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Elder Scrolls: Online

I like all the different styles, how you can mix and match, too. I've learned everything but Nord with this character now. I really like the bosmer light and heavy, I like the khajiit light too, and dunmer. Some are just fugly though. The redguard medium - at least at low levels - is just bleurgh. I like the altmer medium as well. And I'm one who is sensitive to skimpy clothing/armour in games, but I can't say I feel particularly stressed or bothered about any of them in ESO. That bosmer medium is probably the skimpiest of the lot (although there's what I assume is one of the rare ones that the Wyrd people have in Glenumbra, that's a bit skimpy too) but none of it feels like it's trying to objectify anyone - helped no doubt in part by the fact that even though you can make a character with big boobs you can't make a character with fantasy melon boobs.
TES has a good score IMO compared to a lot of other games when it comes to things like not overly-sexualising female characters, and ESO has continued in that vein so that gets it a thumbs-up from me in that regard. I think the Bosmer armour is the skimpiest of all styles, with for some reason the midriff exposed (yeah go on, stick a sword in my gut, that won't damage me!) but it's more along the lines of making them look (even in heavy armour) like hunters rather than knights, not to be 'sexy'. The detailing on Bosmer heavy armour is great mind you, with the trim changing for levels and tempers.

I know what you mean about the Redguard armour though - "here are some sacks I found in a barn and stitched together with baling twine" seems to be the style they are going for at lower levels. It gets better after level 8 when the colour changes but the leg armour is still a bit balloony.
Lizard people with cleavage look quite strange though.

I know, I always make my female Argonian characters as 'straight up and down' as I can make them with any weight on the gut rather than hips or boobs. They're egg-laying reptiles and egg-laying species IRL typically have no obvious sexual dimorphism in terms of body shape and no mammaries, Argonians with boobs just look odd.
Isn't it all hand waved away with some Hist malarkey or something? You'd probably know more than me about that Epona.

Anyway, I have had the most AMAZING time in Cyrodiil with my guild tonight. I went in at level 14 and left at level 16, and got 4 skill points along the way.

At first we were defending our keep, then taking back some resources. Then we decided to go off as a group of about 20 and do a bit of stealth recon and ganking their people as they came over the bridge to resupply their own forces at the siege. It was such fun, coordinating where we would go, where best to camp, spotting outliers or smaller groups. We even managed to see off a few larger groups as well.

Then our fortunes changed. We spent ages getting to a particular bridge where we knew they were passing. We stealthed, and snuck round to their side of it, and hung around for a bit. We saw a small group of maybe 6 of them on the bridge heading in our general direction, so we thought fuck it, let's go for it. So we attacked - and by rights victory was ours for the taking, but about 40 of their players unstealthed from fucking nowhere and massacred us. It was brilliant :D

After a while, we decided to head off deeeeeeep into DC territory, way up north in the snow, and go skyshard hunting and dungeon delving. We met the odd few EP and DC players while we were there, but we were legion - and of course highly skilled and amazeballs :p - so we always saw them off. We did a few random quests we found here and there, but then our leader and almost everyone else died, and no one had any soul gems so they decided to res back in our territory and regroup, maybe go back off into EP territory this time and do more exploring. Well, I hadn't died, and you can't teleport while in Cyrodiil without a transitus or a wayshrine, so I hung around and finished up the few quests I had there. There was still another person from our group there, at first. They eventually disappeared, so I was left alone.

I ended up in a church, talking to an npc, and out of nowhere an EP player attacked me from behind. He was 5 levels above me, and got the jump on me, but gosh darnit if I didn't go and kill him :D

I decided that my only option was to make it back to friendly territory alone, so I stealthed and crouched my way back. I had a couple of missions in DC territory from ages ago, so I set my map marker and off I headed. Every once in a while I'd notice a red bar nearby, but I was stealthed, and they didn't see me.

Until, that is, I practically landed on top of a stealthed DC player. They were level 30, I was level 15... my chances were... limited at best. We started fighting. Oh god did we start fighting. It felt like it went on for so long. My health would go down, but so would theirs. I kept spamming swallow soul as often as I could to try and keep my own health up, but in the heat of battle I often forget what skills I have :D I was hitting venom shot, cripple, swallow soul, and a ton of light bow attacks. We danced and danced around each other for an eternity. And I won. I WON. I have never been so proud of myself in a game. It was such a rush. I wish I could have communicated with them to say thank you for the awesome fight. I forgot to make a note of their name :(

I took my inflated ego and stealthed my way to a scouting mission I had at a DC farm, and then went on to a priory where I had to turn in something or another that I'd found a million miles away a few days ago. Where I picked up another few quests but it was getting late and I didn't want to have to double back on myself and go further north again, so I continued stealthing my way back to Brindle (under our control at the time). From there, I transitussed (totes a word) to nearer the rest of the group, and went to join them in another dungeon. After about 20 minutes of fun, and one more skyshard, I stumbled head first into a stealthed VR player and died. No one had any soul gems so I rezzed back at the wayshrine and went back to Auridon.

