or not - I've barely looked at reddit or any other news.

I really liked it, but I did find that when I got past Auridon and to the next area I felt a bit overwhelmed. I think if I had a person to play with it'd be a bit better, but I'd start to feel stressed and under quite a bit of pressure to play the way they like to play - whereas I'm quite a dawdly, meandering player, I can backtrack over the same area countless times just for the heck of it rather than having a goal in mind and trying to get X amount done.

Another thing that made me feel overwhelmed was I let myself get sucked in with the idea of ideal builds again. I told myself not to, but I always end up thinking, "what should I take next? What should my 2nd weapon be? What if I don't like it? Should I be doing something different? Am I going to be ineffective? ARRGGGHHHHHH!" which is ridiculous but I can't seem to shift it. I never wanted to become a vamp/werewolf so some of the most interesting sounding builds were never going to quite fit with how I wanted to play. When the next update drops I might spend some time looking at various builds and see if I can't find something I like.

Don't go there on the ideal builds - it's only important if you are doing VR trials, and there's plenty of time to level up any skills you want in preparation, and things may still change anyway (my main is a 2H DK wearing heavy, but I have 1 medium and 1 light slot used, and I equip other weapons when turning in quests to level them up so I am multi-purpose and flexible no matter what lies ahead - I have several weapon skills at about the same level as a result - Oh and I can largely plough through quest content if use a bit of nouse, even if I'm a bit underlevelled).

If you want someone to play/group with, I will do that willingly as far as the phasing allows, I would actually really enjoy having someone to group with and have missed out on some of the public and group dungeons due to me just being a bit unsociable - I'm dawdly and meandering too, it would be refreshing to play with someone who actually wants to stop for a minute to read a book!

(Oh and DKs have not been nerfed into oblivion at all, people whining about that are just those who are upset that they can no longer unendingly pwn (ie bash-spam) everyone in PvP)
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Oh Vintage Paw - just to add - yeah when you first get to Grahtwood it can seem a bit daunting as there is a definite difficulty spike when you first get to a new zone, especially the second main zone as facing 3 enemies in a normal group becomes the norm, and that can be tough to adjust to at first, you start really needing to have some aoe abilities, cc, splash damage, and have something in the way of buffs/healing, and concentrate on gaining ultimate so you can use whichever flavour of whizz-bang you prefer to use to turn a fight in your favour. There's a similar difficulty spike at the beginning of zone 3 when most mob groups start to have a healer as standard, it took me a couple of deaths to realise that there were now enemy healers involved and to adjust my tactics to take them into account!

I did mean it when I said I would group with you btw - I'd be more than happy to either group with one of my existing characters for delves/group dungeons, or to start a new character and quest together as a team from the get go, whichever you would prefer. The only stuff in the game that it is impossible to group for are the main quest, and the fighters and mages guild quests, everything else including most zone bosses are instanced to either solo or group, depending upon whether you are grouped when you enter the area. Apart from my regular Friday night guild events, I have been mostly playing solo (with occasional ad-hoc groupings for specific quests or dark anchors), I do feel I have missed out on some of the more social aspects of the game and certainly wouldn't say no to experiencing the game with another player :)
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That's good to know. What kind of guild are you in on the EU server? I liked the reddit guild, and we had some great pvp events (hunting skyshards, coordinating with bigger 'professional' guilds in strategic battles, etc) and there seemed to be a lot of friendly people there, but I've been away from it for a while now and I don't know how it is now.
I've been a bit crap at finding a guild that suits on the EU server tbh. I'm in a small DC guild, but they don't have any events and the problem I found is that because I am never in a rush to do stuff, it takes me aaaaaages to level up and progress through the game, they'd all hit veteran levels while I was still pissing about (in "oooh, I wonder what's over that hill" mode) in Glenumbra. :oops: So if I want help with anything, it's usually more effective for me to ask in one of the trading guilds as they are large and it's just more likely that there will be someone about with a similar level character.

I am sure if I asked around I'd be able to find something. The US guild I am in was formed out of the Sanguine beta test group on the official forum during beta, they were planning to set up an EU branch but unfortunately there wasn't sufficient interest (as most members were in the US/Canada) to make it viable.
Jerissa with pig (I keep getting stopped by people asking about the pig, I'll go into a city and the local chat changes to stuff like "wth, is that a pig? where did that come from?") :

Jakes has developed a habit of plonking his big fat feline arse down in the middle of the mousemat every time I have a hard battle to get through.
Every time, without fail.
Should be back up in a few hours - can't wait to see if the move makes everything just that bit more quick to respond, I'm playing melee currently and sometimes block/interrupt/dodge are a teensy bit slow to react, hopefully the move and subsequent better ping will fix this.

Vintage Paw - I hope you come back, there have already been a huge amount of improvements (and I've not seen a bot in weeks), update 3 is planned for release soon, and I'd like someone to play the game with who already seems like a friend of sorts, iykwim.
I do plan on returning. I'm excited by update 3, it does sound like there have been a lot of interesting improvements.

In terms of playing together, I tend to be a loner of sorts, in that when I'm just exploring, doing normal quest content and so on, I tend to prefer to be on my own because otherwise I start to feel obligated to do things in certain ways, feel under a bit of pressure to not stand in the same area killing mudcrabs for 20 minutes, not make that 30 minute detour around the coast because I feel like taking in the sights, and so on. I know that's probably unwarranted pressure, because I know you like to take it slow too! I think in terms of grouping up I feel more comfortable doing so for specific things, like a public dungeon, a private dungeon, a roam through Cyrodiil hunting skyshards, completing quests or jumping into an ongoing siege, etc. I think I'm a single-player style player first, mostly because of my social awkwardness and crushing feelings of guilt, politeness and worries about not annoying people. The bottom line I guess is that I tend to not enjoy myself as much if I'm grouped with someone for no particular reason other than just 'playing the game'. Does that make sense?

