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Elder Scrolls: Online

I'm getting fibre optic connection on Friday, quite excited :) Of course it will probably mean that I am offline for a few hours :(
Oh god - in Stonefalls (EP) and on the quest to help Bala find her dead lover.
Is there actually any good outcome possible?

On a previous character, I told Bala the truth that she had been deceived which seems like the right thing for a good aligned character (LG in D&D terms) even if it will hurt her in the short term, and later came across her dead body because she'd killed herself and her ghost, eternally stuck on this realm because she couldn't let go, it's quite horrible :( :( :(

I mean on the other hand, I want to give her a good talking to and tell her not to get so hung up on a bloke that it ruins your eternal happiness, but still....
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Would you look at that, the patch today updated the version number to what it should be!

I feel like this is a breakthrough, people. Not having the correct version number was, like, totally game-breaking.
Ermahgerd. Someone fiddled with SweetFX 1.5 to get it to work in ESO without the need for RadeonPro (as had been the case previously).

All my game time is now being spent creating a preset for it ^^




I'm seeing a lot of negativity toward this; is it justified?

I don't think so, but it depends on your outlook really.

Many of the negative articles I've read tend to get many things outright wrong. Not just 'difference of opinion' wrong, but 'might as well be completely lying' wrong. At the same time, there's no denying there have been problems.

There was a bank bug, which meant that a small number of people lots any bank upgrades they had purchased. It took them a while to fix it (by a while I mean 2 weeks - 2 weeks at the launch of an MMO is, I'm learning, the equivalent to infinityx12 to many people). There are many, many gold farming bots who will ruin your day when you're trying to get credit for killing a dungeon boss - could that not be spun as the sign of a successful MMO launch though? We could spin it many ways. There have been 2 duping exploits so far, both have been fixed. According to some, they have broken the game beyond recognition and it will never come back from it and the sky fell and killed everyone along the way. Neither dupe has altered the game in any way whatsoever for me. There are some quests that seem to break rather easily, with NPCs not spawning correctly or failing to let you interact with them when you need to. This is the biggest problem, imo. Some can be fixed by simply relogging, because you'll likely be put in a different 'phase' when you return, where the quest won't be bugged. But some don't seem to be fixed that easily, and require intervention from the devs. Again, 2 weeks is literally the longest time ever, and so not all of them have been fixed yet (although many have) and there are still some people who are having problems progressing from one area to another. Load times can be long when entering Cyrodiil, although I hear that lowering your graphics before entering can help that. I've only had problems getting into Cyrodiil when I was already in a large group. Alt+F4 and a relog solved it.

The people who are getting on with playing the game pretty much all love the game. There are some annoyances, but it's the minority who are encountering them. It's a strange old thing though. It seems to have spawned the kind of community buzz around it whereby everything is blown out of all proportion (fancy that), but what is happening is that because of the sheer scale of the game (and it is huge), reviewers aren't able to experience it all before they write their review and they're falling back on what they've read on forums and the various controversies on them in order to inform their opinion in their reviews. Personally,I think that's really fucked up - but it's easy to spot that it's happening. I spend a lot of time browsing the eso subreddit, which due to its nature references a lot of what happens on other forums and websites as well. What so many people get up in arms about is stuff I've almost never experienced myself - and neither have the majority of people I speak to in game either, and certainly not in the massive game breaking doom the end of the world is nigh this game will fail in a month kind of way. But those things end up informing large parts of some of these negative reviews. It's very peculiar.

