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Elder Scrolls: Online

To complement my gaming, a friend just brought round an old Dreamcast he didn't want anymore. So I've been playing Soul Calibre and weird racing games for the past 2 hours XD And as a result I think I missed the guild event we had planned. But what can you do, eh?
I am just having one of those days. I should have known it would probably not go well when I woke up to find that one of the cats had been sick all over me whilst I was asleep.

Things I have learned today - no, I cannot solo a dark fissure at level 8. No, 3 people between levels 6 and 8 is woefully insufficient to take on a dark anchor with any expectation of success. Be careful when at the bank in case you click the wrong dialogue option and find yourself putting a load of random shit into your guild bank instead of your personal one (I now have a sneaking suspicion about what happened to my mystery disappearing stuff yesterday :oops: ). When using a new keyboard that is slightly different than your old one, try typing stuff to get used to it before attempting any of the above.

I found the funniest NPC today in Stonefalls btw - an Argonian by the name of "Finds-Trouble" who is located near the Kwama mine near Davon's Watch, the one you have to send the lost kwama around Senie back to. People who ignore any NPC without a quest marker are missing out, there's some quality dialogue just talking to random NPCs. :)
I found the funniest NPC today in Stonefalls btw - an Argonian by the name of "Finds-Trouble" who is located near the Kwama mine near Davon's Watch, the one you have to send the lost kwama around Senie back to. People who ignore any NPC without a quest marker are missing out, there's some quality dialogue just talking to random NPCs. :)
Is that the guy who just complains about everything going wrong for him until you make your excuses and run away? :D

I just dinged level 10, looking forward to trying Cyrodiil for the first time this weekend. :cool:
Is that the guy who just complains about everything going wrong for him until you make your excuses and run away? :D

I just dinged level 10, looking forward to trying Cyrodiil for the first time this weekend. :cool:

Not sure if it is the same NPC, he does complain about everything going wrong, but if you follow the conversation right through to the end
he says he found a dagger and wore it on his belt, and everyone who saw him was exclaiming "The Razor! You have The Razor" and eventually he freaked out and threw it in a river. It's just such a great reference to the way Skyrim NPCs spoke to you if you were carrying a daedric artefact, and it utterly cracked me up :D

As a side effect however, I will not from this point on be able to pass a river in ESO without thoroughly checking it for discarded daggers :(
Is that the guy who just complains about everything going wrong for him until you make your excuses and run away? :D

I just dinged level 10, looking forward to trying Cyrodiil for the first time this weekend. :cool:

What faction are you in? I have a level 11 character on AD if you want to group up and do some exploring. I'm slowly levelling my EP character at the moment, and will probably jump in and get started on my DC character at some point over the weekend too.

Epona, I know what you mean about plate-spinning now... now I've decided which characters are going to do which bits of crafting I'm realising I'm going to have to keep them all roughly at the same level so I can keep their crafting up to speed to help each other out. Thankfully so far the one who will be doing the most - my bosmer with clothing and woodworking - is the one I started with so she has some decent research under her belt already. I'm going to be desperate for bank space though. I've already bought 2 bank upgrades and can't afford the third yet!
What faction are you in? I have a level 11 character on AD if you want to group up and do some exploring. I'm slowly levelling my EP character at the moment, and will probably jump in and get started on my DC character at some point over the weekend too.
I'm on EP, slowly making my way through Stonefalls.

What happens if you are on opposite sides from your friends in Cyrodiil? Does it restrict communication once in PvP, or can you arrange to meet up and fight each other directly?
You can still communicate, so yeah I'm sure you could meet up to do battle together.

It seems your home campaign is set on an account-wide basis, so mine is Wabberjack, because that's the campaign we joined as AD with the reddit guild. However EP are absolutely owning everything in that campaign - so it's not the most balanced unfortunately. I haven't set a guest campaign yet, because I think the guild are waiting to see what happens with Wabberjack and whether we all guest on another one together, one with more balance.

