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Elder Scrolls: Online

Hmm, my EU install appears to be borked.
Going to try copying the files across, that should work right?
(Although why in the name of all that is good we have 2 separate installs is beyond me, but still!)
If anyone wants in on that roleplay collective guild, I can send invites. There are about 60 people in it atm, it's nice having a polite and civilised chat tab :D

Yes please! Just trying to sort out my EU install, will let you know once I'm in :)
Everything seems nice and smooth right now. Opening early was a good idea. It would have been 6am in America, so they will have been half asleep still. And in the EU... well I guess with it being Mother's Day people have commitments and so on.

My Mother's Day commitments went as far as phoning my mum, then sitting on the sofa eating the mini eggs my cat bought me for Mother's Day while I made my characters :D
Yes please! Just trying to sort out my EU install, will let you know once I'm in :)

People have been having problems with copying the stuff over recently, or renaming folders and so on. I think if you do that you have to delete certain files... possibly the ones that end .version? Then open the launcher and it should verify everything and download the little things. That's in theory though, many people have found that regardless of what they do it keeps wanting to download the full game again for them.

In the end, I let it download both from scratch - I figured that if anything went wrong then it absolutely wasn't my fault or the result of a workaround. It is stupid we need both folders, and maybe they'll let the renaming be more reliable eventually. But for now I have the space so I might as well just go with it.

Epona - are you epona22 again?
People have been having problems with copying the stuff over recently, or renaming folders and so on. I think if you do that you have to delete certain files... possibly the ones that end .version? Then open the launcher and it should verify everything and download the little things. That's in theory though, many people have found that regardless of what they do it keeps wanting to download the full game again for them.

In the end, I let it download both from scratch - I figured that if anything went wrong then it absolutely wasn't my fault or the result of a workaround. It is stupid we need both folders, and maybe they'll let the renaming be more reliable eventually. But for now I have the space so I might as well just go with it.

Epona - are you epona22 again?


Your cat bought you eggs? I'm jealous, my lot decided to have a fight on my feet whilst I was trying to get through Coldharbour, no consideration for me whatsoever. :(
I love the tutorial despite having played through it god knows how many times in beta, why anyone would skip it is beyond me.

Lyris: Hurry, there isn't much time
Me: Fuck that, there must be 200 urns in this room, story can wait until I've finished looting.

Also John Cleese.

It was great slowing down and finally listening to Cadwell. I've just skipped so much before, so it's rather pleasant.

How's your connection? You've no doubt seen some in guild chat talking about lag. I get the odd bit but nothing too worrisome. I suppose they'll be monitoring it and adjusting the servers as it goes along.

We should all remember to keep doing /bug and /feedback too (I assume those features are still enabled outside of beta).
It's actually OK for me. When I first started it was terribly laggy but relogging seemed to sort it out. I get the occasional blip but yeah not too bad in general. Not tried PvP yet mind you, still only level 5 and in Stros M'Kai, I kept my promise to myself to really take my time once there was no pressure of the beta session clock ticking down iykwim :D

Edit: just taking a bit of a break 'cos I'm getting a bit motion sick (I didn't during beta but I think lack of sleep isn't helping atm).
Up to level 7 so far. Lag hasn't been bad at all; the worst thing is the random crashes every couple of hours. I think it's the Mac having memory issues with graphics, since I'm playing on Ultra High, so I'll try turning a few things down to see if that makes any difference.

I'm finding it really hard to follow the chat window - it's so small that it's easy to miss activity and not notice that people are having conversations. :D
One thing I've noticed is that they seem to have massively gimped the number of locked chests. I have about 250 lockpicks, and so far have only come across one single locked chest.

Progress in general seems a lot faster than during beta, though.
I've opened loads of chests. In AD they are particularly plentiful, but I found a fair few in Stros M'kai yesterday as well.

I've now joined the EU reddit guild as well. Seem a nice bunch.
Time flies, don't it?

