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Elder Scrolls: Online

Meh, it's got nothing else to do for the rest of the week. I'm reasonably confident that once it's finished downloading again, the EU client will patch itself properly come launch day.
Let's hope so! The last thing we want is the launcher annoying us and making us download it all again as soon as the servers open :D

I'm keeping myself busy with Fallout New Vegas and trying to avoid the flu (it appears to be going around in these parts).
I think nightblades are popular because they are easy to spec as typical dps builds either ranged with a bow or dual wielding - and they can be very good in Cyrodiil. They're a decent 'go-to' class that doesn't require much thought, I think. They can fit nicely into the typical 'rogue' type, and that's precisely why I picked it to play during my first beta - I always prefer rogues (medium armours, stabbity, bows, sneaky, fast, high damage high reward, crit, crit, crit) and nightblade made a lot of sense. But of course, the game lets you make whatever you want and the class system is there just to give people a little bit of suggested guidance should they want it - but you can make a siphoning healer nightblade or a critical tank nightblade or a nightblade caster... I find it hard to get my head around the endless possibilities to be honest, so I expect a couple of rerolls along the way as I slowly learn more about the game.

Those results are really interesting. How was the survey conducted? I'm assuming it was very self-selecting - so I would take some of the results with a pinch of salt. It's good for a decent idea about faction percentage, I'd have thought. I do wonder whether how the survey was conducted (as in, where it was posted etc.) will have an effect on server location stats and gender stats.
Incidentally, I think I've found my first guild.

It's a social guild for roleplayers, ooc, to help find people to socialise with, join up with, play with, and maybe roleplay with... but mostly a place to facilitate the same kinds of players meeting each other. There's an NA version too, so if I do make any characters on the NA server eventually I'll join that one as well.
Those results are really interesting. How was the survey conducted? I'm assuming it was very self-selecting - so I would take some of the results with a pinch of salt.
Yes, definitely. There is some comment on the relevant Reddit thread relating to the timing of the survey (i.e. it was a while ago, so may not reflect people's changed preferences after beta testing) and also obviously it's a very limited subset of players. Still, interesting. It would be cool if Zenimax release stats on actual player distribution once the game is live - if they have anything like the WoW Armory then they can make that data public.
I am currently trying to come up with character names and backgrounds. Trying to write a bit of a list of names for each race. I was very unimaginative during beta but am making an effort as I could have to live with any choice for a while!
I'm going to have a Dunmer Nightblade on the NA server to play with the people I met and joined a guild (SangSang) with during beta testing.
I'm not into only having one character though, I'll have others on the EU server, and that guild you linked to Vintage Paw looks great for finding people to just have some fun with, I expect I will have a Breton or Imperial Dragonknight on the EU server.

I am getting so impatient waiting for launch at this point!
I am currently trying to come up with character names and backgrounds. Trying to write a bit of a list of names for each race. I was very unimaginative during beta but am making an effort as I could have to live with any choice for a while!
Since I finished the first draft of a novel last month I haven't had much to write about, so yesterday I started writing the backstory for my Argonian Nightblade. fantasynamegenerators.com is quite a handy resource for naming inspiration; Argonians are a little harder since they have at least two different names to come up with...
Since I finished the first draft of a novel last month I haven't had much to write about, so yesterday I started writing the backstory for my Argonian Nightblade. fantasynamegenerators.com is quite a handy resource for naming inspiration; Argonians are a little harder since they have at least two different names to come up with...
Congratulations on finishing your draft! I view that as a major achievement, I am one of those people who has loads of ideas for novels floating around in their head but zero skill in putting any of it down in a form that would make even passable reading. I have tried and know it's not at all easy.