I'd expect if you've been reading about the game, it's difficult to go in without any preformed ideas and expectations. But I'd suggest doing just that, if you were to buy the game. I love it. Questing is about as good as I can imagine it being in an MMO without them spending 10 times as more than they did. They've put a lot of effort into the stories - and I'd go as far as to say they are richer and have more depth than your average TES story quest. You never do anything for no reason. And when you are on quests, there will be notes, books, NPCs to talk to, all giving you as much backstory and lore as you could ever desire. All of that is optional of course, if you don't give a shit about that sort of thing. You can race to 50 (which, actually, is only the first 1/3 of the PvE side of the game) and do little exploration and have a great time. Or you can slow the fuck down, explore every inch of coast and forest and lava field and rocky outcrop, read every book, hunt every skyshard and lorebook, kill every enemy, delve every dungeon, gather each achievement, gather materials for crafting... and just enjoy the journey. You can go into Cyrodiil (PvP) and join a large group and go and help bring down an enemy army and take their keeps, or defend your own. Or you can sneak off alone, deep into enemy territory, and scout out their resources, find random dungeons where you have to kill the NPCs while being mindful of enemy players you might encounter doing the same, you can camp out in quest hub villages and snipe enemy players as they unwittingly stumble along, you can join up with a smaller group and go skyshard hunting or sneakily stalk the enemy as they resupply fresh troops to a nearby siege, ganking them and hampering their war effort. You can do it all in the same night if you want.

I'm smitten by the game. There are problems, but aren't there always? I'd recommend if you get the game that you spend more time playing it than you do worrying about how other people play it.
Pretty much what Vintage Paw said.

A few initial problems that as per usual on the internet get blown out of all proportion by a vocal few (not saying that there aren't some small annoyances in terms of bugs and phasing glitches and bots camping but it's early days), whilst the rest of us just get on and enjoy the game.

Absolutely love the quests, they are in a lot of ways at least as good and in many cases better than TES quests, they all have a story and a purpose that fits together and are quite varied (and there are bloody tons of them). They've done a great job with lore and story. Much of the voice acting is great, the graphics and effects are great if you can run it on a high setting, the combat is fun and there are some really challenging moments. Exploration is just lovely, plenty to see, plenty of stuff to collect, and you never know what you might run into around the corner so there's a sense of danger if you're exploring somewhere new or above your level. Crafting is great. PvP has plenty to do.

Not sure what else to say really, I absolutely love the game, worth every penny.
My interwebs is back! Quick and painless install :)

I just had the most awesome time - I was waiting for a world boss to spawn and there were a couple of other characters there RPing, I joined in and traveled with them for a while hunting monsters in Glenumbra. SO glad to see that I haven't completely lost my RP mojo after all, that gave me a lot of confidence about joining in more :oops: :D

(Actually I've seen a lot of random role-play going on over the last couple of days on the EU server)
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Just had a conversation with some guildmates in a trading guild on the US server, apparently NB with resto staff is the way to go (if you are playing NB that is) - heavy attacks with the staff refill some of your magicka so you can keep going with soul shred to heal as well as getting some healing (and healing allies) with the resto staff skills. Sounds like win/win to me, I am nearly at lvl 15 with one of my NBs so will try it out as 2nd weapon and see how it goes.

(Edit: I am not playing at the moment because I have become fascinated with the fact that I can download a TV show in the time it takes me to get a beer from the fridge)
I have a restoration staff that I've been using in PvP to fill in the gaps. Tbh though I'm just really happy with the bow so I've not really been thinking too hard about a 2nd weapon. It seems NB can make great healers or tanks, but can be seen as a little bit mediocre for what you'd actually expect them to be - rogues. Most of their skills and passives aren't working as intended at the moment, so I'd expect little fixes and buffs to them over time.

I also expect vampire to be nerfed at some point. They are untouchable in PvP (yes, even with fighter's guild abilities). There's some footage somewhere of a vampire empress who lasted, alone, in the midst of an almost endless supply of enemy players, and her health barely moved an inch. They eventually got her down, but it was 50v1, actually probably more in total.

I'm not too bothered about specific builds really. I just want to play in a way that feels satisfying.
Yep I agree, just having fun playing is the most important part :) However as I do a lot solo (and am still a bit crap - less crap than I was, but even so... the tortoise I had as a kid had faster reactions than I do!) survivability is a big thing for me with any character.

I am finding that my supposed rogue dps build is doing far less punch than I'd like, it's not so much glass cannon as glass bb gun, and my CC is non-existant (which is why I sneak a lot). You know that moment when you think 'I might be doing this wrong'. :oops: So I'm pleased (in some way, at least!) to hear that some of the skills actually aren't working, hopefully that will be fixed soon! Otherwise I might just slap on a full suit of heavy armour (which is the way I was leaning during beta) with magicka and stamina enchants. As it happens, I am due for some new armour so might give that a go for a while.