That said, there's plenty of group content or content where being in a pair or with a few others is positively advantageous - such as heading into Cyrodiil with specific goals - that I'd definitely appreciate having a friendly face to do that with. And I expect once I got the hang of playing with someone else in those situations I'd feel more confident and comfortable more generally.

But certainly knowing someone was in the game to chat to while I was as well is something I very much like - even if I'm off on my lonesome doing whatever.

I don't know if something like that is workable for you, or if you were looking for someone to actively play with and level with.

I was chatting to someone from the reddit group and he would always message me when we were both online. It was nice to have someone to chat to. At one point I mentioned I was thinking of making a sorcerer, and he said he wanted to make a new character in the same faction, and from that point onwards he kept pestering me, asking if I'd made it yet, so we could level together. I felt a bit penned in, and despite saying that I level really slowly and I like to spend hours and hours just wandering around, backtracking, not caring about getting to the next level, etc., and that not really being his style, he kept on about it. I'm not very good at saying, "No, I don't want to," to people I don't know, particularly in situations like that because I know from past experience what a drain getting abuse that stems from entitlement is - so I try to be diplomatic and ease myself away from it. It was such a pain.

Not that you'd give that abuse! It's a totally different power dynamic at play there, as I'm sure you're aware. It just sprang into my mind because I mentioned levelling together.
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No that's cool, I find myself pissing about solo a lot of the time and I like that (I don't like the pressure either, I was on the NA server today and I said thanks to someone who healed me and they immediately wanted to pair up and go rip through some quests and that doesn't really suit me), it's more about having someone to do the group stuff with (world bosses, group dungeons, dark anchors etc, or sometimes get help on stuff that is difficult, but that allows grouping). It would be cool to know someone with a similar level character to do that stuff with. And chat with :) And sometimes hang out catching mudcrabs :)
That sounds good :)

I'm in the middle of a massive work thing atm, so I won't be back before I finish that (probably a week or so), and once I'm back I don't know how invested I'll be, how much time I'll spend in there, but certainly I do want to get back into it to some degree - I really liked it :)
That sounds good :)

I'm in the middle of a massive work thing atm, so I won't be back before I finish that (probably a week or so), and once I'm back I don't know how invested I'll be, how much time I'll spend in there, but certainly I do want to get back into it to some degree - I really liked it :)

Great, it will be good to see you back :)
I'm holding off getting into veteran content because the leveling and reward thing is being changed (and I like the sound of the changes more than I like the sound of it at present) so I expect I will put my current characters (who are currently lvl 40+) on hold once they hit 50 and start some new ones until they have reworked the vet stuff.

I've always been like this with games - I can happily play the same content over and over, it never seems to lose its shine for me. DK is my favourite class so far, but I may try out a sorc or a templar. I didn't like templar in beta, but I think it's been tweaked a bit since then. I'd like to see how one does in the early game.

In terms of addons, my current favourites are Greymists Quickslot bar (which allows you to hotkey consumables), and Wykkid's Outfitter (requires Wykkid's Framework, and allows you to hotkey gear and skill sets - so I can change gear and hotbars with a keypress - absolutely invaluable, and saves me spending several minutes pissing about in my skills menu when I enter a dungeon with daedra or something that would benefit from a different hotbar lineup to my usual).
I've been busy, but have tried a bit of play since the EU server migration - the job's a good'un, I no longer get the awful lag I used to get when using my abilities. That's kind of important in a game with action style combat!

So yeah it seems to have gone well - I don't appear to have lost anything, and combat works better. If only they'd put the EU servers in place before release!

Edit: My ping to Frankfurt is 21 ms. Big improvement :) :)
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Update 3 hits the US server in the small hours (for them) on Monday, which means we'll get it on the EU server in the small hours (for us) on Tuesday.

The dye stations are going to be crowded!

Also respecs available at 1g per skill (and I think it will also be possible to just change morphs), so if you made a mistake or want to try a different build, get to a respec shrine after the update!
I've been looking forward to the dyes. I don't care about fancy colours, just the opportunity to be able to have all items matching if you pick up stuff that's better you've crafted but doesn't fit your set.

Those respecs, are they always going to be 1g/skill or is it a limited thing because of the update? I'm still busy with work, so I really won't have time to for a little while yet.
I've been looking forward to the dyes. I don't care about fancy colours, just the opportunity to be able to have all items matching if you pick up stuff that's better you've crafted but doesn't fit your set.

Those respecs, are they always going to be 1g/skill or is it a limited thing because of the update? I'm still busy with work, so I really won't have time to for a little while yet.

I don't know whether the cheap respec is permanent or for a limited time - I'll try to find out and let you know. If it's limited then all you need to do is travel to the city with the respec shrine and select the option to reset all skillpoints, you can then come back and reallocate them later at your leisure when you have more time, doing it that way will only take a few minutes at most (if you haven't got to those cities yet, I have a character in each faction who can go there, so let me know if you need to hop on quickly to do it and I can put a character in place for you to use "travel to player" to get to the shrine in each faction quickly). I'll try to find out whether it is for limited time only.

I've just looted 2 purple items at lvl 21 on a guild event in Cyrodil (no pvp, we were in a low population campaign doing dungeons and getting skyshards), the earliest I've seen a purple on any other character is lvl 35+ so I was very excited to get those items! Also really happy with my DK build, I switched between 2H dps and heals and was very happy with the way it went. The only time it went tits up was when we got a bit bold and decided to capture a scroll, a fair few of us died a fair few times to the NPC defence. Probably needs more than 8 people (half of whom were under lvl 50).
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