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Elder Scrolls: Online

I have all the motifs on my crafting character (except Imperial), which ones do you need? If I find any I will mail them to you.

Edit: Yeah I found Templar really didn't suit me very well. As a tank/healer it's going to be great for people who enjoy playing that, but it doesn't really suit my playstyle. I've had most fun with Nightblade and Dragonknight so far.
Oh it's okay, I don't 'need' any of them :D If you have any spare that you think make particularly lovely medium armour though, feel free to send my way! I'm wearing imperial right now, because the khajiit is a little... bland. Maybe if I can get some improvement thingies it'll look nicer.

It really is luck of the draw, isn't it? I mean, I spent all day yesterday and today looting every available place with my templar and got nary a thing. Then in one room I got a massive haul of recipes and a motif with my khajiit. It seems she has great luck!

And yeah, I just couldn't get templar to fee right. I hear it's nice with a bow, so that's always one possibility down the line. Even though I tell myself I don't particularly like that mode of thinking, I don't half find myself turning into a bit of a min-maxer when I play. I start looking for abilities and passives that can absolutely maximise certain things (this is so much easier in GW2 or TSW!). Dragonknight with a dunmer was nice, because of the fire synergy. Using a staff and light armour meant I maximised magicka regen early on and armour as well when using Spiked Armour. With a khajiit it's stealth, and a good old boring medium armour dual wielder sounds nice and sensible - lots of crit, lots of slashy noises :D And DoTs too... I love to bleed 'em and leech 'em dry :p

I haven't tried a sorcerer yet. Maybe that can be my 2h-er? I'll have to look into it more in between now and release. I only have a smidge more work to do, then I can take a break and do more reading about the game.
Not tried Sorcerer yet either. I'm a bit pissed off with them for running around ruins with their daedra summons, I am still smarting from my time in the first beta when I started slashing wildly at someone's summons trying to kill it. Then realised and casually sauntered away to go play my /lute somewhere nearby as if nothing had happened. Another dunce cap moment LOL :D
How does anyone manage to play MMOs when they have animals that want attention? Currently had to log out because little blue cat was determined to have a cuddle regardless of whether it was convenient for me. My arms are in 'keyboard position' and he is laying across them with his bum on one arm and front paws hooked over the other, purring his little head off and dozing off to sleep. It's really restrictive on my hand/arm movements.
Oh my. I'm really enjoying playing my kitty stealth stabbity nightblade. Teleport Strike from stealth!

And yeah, my Charlie is nudging my hand with his forehead at the moment, jealous that I'm spending time with other cats, clearly.
Oh my. I'm really enjoying playing my kitty stealth stabbity nightblade. Teleport Strike from stealth!

And yeah, my Charlie is nudging my hand with his forehead at the moment, jealous that I'm spending time with other cats, clearly.

Give my love and a head rub to Charlie :) Having 3 can be a real trial when trying to play a game, there's always one that wants a cuddle, wants feeding, is having a bit of a scrap with another, or is in annoying bitey mode (although that only applies to Radar, the other 2 are better socialised and do not bite or scratch). Have to time my gaming for when they are napping, but even then one of them may wake up briefly and decide they want a cuddle and to sleep on me rather than any of their other regular places :)
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reddit is full of disgruntled people today. And to be honest, I can't say I blame them.

First and foremost is the launcher. There are still people not in yet. For some, every time they start the launcher it tries to download the full game again. They let it download. It gives them an error. They repair. It downloads it again. It gives them an error. They check their game folders and half the files are missing. Rinse and repeat. The launcher is just... dreadful.

Then there are the bugs. The bugs, the bugs, the bugs. Considering they were supposed to fix 'over a thousand bugs' in this build, I've encountered more quest-breaking ones than in the previous builds. Mostly NPCs not performing the actions they should, or enemies not spawning. Relogging, quitting, relaunching, abandoning - none of it seems to fix it.

Then there are the starter islands. It's not going down well. I KNEW IT WOULDN'T. *writhes frustratedly* Someone started a thread asking "why are all the quests 4 levels above my level?"... because it wasn't immediately apparent to them that they needed to go back to the starter island.

I mean, unless you're super l33t, once you get out of that initial little area around the main city the quest levels are going to ramp up and you won't have had the several levels of starter island to help cushion the blow. It's going to hurt.