And yes I have heard some horrifying stories about vampires taking out entire armies solo, I imagine that will be 're-balanced' at some point because it sounds extremely OP at the moment.

Edit: Oh I finally managed to beat Faolchu with my DC character, the first time I tried it there were no fire animations appearing, if that happens that fight is in the range from difficult to impossible. I retried it and this time the fire animations happened and it was a piece of piss. I suffer from the low fps and rendering issues plaguing high-end nVidia users :( hopefully it will be fixed soon, or gfx drivers will be released that will help sort out the issue. (I also failed the 'run around the island' quest off the coast of Auridon several times because the glow effect that you have to run towards was taking too long to show up)
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Tip - do not leave your non-ESO-or-any-other-RPG-playing OH/partner/spouse in charge of your character in a public dungeon while you spend 30 seconds in the kitchen turning sausages in the pan.
Left my poor character in a (relatively) safe spot, telling OH to keep an eye on her and call me if anything started happening. Came back to find utter mayhem because my character had "somehow" :rolleyes: fallen off the scaffold and ended up in the middle of a major battle, low health and screen flashing red, OH frantically scrolling the mouse wheel to (in his words) "find a better weapon" (he plays a lot of FPS games where that is a common keybinding for switching through all available weapons. I did ask him whether he managed to find the rocket launcher :D )

Love him dearly, but next time he is going to the kitchen to turn the sausages.
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Late Sat night/early Sun morning I did a guild skyshard hunt/Cyrodil PvE questing on the NA server.
It was a bit epic and memorable and great fun.
We picked a low population campaign because our aim was PvE, but I still feel sorry for the poor player from another alliance who was solo sneaking up to one cave entrance as I came out of the cave. I think s/he'd been trying to sneak behind the bulk of our group as they were engaged with hostile NPCs outside the cave, but I was coming out of the cave a bit behind most of them as I'd got bugged and had to relog - we met at the cave entrance with another 2 from our group (who had waited for me to relog and assist the way out of the cave while the others cleared the entrance - at lvl 15 I was the lowest level character in the group!) behind me, I could hear a distant "oh shit" uttered from across the Atlantic... poor sod.
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I was intrested to see the negative reviews. just saw angry joes one in which he says it's got a lot of problems especially in how it instances groups.

note: he doesn't say it's terrible just painfully average overall and a big disappointment when compared to skyrim especially given the price point and very odd mechanics.
To be fair, Angry Joe has usually been and usually always will be a complete tit. I much preferred the "Zero Punctuation" bad review, at least it was funny.
Loving the bank/mule alt character names that I am seeing around banks. Argonians seem to be popular for some reason. "Holds-Several-Items" became an instant favourite of mine when I saw him at the bank, rummaging in his backpack. (I admit to being a bit pissed off that I didn't think of it first!)
Sorry I've gone a bit quiet on the ESO front - I got back into EVE Online last week, so that's been taking up all my spare time, especially as ESO seemed to be fighting with bugs and bots, I thought I'd leave it for a while and let it settle down.
That's fair enough. I had a few days of radio silence too. I seem to like the game more when I don't spend all day/night playing it.

And I'm fighting an internal battle with the ridiculous part of me that wants to embark on a complete reinstall of Skyrim and all the mods. No. I will not do it!
I've been setting myself to appear offline when I'm questing, so it probably doesn't look as though I've been around much - just because I'm questing doesn't mean I won't join in with our little guild chat if there's any going on, just that one of the guilds I belong to is quite zealous about organising me into doing things, went through a couple of days when I couldn't get much done, they'd be assigning me to a group the second I logged on - that's fine some of the time and they are a nice bunch, but I also need some time to myself :oops: Also I turned off the EU RP guild chat because over the last week, they spoiled the main plot for me, AND Game of Thrones before I'd had a chance to see it!

An AMA on reddit with the development team atm.