But if I make it to 10 later, Wabberjack would at least be a good one for my/our EP characters to go exploring caves and killing NPCs in, and so on. You really do need a friend or two to go dungeon delving in Cyrodiil.
I'm on Scourge, and EP are pwning that campaign too. :cool:

TBH I'm a bit confused by Cyrodiil. I went there and did the practice quests, then picked up the scouting and other missions, but all of the objectives they gave me were for places that EP already held, so I couldn't complete any of them. :confused:
The quests are always in more or less the same sort of places. The scouting mission is always going to be deep in enemy territory. It's best done with a small group, in stealth, being very, very careful. If another faction is in control of the map you'll find the others more difficult. It incentivises working for the good of your alliance and getting involved in taking back resources and keeps. With the stealth mechanic, you can still move around a lot of territory, you just have to be careful, maybe travel in a group, make sure you have a horse that you've spec'd for speed, and keep your wits about you. Not everyone is going to automatically be up for a fight if you see each other. Sometimes you'll see opposing players eye each other up from a distance and then carry on to wherever they were originally going. A case of pick your battles, really. It's particularly true if it's just 2 players stumbling across each other. If you are alone and spotted by a group, you're done for unless you can hide or run away.
I now have 1 character in each faction on each server. I get most enjoyment out of playing a multitude of characters rather than just 1 main. I don't really have 1 main, but several mains. Especially with all the crafting goodness in this game!
Now have 1 character at level 10 so Cyrodil awaits.
Provisioning is by far the biggest moneyspinner (in terms of solo play and vendoring items). Chef and Brewer skills can double/triple/quadruple your income, even if you put no skillpoints anywhere else in provisioning. I just ran a character through the tutorial, banked all the ingredients, and had my provisioner (lvl 26 provisioning) cook up everything and vendor the cooked goods - 400 gold in 15 minutes. Yesterday I made nearly 900 from provisioning. I'm not rolling in cash yet and it does require spending skillpoints, but it's netting me more income than questing at this point.
I've been having a problem with bank space, trying to do all 6 crafts over 3 characters, while also questing with them. I've bought 2 bank upgrades, and at least 1 bag with each character (2 bag with my first) and I'm always fit to burst. Trying to move gear between characters for deconstruction is a big pain, or when my clothier and woodworker will make things for the other two (who both use light/medium and bows/staves). I think I'm going to give up on alchemy. I barely ever use potions, and I find enough to keep me going. Like you say, provisioning makes more money. And I'm usually overflowing with armour/weapon materials as well, so as soon as I have 1 full stack in the bank everything else gets vendored.

I did have a load of aspect runes (my dk in bleakrock and bal foyen managed to find loads in a short amount of time) and I started my templar so she could get started on levelling it up. And then I realised I hated how she looked, so deleted her. I mean, god, I wasted all those aspect runes - but priorities! I'll have to live with her for a long time, she has to look right :D

But damn... crafting space >_<
On the subject of PvP, tomorrow Reddithium (my reddit guild) is having an all day event in Cyrodiil, trying to muster forces to push back against the Pact (who control every single resource and keep). We've made alliances with the Covenant to do so, including 2 of the biggest Covenant PvP guilds. So whether DC or AD, if you don't have a home campaign set, or if you want to guest, maybe pop into Wabberjack and we could perhaps meet up and do some dungeon delving. I'll be AD, because it's my only character I can get to Cyrodiil with right now.

In other news, a templar with a bow... who knew? My god, it's lovely.

Edit: It gets compared to GW2 WvW, but that in turn borrowed heavily from DAoC - and one of the people who made that is the lead person working on it in ESO. So perhaps it's more correct to say that it is taking its cue from DAoC, as did GW2. I've heard people who played a lot of GW2 saying that ESO gets it right where GW2 got it wrong.

If you hold sprint while on a horse, it will drain the stamina, but will continue to "sprint" after the stamina is gone. This is intentional. What you're doing by holding sprint in really "jogging".

If you want to actually "sprint", you have to rapidly press the sprint button. Then, if you do run out of stamina from this, you stop sprinting and also can not "jog" because you have no stamina. Rapidly tapping sprint makes you go about 30-50% faster than "jogging".