With 2 weeks to go until release, I'm having my first wobble. I have faith in the game long term, but I'm really very worried about how it will be received at launch - because that kind of response, all the reviews, etc., can have a lasting effect on the reputation of a game, and one that will rely on subs to move forward... :(
Oh, and Charlie says thank you :D Likewise to your little terrors. I keep imagining Charlie as an alfiq now (I did some reading up on khajiit sub-types the other day) and it makes me giggle :)
With 2 weeks to go until release, I'm having my first wobble. I have faith in the game long term, but I'm really very worried about how it will be received at launch - because that kind of response, all the reviews, etc., can have a lasting effect on the reputation of a game, and one that will rely on subs to move forward... :(

Yeah I know what you mean -the change to the start was just a really really bad idea. My own complaint was that the starting zones seemed a bit small and rushed in terms of dealing with questing, but being dumped straight into a higher level zone where you can't actually do any quests (unless you have l33t skilzz) because you are too low level for them, without any guidance as to how to get to an area where the quests are of a more appropriate level, is just such a bad idea and will be off-putting for many. The story no longer makes sense, and there's no sense of progression in terms of gradually getting stronger and being able to tackle higher level stuff than you could an hour or two ago - just a brick wall of stuff that you probably can't manage, and not being adequately directed back to a lower level zone. I am about to give my 4th /feedback about this, just to be clear that I think it does not work on a fundamental level, either in terms of story or progression.

I'm less worried about the bugs tbh, but just because on a personal level I am not going to give up on a game even if it still has bugs at launch, I'll just go back to it when it's fixed - but I know that other gamers are not necessarily as patient as I am. I still think the game will be right up my alley mind you, but yes sometimes first impressions and early reviews can hurt a game.
I've been running around that area in Stonefalls with all the shalks and am definitely getting better at timing blocks and dodging! Still for some reason find a sideways dodge difficult, have to double tap the relevant button faster than I can manage most of the time.

I wish someone would tell me what I was actually doing Friday night. My head tells me that I was sat at home playing an MMO, but still feel as if I was at some point run over by a truck - massive pain in my right foot like I broke a bone and I somehow ended up with a trapped nerve in my right shoulder. Had reduced sensation in 2 of my fingers for a few hours yesterday and although that is now back to normal, my shoulder still hurts like hell. Feel like I was out there fighting in reality, not just sitting in front of my PC playing a game!
Am determined to get my Dunmer to level 10 and into Cyrodil regardless of what it takes.
Good thing about going on shalk rampages is that I think the loot has been upped, every so often I have to head back to town and unload a shed load of gear into the bank for my crafter to disassemble. Some items I wanted to use too.
I'm confident that they will fix the starter zone problems, since it's so simple -- either take people to the starter island with a skip option there, or put an NPC in the same room you wake up in who explains the starter islands to you and gives you the starter quest.

The quest bugs are a bigger concern, since there seem to be a lot more of them than in previous weekends. Still, like you say, it's a game launch and bugs are impossible to avoid; I hope it retains enough critical mass of players for this to not bring it down before it even gets properly started...
First and foremost is the launcher. There are still people not in yet. For some, every time they start the launcher it tries to download the full game again. They let it download. It gives them an error. They repair. It downloads it again. It gives them an error. They check their game folders and half the files are missing. Rinse and repeat. The launcher is just... dreadful.

FFS! :mad: My install was working fine last night, but when I fired it up this morning it has decided to delete the entire game and start redownloading it. Fuck. No more beta for me then, there's no way this is going to be completed today. :(
FFS! :mad: My install was working fine last night, but when I fired it up this morning it has decided to delete the entire game and start redownloading it. Fuck. No more beta for me then, there's no way this is going to be completed today. :(

Are you using the EU server? If so this constant reinstall is a known issue, switch to NA server (cog in the top right of the launcher) and write the EU server off as a lost cause for now.
Are you using the EU server? If so this constant reinstall is a known issue, switch to NA server (cog in the top right of the launcher) and write the EU server off as a lost cause for now.
I'll try switching, but either way it's a massive fail on their part this close to launch.

Edit: A work colleague reports he has the same problems despite already being on the NA server.
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I now have a level 10+ character in both DC and EP, if anyone is up for something in Cyrodil later today. I'm going to get a few hours kip right now, but can do this evening some time. Have some guild activity (hark at me, never thought that was a sentence I'd utter) that I am already committed to at around 8pm, but could do before or after that.

Or if you would like to join in with what I am doing at 8pm, tonight's activity is checking out PvE content/group dungeons in Cyrodil, it's a fun non-shouty EP guild.
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You're not the only one, Buddy. Forums are full of people having the launcher keep downloading each time they fire it up. It's a fucking nightmare.