I tried that fantasynamegenerators.com thing but got disenchanted with it when I found it suggested Bosmer names that would be fine 'wood elf' names in other fantasy settings, but paid little regard to Bosmer naming conventions in TES Lore, and I threw all my toys out of the pram at that point :oops: Has to be said that Bosmer and Altmer are a good deal more difficult to name than most other TES races.
Bit annoyed at Zenimax customer support at the moment. Emailed them a few days ago to request a UserID change - I got two responses asking for security verification and my choices for a new UserID, to which I replied. Then nothing, so I chased them up, and got a response back saying "no you can't have it." :mad:

Now I'm waiting (for several hours) for a callback from their phone support people.
Bit annoyed at Zenimax customer support at the moment. Emailed them a few days ago to request a UserID change - I got two responses asking for security verification and my choices for a new UserID, to which I replied. Then nothing, so I chased them up, and got a response back saying "no you can't have it." :mad:

Now I'm waiting (for several hours) for a callback from their phone support people.

I can help with this, Buddy Bradley .

It's close to my heart because I've done the same. I got mine changed yesterday.

However, whereas before it was luck of the draw getting a helpful agent, ZOS have officially stated you can now change your ID and/or email by contacting support.

Start a new ticket. I started 2, the first led nowhere, the second led to the immediate change (agent passed on my details to the relevant department and Justin got in touch within the hour by email and did it for me).

Direct your customer service agent to this knowledge base article if they get shirty. Or, even better, when you start your new ticket (which I think you should), quote it right away.

Don't worry about starting a new ticket just because you're waiting for a call back. Do it by email, and if you get the call in the meantime then yay, and if it gets sorted by email and then you get a call just explain to the person on the phone it's sorted now but thanks for getting back to you.
Incidentally, my new username is amoebae - so we can all still be friends :D

NA server is patched, now I'm patching the EU version. I'm still not sure which server I'll end up on, I'm joining the EU and NA versions of that social RP collective and I'll see how it goes. Unless I find some really cool friends on the NA server it probably will end up being the EU though. I'll make characters on both for the meantime. I reroll all the time so it's not a bother if I change my mind.
I got in for 10 minutes today, they were doing some fiddling around with the servers and someone left the door open.

I got to see the intro movie as it appears in game, unfortunately it looks really lo-res on my display. Not that it matters a great deal, but I did have a moment where 2007 called asking for its intro movie back.
I got to see the intro movie as it appears in game, unfortunately it looks really lo-res on my display. Not that it matters a great deal, but I did have a moment where 2007 called asking for its intro movie back.
I watched it on YouTube the other day, and have to agree it's pretty poor quality compared to the rest of the game, and especially compared to the trailers they have on their site. The choice of fonts seems really old-fashioned as well, like you're playing Ultima Online instead of Elder Scrolls Online... :D
Since I finished the first draft of a novel last month I haven't had much to write about, so yesterday I started writing the backstory for my Argonian Nightblade. fantasynamegenerators.com is quite a handy resource for naming inspiration; Argonians are a little harder since they have at least two different names to come up with...
Finished my brief backstory, just in time for launch: :D

Yup. I've spent the last 2 hours getting all the names I want on both servers (in case I want to switch). Now I'm ready to start.

I've installed that Wykkid's Full Immersion addon - mostly for the emote list :D (It needed Wykkid's Framework, so I have that too)

I'm on the EU server for now. ID is amoebae if anyone wants to add me in game. Let me know your ID so I know it's you, because I'm prone to ignoring or denying people who don't introduce themselves first :p

Going to be focusing on DC with my breton sorc for now I think. It's the faction I spent least time in. Although I'm sure I'll flit around for a while at first while I get my bearings, and remake characters as I realise they look like ass.

Have fun :)
Rolled up my character and got as far as the weapon racks before I had to stop to cook Mothers Day lunch :D

Hopefully she'll collapse in a food coma now and I can get some gaming in...
Rather than subject myself to hammering on the login button from an hour beforehand, I left it til about 20 past 12 to give it a go.
Got in straight away, no queues, no drama, completely pain free - in fact it went so smooth it was almost an anti-climax!

Have set up a character on the NA server, going to try the EU one in a minute after I've given the cats their lunch.
If anyone wants in on that roleplay collective guild, I can send invites. There are about 60 people in it atm, it's nice having a polite and civilised chat tab :D
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