I had no idea :oops:
On the subject of PvP, tomorrow Reddithium (my reddit guild) is having an all day event in Cyrodiil, trying to muster forces to push back against the Pact (who control every single resource and keep). We've made alliances with the Covenant to do so, including 2 of the biggest Covenant PvP guilds. So whether DC or AD, if you don't have a home campaign set, or if you want to guest, maybe pop into Wabberjack and we could perhaps meet up and do some dungeon delving. I'll be AD, because it's my only character I can get to Cyrodiil with right now.

In other news, a templar with a bow... who knew? My god, it's lovely.

Edit: It gets compared to GW2 WvW, but that in turn borrowed heavily from DAoC - and one of the people who made that is the lead person working on it in ESO. So perhaps it's more correct to say that it is taking its cue from DAoC, as did GW2. I've heard people who played a lot of GW2 saying that ESO gets it right where GW2 got it wrong.

Is that on EU server? My DC character made lvl 10 but hasn't done siege training yet, I have an AD character at lvl 8.

Yeah I had heard that templar + bow = Awesome, but not tried it, I just wasn't that keen on the templar I tried in beta, I found the class actives really underwhelming. I am doing bow as my first weapon on every character regardless of class, I am just not that into the destro staff as a ranged weapon for damage, much prefer bow.

Yes my bank reached critical mass already. Problem is that because I have gone full tilt into provisioning, I am in "loot ALL the things" mode with every character, so although I am making plenty of cash, I am also having to juggle my inventory a lot.

Not sure what it says about me, but I have realised all my characters are stick-thin. :eek: I am just putting it down to the fact that I get a chance to play something that is unfeasible in real life, but the pattern that is forming does make me wonder.
Not sure what it says about me, but I have realised all my characters are stick-thin. :eek: I am just putting it down to the fact that I get a chance to play something that is unfeasible in real life, but the pattern that is forming does make me wonder.
I was quite disappointed at the limits placed on how fat it is possible to make characters. The males get a little pot belly and are wider than usual, but not properly fat, and the women just go a bit curvy. :rolleyes: I want to make Friar Tuck, dammit!
I'm having inevitable bag/bank space issues too. It's not helped by only having a bank in the first city, so you do a lot of shuttling back and forth to juggle stuff between bags and bank and deconstruct things.

Haven't really been focusing on any particular aspect of crafting yet, just upgrading things as I go and researching dagger traits in readiness for more high-level weapon specialisation.
I was quite disappointed at the limits placed on how fat it is possible to make characters. The males get a little pot belly and are wider than usual, but not properly fat, and the women just go a bit curvy. :rolleyes: I want to make Friar Tuck, dammit!

Yeah I know what you mean, although during beta I did manage to make a female Redguard with an absolutely massive arse. Not quite sure what to make of that tbh.
Character creation does give a lot of options, but it wouldn't hurt if the slider went a little bit more that way. I have spoken to plenty of people who would prefer to make a fat character.
This looks interesting. Nice and tactical.

AOE evidently isn't gimped the way it is in GW, so the organised (and on Vent) guys in the clip are operating a bit like a WAR bomb-group (mutually supporting AOE) but without being too OP, due (I'm guessing) to the ESO resource management dynamics.

That looks a whole lot better that I was led to believe by the person I was hearing about ESO PvP from a year or so ago.

The 'everybody can stealth' thing looks like a barrel of laughs too (if you're organised and on Vent)
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Question about the collision mechanics in PvP.

Can you actually physically body-block other players? Say if they're trying to get through a choke point like a doorway can you use a tank-wall keep them there and/or funnel them into heavy AOE?

ETA - Never mind. Found answer. "No, 'cos we are optimising for performance in PvP", which is fair enough (although having it makes PvP tanks much more interesting)

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How long is it taking to get into Cyrodil? I've been on a loading screen for half an hour, should I wait or close down and try again?