Make sure you send firmly-worded bug reports and feedback to their customer support, and fill in that survey when it comes!
I've started yet another new character. This time an altmer sorcerer who will use a bow (and maybe a melee at 15 - not that I'll get there). She was dual wielding in coldharbour and it felt nice.

Her name is Mirie Caemian and she has a bit of an affinity with the bosmer.

I know I'm going to end up having a bunch of nightblades, a sorc, a dragonknight, and maybe never a templar. And my weapons of choice will tend to be dual wield, bow and 2h. There's a lot of choice in just those different set ups even though they have a lot of similarities. Knowing what to focus on first will be tough! I think my dunmer light armour dragonknight will migrate to a 2h rather than the destro staff I was using before. It feels like dk has a lot of melee range skills, and gap closers, so melee feels right. Maybe a staff later on. I might try a templar again at a later date. I hear a bowplar is really nice, so that's one option. Obvious khajiit dual wielding nightblade, but I also hear a 2h khajiit nightblade is really nice for the super awesome crit damage. Bosmer archer because obvious... not sure about the 2nd weapon choice. I could see dual wield, but I guess anything could work.

Not sure what to make my breton now. She was my templar. Maybe she can still be... but the bowplar.

I'm going to be putting woodworking through its paces!
Yeah I think Dragonknight definitely suits melee - I put one of mine in heavy armour and with a greatsword (2H) - even at a fairly low level you could have fiery chain to damage them and pull them to you, stonefist to knock them flat, then whack them with cleave while they are down. You do have to watch the resource bars but you've got a few class skills to deal with foes at range and close the gap, then give them a good whack with something heavy close up - feels very natural. I was worried that the classes might feel restrictive, but at this point I have 5 NBs who all play differently, and 2 DKs - one in light and one in heavy. I like the tanky one best. Come launch I can easily make 8 different characters out of just those 2 classes.
If you have something like breton, dunmer or altmer they can wear light armour, gain ridiculous amounts of magicka and regen, and still hit armour cap with Spiked Armour. That's what I was doing with my staff dk last time and I never felt squishy. Then you can focus your enchantments and foods on stamina - maybe even wear a couple of pieces of medium instead of heavy (I was wearing 5 light/2heavy). That's my plan, anyway. I think it will be fun.

Well, I'm level 7 with my bow sorcerer now. It's a lot of fun. I only have the one bow skill right now - because I don't want to waste points on volley just for PvE and scattershot hasn't opened up yet (scattershot is lovely). Still, I very rarely even take 1 hit before things are dead.

And I have found so many chests this weekend. So many.
And I have found so many chests this weekend. So many.

Whilst I was grinding shalks with my Dunmer to level up and practice dodging, a lot of the time I was right by a chest spawn point. If anyone else was going through the area I let them have the chest, but I must have opened that thing myself 20 or so times, I'm quite good at the lockpicking thing now. Kept having to go to the bank to drop off all my goodies :D
I kind of felt that they overdid it with the forage-able spawns now. It was ridiculous - you're supposed to be escaping from an undead prison, but you have to stop every few yards to search through every box, urn, basket or crate you come across. :D
I kind of felt that they overdid it with the forage-able spawns now. It was ridiculous - you're supposed to be escaping from an undead prison, but you have to stop every few yards to search through every box, urn, basket or crate you come across. :D

The sheer amount of urns in the last 2 rooms is a bit mental :D
The person who I was hoping one day to maybe convince to buy the game - my MMO buddy - well, he was playing it earlier when BZZZZZZZT! gpu dead.

He's trying to fix it, but yeah, that and the bugs have more or less convinced him not to get it.

To be fair, he wasn't massively excited for it anyway. He played in one beta other than this, and started to like it, but it was never that "wow, must play" thing anyway.

But yeah.
I have just spent the last 2.5 hours doing PvE in Cyrodil in a group of 7.
Got a couple of skyshards, did a couple of dungeons. Absolutely bloody chaotic tbh, but we worked out good co-ordination amongst the group about how combat went in terms of who was doing what, and what worked. I only left because I haven't had dinner yet and am feeling a bit light-headed!
What happenend? I've not tried him this go round.

Well, he died very quickly. I can't tell whether it's because my build is SO FUCKING AWESOME (because it is) or because of the nerf. I was hoping he'd still pose some kind of challenge, but it was all over so quickly.
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