I started my bosmer earlier today, and I've been playing on and off all day with her and I'm still only level 6 and on Khenarthi's Roost. It's such a nice feeling to not have to rush through anything.

It's felt utterly deserted most of the time, I must say. Guild chats are busy enough, I suppose, but everyone is spread around. Most people who started yesterday are still playing with the same character, so there's little old me pootling around on Khenarthi's Roost with her pick of the red runes and the chests :D

I'm going to get myself a hireling - for clothier I think, since that's the one I use most materials for. I've had enough hemming to improve one piece of armour, and I have enough pitch to improve one bow.

I find it quite difficult to know which nightblade class skills to go for with a bow. Strife is my go-to, and I use that first assassination one when they get too close. I have the option to morph it to work from range, but I plan on getting a melee weapon at 15 so I don't know whether to morph it to heal instead. That would probably be the better bet, but idk. There are a few other skills I'd like have on there if I was using melee, so it might get pushed out. I don't know if any of the others can be morphed to range.

Too many decisions, not enough skill points. This really early stage is a bugger because so many things are opening up to you and you want to put points in everything but you simply don't have enough.

And there's always one skyshard on Khenarthi's Roost I can't find, dammit.

I massively prefer the AD's starting area to DC. I mean, Stros M'kai is pretty, but it feels a bit... idk. I can't get into it. I haven't seen enough of Betnikh to form a judgement on that, but it was always raining whenever I was there :mad:

And I might remake my breton sorc to be a templar again, with a bow. And keep my high elf as my sorc, as I originally intended to. OH GOD I DON'T KNOW.
I've been having a great time today! Didn't so much yesterday, not because of the game, but because I was ill - very difficult to enjoy anything when suffering waves of nausea (at least it explained the 'motion sickness' thing, I was actually unwell!) I'm still not 100% but feeling lots better today.
I find it quite difficult to know which nightblade class skills to go for with a bow. Strife is my go-to, and I use that first assassination one when they get too close. I have the option to morph it to work from range, but I plan on getting a melee weapon at 15 so I don't know whether to morph it to heal instead. That would probably be the better bet, but idk. There are a few other skills I'd like have on there if I was using melee, so it might get pushed out. I don't know if any of the others can be morphed to range.

Too many decisions, not enough skill points. This really early stage is a bugger because so many things are opening up to you and you want to put points in everything but you simply don't have enough.
I've been switching between levelling Bow skills and dual-wield. For Bow I've only got the poison arrow one and the AoE, but I've been feeling pretty powerful most of the time. Nightblades have a nice 12 second CC that comes in handy for pulling multiple mobs at once.
Is that Agony in the erm... shadow? line? I haven't taken that yet, because I wasn't sure I'd need it at this low level (just level 7 atm) - but I could see it coming in handy even against nasty bosses if you need a bit of a breather to regen. Problem is, I want everything on my bar :D I'm having a far harder time picking and choosing with nightblade than I have with anything else.

I adore my bosmer though. Her name is Sisa Nightwind, and she's a punky, scrappy little shit who looks like she's got a problem with you. I realised I probably should have let the green lady kill that maormer (Ulindor? So many names, all of them the same.) but I'd got so used to persuading her otherwise in beta that I just automatically went for that. But Sisa would totes let her kill him. Oh well. That'll learn me to not save before making decisions :D

Having skipped through dialogue in beta, I'm realising just how funny this game actually is now I'm sitting back and listening to it all. Raz is a legend. Every sentence is a nugget of gold. I want someone to draw me a picture of him and Sisa getting pissed and getting up to mischief together. Goddammit, this is how the urge to spend more time writing fanfic than playing starts :mad:
Is that Agony in the erm... shadow? line? I haven't taken that yet, because I wasn't sure I'd need it at this low level (just level 7 atm) - but I could see it coming in handy even against nasty bosses if you need a bit of a breather to regen.
Yes, I think so. Rings a bell, anyway. I've been doing a few quests with bow equipped and Bow skills slotted, then switching to dual-wield and changing skills around to level that up for a few quests. Wearing a mixture of medium and heavy armour, with light gloves; everything seems to be skilling up nicely so far. :)

The Ebonheart Pact starter areas are nice; the first island is straight out of Skyrim, but there's a good throughline of quests around an invasion that carries all the way through to the main city. The second zone, Stonefalls, is a bit bleak - all ash and lava - but it's got some cool fire-insect things. Unfortunately a couple of quests are bugged still, which is annoying, but there's still plenty to keep me occupied.