Bernie Gunther - there is collision detection on NPCs, but no player to player collision. Good thing too, or I wouldn't have been able to get to a crafting bench yet.
FFS, Cyrodil is unplayable for me.
I don't know what the issue is, it just keeps crashing. At one point I managed to log back in right in the middle of an enemy zerg :facepalm: Then after I respawned at the nearest keep, it fucking crashed again. I've submitted 20 bloody crash reports in the last 2 hours.
It's a real pisser, I was grouped up with some really nice people too. :(

Edit: turns out it's not just me with this issue, I have raised it on the official forum and will put in a customer support ticket if there is no answer forthcoming. But on the bright side, I did kill several people in the times between crashes - battles between small groups on the outskirts of a contested keep, if this issue is resolved I will be going back in for more :D
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Cyrodiil - lots seem to be having issues, particularly when joining groups. First thing I'd try is turning down all the pretties - even if you get 60fps in busy cities, in Cyrodiil it seems to suffer more. But beyond that, I think it just needs to be optimised their end. Something they've done has made it really awkward. (And yes, it's the EU server.)

Bernie - it absolutely rewards those who are organised. You can run with the zerg and profit, but a smaller more organised group can swoop in and scatter the zerg and pick them off. Populations are woefully unbalanced at the moment in all campaigns but Auriel's Bow I think, and 1 faction is utterly dominating (hence the proposed push back today on our campaign). I'd like to hope that sorts itself out over time, it's certainly the sort of game where if there's enough collaboration and planning the tide can be turned even against a larger force.

Fat characters - Every single one of my characters has the body slider about a 1/4 - 1/3 of the way down the 'heavy' side from muscular, and from there I increase every single slider except feet and hands and arms (oh, and gut usually goes a notch or two to the left). Waist, hips and arse are all maxed out, legs are big and chunky, boobs are usually around the middle, sometimes a bit more - never balloon tits though. Most of my characters are the shortest they can be - not sure what to do with my high elf, whether to go tallest or shortest. It almost seems like a waste to not make her the tallest she could be. Anything thinner than what I've made just feels far too thin, tbh. I'm standing next to all these characters and they look so unrealistically skinny, their heads are all too big for their bodies, like if I cough on them they're going to snap, and it's a bit depressing. But, everyone has their reasons. Even with my slider settings my characters still look slender to me. Heh.

I have seen some cracking fat orcs though.
Some pics of my characters:

My bosmer nightblade - who looks like she's gonna fucking cut ya (with her bow): https://www.dropbox.com/s/k6ssn9w891qxn4t/2014-04-02.jpg


(See, you wouldn't realise her slider is between heavy and muscular with waist etc maxed out, would you? I can't imagine how scrawny she'd look on the thin side of things.)

My dunmer dragonknight - https://www.dropbox.com/s/pj3k9e98icbbp0v/anisverethi.jpg

https://www.dropbox.com/s/fpuc7kylu6daf9y/Screenshot_20140404_150824.jpg (this one isn't so good, dark room)

My breton templar - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ooq72kwdfn71icx/aless 3.jpg

And another of her before I'd finalised her look, so you can see where the body slider is that I was talking about earlier: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0hq4vpwt15r1wmr/aless 2.jpg

I'm going to make my altmer sorcerer now - just need to scour uesp for a name :D

Oh, and I'm using bows for everyone but Anis (DK) - they just feel good early on at least. Sorc and DK will eventually have a 2h sword, I might try a resto staff on both my templar and my nightblade not sure yet, otherwise the nightblade is getting daggers.
Well, an organised group of 15 or so of us managed to take a farm, lumber mill and mine, and we got the keep walls down but there were too many pact.

The official event with the DC as well is postponed until 8.30. It was great fun though. Someone made a stream. Having voice comms is such a big plus.
Well I have to say, that was a lot of fun.

DC have some really coordinated guilds, and they pushed back and took a lot of keeps. We had the reddit guild, and Sithis - who was the first AD emperor - who was coordinating our attacks. We had fewer numbers but we managed to take back 2 keeps and all the resources around it, and had lots of skirmishes along the way. I am only level 12 but helped take down plenty of players, died a bunch of times, and had fun :)

It really is at its best when you have an organised group to work with, with voice comms as a must. Several different groups can work together coordinating in zone chat, and your individual groups can all talk to each other and make sure they stick together and know where to go and what to focus on.

If you manage to get the outer wall down, there are players AND enemy NPCs inside that you have to kill. And while you're killing them trying to get the inner wall down to capture the 2 flags, even just a couple of stealthed enemy players can really fuck your shit up by flanking around behind you all and setting up some siege equipment to bombard you from behind through the wall you just broke down.

I heartily recommend it.
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