You know, until ESO I'd never PvP'd, and while I was curious about it I was also very wary, because I was unsure of my skill, unsure of what would be expected of me, and certain that I'd be rubbish at it. So I filed it away as one of those things that I'd probably never do. And now, here I am, having the time of my life in there, feeling greater confidence in knowing that I can help take down people, I can help defend a keep, I can pick off enemies from the ramparts, I can kill someone all on my own, I can be an asset, I can have fun... I love it.

I made myself a coffee at 6pm, right before I settled down to head into Cyrodiil. I looked across at my mug at 11.30pm and realised I'd forgotten all about it because I'd been so absorbed. Unhealthy, no doubt, to get caught up in something for that length of time, but I wouldn't trade that experience :)
Honestly when I started playing in beta, I thought I would never do PvP, it just wasn't going to be my sort of thing (mind you when this game was announced, I thought 'meh' :oops: ). But it's bloody great, even going in solo to stealth/explore you can usually find people to team up with and it's such good fun.

On another note - There are plenty of places where you can download spreadsheet templates to keep a record of your crafting research, however I only have 4Gb RAM and can't have a spreadsheet eating half of that whilst I am playing. So I set up my own mini-database using NeoMem, it's pretty basic but uses less than 3Mb RAM whilst running so I can easily have it up on another screen without it impacting on game performance.
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I just found myself in RP with 1 other person and oh god it was painful, I am spectacularly shit at this sort of social stuff :( And just me and one other, so no crowd to fade into iykwim. :/ It was like the worst first date you could imagine, multiplied by 100.
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If you're into the possibility of addons, these might interest you:

Research Assisstant - adds icons next to things in your inventory/bank that tells you whether you've already researched the trait on it or not, and handles multiples of the same trait as well. It's a bit basic, and there's another version that is a bit more detailed but that one looks a bit complicated to me. Both are in an active state of development, so if you don't take the plunge now, maybe bookmark and keep an eye on them.

Sous Chef - keep track of your provisioning ingredients, adding an icon next to them in your inventory/bank that lets you know that you know a recipe related to them, including the provisioning level of that recipe. The icon is faded if another of your characters knows a recipe that uses them. Also adds icons for the recipes themselves as well.

Batman Store Filter - makes searching for materials in a guild store amazingly easier, because it introduces a materials filter that actually does something (unlike ESO's vanilla half-hearted attempt).

SkyShards - a controversial one, but one I'm probably going to get for Cyrodiil at least - adds icons for all shyshards in the game, and updates automatically with ones you've already found. You can customise it to only show certain ones in certain situations, or turn it off altogether via the in-game menu. When I was grouped yesterday in Cyrodiil someone else in the group was using it and directing us to the nearest Skyshard, so I might have well been using it myself. I originally said I wanted to find them on my own, and for non-Cyrodiil ones I still do, but it's handy to have in the background for those that you absolutely cannot find, or, as I say, for ease of use in Cyrodiil at least.

HarvestMap - another controversial one. This one adds icons to your map representing harvesting nodes and chest - BUT the saving grace is that it only adds them once you've discovered them. So you still have to go and explore, but once you have it's the equivalent of you pulling out your map and marking a little X with a grease pencil so you can find it again in the future. When you think of it like that, I reckon it makes a lot of sense.

Wykkid's Full Immersion - I only use this currently for the nice dropdown list of emotes, but it also lets you smart-hide elements like the reticule. It requires that you install...

Wykkid's Framework which has a slew of options. At the moment I have everything turned off apart from the chat background - which is very useful if you use chat a lot. I turn off the loot notification part of it (as well as all the bars etc.) because I use...

LootDrop Continued, which is a godsend if you're using Auto-Loot and consolidate area loot in menu options. Previously, if you did that, there was no way to tell what loot you got. But with this, it adds a little icon that flashes up in the bottom corner whenever you get loot, money, XP, AP. It's very unobtrusive and I can't imagine not using it now. The icons for XP, AP etc are vile in this new version of it, so I made my own. If you start using this and want the new icons let me know.
I just found myself in RP with 1 other person and oh god it was painful, I am spectacularly shit at this sort of social stuff :( And just me and one other, so no crowd to fade into iykwim. :/ It was like the worst first date you could imagine, multiplied by 100.
you could always roleplay as whoopi goldberg and say you've just arrived from the future and nothing makes any sense. or a mute/anti social type of character that runs away from social interaction
Idiot things that I realised recently despite having done 4 beta sessions and playing almost solidly since early access started:

- when the mobs in an area become non-hostile due to quest completion (eg. Starving Plains undead in EP, or Tanzewil undead in AD), you can still target them and fight them :facepalm:

- if you have characters on both servers, you get the preorder and IE bonus items ON BOTH SERVERS - if you ever intend to play on the other server (or even if you're not sure), just make a mule character on that server and grab the items from your mail before the mail expires. (This particular tip comes from the 'making damn sure I get my money's worth' aspect of my personality!)
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I'm level 17 now. And still in Auridon. Jesus.