First loot of the day. Immediately afterwards I got a Honey Pudding recipe that does the same. Maybe my luck is on the up?
I really loved Stonefalls. The bits where it's just rock and lava got a bit boring but otherwise I loved the setting. Ebonheart in particular is lovely, when you head on down to the beach and rummage around the Argonian village behind it, and over to that little island where the fighter's guild quest is.

I'm still on Khenarthi's Roost :D

I assume for the broken quests you've tried relogging umpteen times?
I've gone with agony too - I hadn't bothered with it until yesterday when my character on the NA server somehow managed to pull 5 alits at once - survived by the skin of my teeth and then started looking more closely at the skills :D
I'm finding choosing skills far more difficult than in beta, then it felt like it didn't matter much.
Server maintenance. And I think I was getting close to finding that treasure, dammit.

Or not. I swear I've scoured every inch of the fucking island.
Server maintenance. And I think I was getting close to finding that treasure, dammit.

Or not. I swear I've scoured every inch of the fucking island.

Is that Izad's Treasure?
I have never managed to find that bloody thing!
Is that Izad's Treasure?
I have never managed to find that bloody thing!

Nooo, I can find that. (Check your journal - it gives extra tips than appear on screen.) This is on Khenarthi's Roost, one of the treasure maps you can loot at various times. Treasure Map IV I think. You can see a 3-masted ship in the distance,then some temple architecture in the middle ground, and a shoreline with palms in the foreground, and it's meant to be somewhere there. I *think* this places it behind the temple of mourning springs, because it's the right architecture style and it's in a direct line from the ship docked at Mistral.... but I can't pigging find it. I was scouring that area when the servers went down (forums say they'll be down for a few hours, apparently). I've found another on Khenarthi's Roost last beta, just outside of Windcatcher Plantation. That one was pretty easy, but this one is a bastard.
Ah ok. I've drawn a complete blank on finding any treasure maps so far! I have the Imperial Edition ones but haven't unpacked them yet 'cos bank space :oops:
My Imp Edition one's haven't come through yet. Seems different things are coming at different times for different people. I have the scroll of Mara and the monkey pet and can buy my Imp horse, but I don't have the treasure maps yet.

Also, seriously, you cannot move on Khenarthi's Roost for treasure chests.
Vintage Paw - thanks for the Izad's treasure tip, you're right, once I had found the starting point the hints were shown on screen and then I found it easily enough - so cheers for that!

I currently have 2 characters on the NA server and 1 on the EU, and because I'm doing a lot of crafting I feel as though I'm plate-spinning at the moment, what with doing research and inventory/bank management. It will calm down a bit once I'm onto 2nd and 3rd traits for research as those take longer, so less time spent hovering around bank and crafting areas and hoarding All The Loot for research purposes!

I have various items in my bank on the EU server that I made but are now obsolete, if anyone wants them for deconstruction, let me know and I'll mail them to you.
Playing my EP character, seems a lot of people that started today are missing out on the starting islands.
I just got to Davon's Watch, level 7, set of crafted level-appropriate gear, hotbar full of active skills. Went to collect the remains from the Indoril Tomb and the place is piled high with dead bodies of level 3 players wearing rags and clutching whatever crappy starting weapon they got, they were dropping like flies. I was 2-shotting the boss so hung around for a bit to help the "young'uns" out if they got into difficulties, but didn't have enough soul gems to go around so had to ignore many of the fallen.

I daren't go on the official forum, I bet it's awash with "it's too hard". No, no it isn't, just that you've missed a sizeable portion of low-level content. :(
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