True fullscreen is coming in the big content patch 1.1.

They are introducing a Guild Kiosk system. In major cities there will be a kiosk. Guilds 'bid' for it, and the highest bidder gets to set up shop there for a week, and anyone in that city can access that guild store. I think that's an absolutely great idea. I'm not certain that the PvP keep guild store system has been used at all, to be honest. Everyone can get what they need by playing the game, and when you're in Cyrodiil you are generally killing things or exploring - I haven't heard of a single person heading to a keep specifically to look at the guild store. That's not to say it doesn't happen if you are in a particular keep, but I get the feeling it's a feature that isn't working quite as well as they perhaps intended. But, it's still early days.

Armour dyes!!!!!!! Very happy :D

I asked about when they plan to move the EU server. Matt Frior said they are waiting until they've got goldselling bots under control with a reliable method of keeping them at bay, as well as properly sorting out issues with server load, lag, etc. Once that's all settled down, they'll be looking at moving it, but he said they're reassessing it constantly.

Lots of interesting things ahead.
All sounds like good news! Thanks for posting the info :) To be fair, over the last few days they have been going nuts on bots, with in-game gamemasters taking reports of bots via /tell and insta-killing them with an unresistable magic blast - in the last couple of days I've been through a few dungeons and sometimes found myself fighting the boss alone - getting the cleared achievement and loot first try is a nice change!

I wish I could work out why I find some boss fights so much harder than others. I just finished up the Auridon faction quest at level 16 (I still have some side quests in the zone to do) first try, without breaking into a sweat, the fight at the end was a piece of piss. Glenumbra with another character (pretty much the same spec and abilities) I died 5 times to the boss fight at the end of the zone at level 18 and STILL haven't managed to beat the bloody thing. There is obviously something that just doesn't click in my brain about certain boss mechanics.

EDIT: Hopefully true fullscreen will sort out a lot of performance issues. I hope. I am lucky if I get 20fps in some areas.
I did it, I finally beat the boss in Glenumbra! I think I have worked out what my issue is, for years I have been playing RPGs where typically "ignore the summons, take down the summoner" is a good tactic, and I am very well trained in that mindset. It just doesn't work in this game. Hence why the bosses I have had most problem with are ones that summon a load of nasty shit - Norion in AD, and Angof in DC, as they both summon things.
Have now learned that summons will kill you and typically the summoner does little damage to you personally, concentrate on the summons, hit the boss between waves. Long battles, but what I was doing wrong was trying to take down the summoner quickly.

Have now been successful ("rejoice, rejoice" :oops: ), first order of business in the next zone is to find myself some mats so I can make higher level gear!
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I have come to the conclusion that Dark Anchors, open world bosses, and public dungeons can either be completely awesome or just meaningless mayhem, entirely dependent upon how many people are there and their level. Realised I had missed a DA in the north of Auridon so before I moved on I naturally wanted to do that, and found myself there with 2 other people at around the same level, the 'right' level for the Anchor. It was an absolutely brilliant fight, we all got a look in on destroying the pinions, as a NB I sometimes had to take action to avoid aggro (including use of the "Brave Sir Robin" tactic - ie. sprint like fuck), it was really quite a tactical and challenging battle involving 3 strangers flung together and co-operating well on the fly. I got a shit load of loot too.
When it works like that, it absolutely shines.
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I think I have worked out what my issue is, for years I have been playing RPGs where typically "ignore the summons, take down the summoner" is a good tactic, and I am very well trained in that mindset. It just doesn't work in this game.
Indeed - in most MMO boss fights, you always take down the adds when they spawn, then go back to the boss.
Love the fact that same-sex relationships have pretty much become 'normalised' (iykwim) in RPGs over the last few years.
I've done a few quests now where the objective has been to rescue or help the quest-giver's same-sex spouse, liking the way that it passes without comment in-game, which is just as it should be. :)
Right I am trying to get rid off stuff I don't need.
Giving this stuff away free on EU server.
Argonian motif book
Shadows Embrace medium armour chest piece - I have 2 of these, 1 level 16 and 1 level 17, unused so no problem to give to another player.
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