I'm going to cast about tomorrow to see if anyone wants to do the Undaunted dungeons with me. PvP was my first confidence hurdle. Private group dungeons are my second. If I leave them any longer I'll not get any xp or loot from them. I'm mostly in it for the loot. And the story, of course!

I'm swimming in skill points, and since I'm not dying or anything and over-levelled I've been putting them into crafting. I decided to pop a couple into provisioning, which I didn't intend to do on this character. But it's just too much of a ball ache to log out and into my dunmer every time I want 5 new liver and lights or whatever.
you could always roleplay as whoopi goldberg and say you've just arrived from the future and nothing makes any sense. or a mute/anti social type of character that runs away from social interaction
I like the idea of roleplaying as an idiot, not that much of a stretch and you should get cut a lot of slack :D

Sorta like this

with a touch of Forest Gump for good measure
That bridge between the stables and the mill in Daggerfall has now 'killed' me more times than any mob! (due to me falling through it, getting stuck in the architecture, and having to /stuck my way out). I have taken to running through the river to avoid its evil clutches.
Oh Vintage Paw - do you know if that last maintenance sorted out the bank issues? I could really do with upgrading but am holding off until I know for sure that it isn't going to bite me in the arse!
No, it wasn't solved. There will be a patch tomorrow but it won't be solving it either. They are still working on it, and are hopeful sometime later in the week.
No, it wasn't solved. There will be a patch tomorrow but it won't be solving it either. They are still working on it, and are hopeful sometime later in the week.

Thanks, I will hold onto my cash for now! :) If you hear that there has been a definite fix, please let us know :)
And oh, in the wee hours I phoned BT pretending to be my husband (he won't mind, he left the latest advertisment on my keyboard hoping I would do it) and arranged for Infinity installation. I did tell them that no-one is touching my computer and I will be installing any software myself and they were fine with that.
Oh and I had to turn off ALL THE CHAT yesterday (zone, guild, the entire fucking lot) because I hadn't watched the latest Game of Thrones episode and everyone was talking about it :eek: I pretty much turned all chat off yesterday.

I have now watched it :D :eek:
Oh fuck, they've nerfed the vendor price of foods. There goes my main source of income! Where are the respec shrines?
by much ??

It's not that bad, from what I can see - lvl 5 foods are now 1g (before they were 2g), lvl 10 and 15 foods are now 2g (down from 3g/4g). So IMO it's still worth doing provisioning, it was a bit silly previously, I could easily make 1000g a day from it, now I'm down to a few hundred and that seems fair enough.

EDIT: Oh btw yesterday's NA update borked my launcher, I eventually managed to get the patch this morning so can now play again on both servers, but only by by-passing the launcher. It's a problem with some of the patch servers.

But anyway, as I'm having to bypass the launcher, if anyone hears of new patches over the next few days can they please post here about it so that I know to try the launcher again? Many thanks :)
What is the issue you're having? Because there are a handful of fixes out there that might help.

One thing to do is make sure you aren't starting the launcher from a shortcut.

Next, is to delete the bethesda.net_launcher.version file (put it somewhere safe), then reopen the launcher and see if it patches. If all is well, yay. If not, repair. If all is well, yay! If not, put the old .version file back in. If all is well, yay! If not... IDK!

It seems that sometimes the .version files can get corrupted. There have been quite a few launcher problems that people have been able to solve by deleting/replacing them.

You can of course get rid of the launcher altogether and re-download it from the website. It's a small download, since it's not the full client. I think tbh though the only reason that one has worked for some people is because you're also deleting that .version file at the same time, so idk.


Spent another evening with the guild in Cyrodiil. I got 6 skill points while I was in there. 1 from increasing in rank, 1 from a level up, and 4 from skyshards and... something else I can't remember. I'm halfway to level 20 now and I'm still in Auridon. I barely have any quests left that are anything other than grey now. Still, I'm enjoying myself :)
Hi Vintage Paw - thanks for trying to help, you are right there are a number of 'fixes' out there that have 'fixed' it for some people, but the problem is actually down to bad info on some of the servers at various different IP addresses (causing your launcher to look for the wrong patch number), all most of the fixes do is sort it temporarily by deleting that info - once you relaunch the launcher if it connects to a server that isn't working properly you will be back in the 209 bad manifest repair loop (and it's usually random or based on load, so for some people just closing and relaunching the launcher until they get a server with the good patch manifest works). Only certain way to workaround it is to amend your hosts file to point the launcher to one of the server IPs known to not be borked (the community did good and provided a list of good and bad IP addresses), and I'm loathe to start messing with system files because I'll only forget to set it back to normal afterwards and bork something else.

They'll sort it out eventually. (Edit: I just tried it now and the launcher is back working OK, so it could be that they rolled out the correctly numbered patch manifest to affected servers at some point tonight, I don't think it's the sort of thing that would require any downtime of game servers).
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Oh did you do the Undaunted dungeon in Auridon yet? My AD Khajiit is now level 12 and just needs to sort out some new gear.
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