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EDL watch

EDL Flashmobs in Leicester and Chelmsley Wood going on right now apparently..
I don't even know where exactly there are, never been to Chelmsley Wood before, I'm guessing there's a high street.. it's a very white area of brum iirc so I guess they aren't brave/stupid enough to go somewhere were there are lots of muslims and MDL organised ready to kick them again.

edit: changed my mind about going down as it'll take me an hour on my bike and I've got someone coming round this afternoon, got confused about where chelmsley wood is, thought it was next to hall green.. I hope very few ppl will be out anyway after the richard price peado thing.
And the flashmobs are a sign of...?

The UAF on their website says that the flashmob tactics of the EDL/PDL are due to the pressure that they “UAF” have applied to them. What pressure? The pressure you get in a kettle, perhaps.

I am very sceptical of so called UAF victories, take Preston for example, where it was claimed that the 100 strong Harry Potter lookalike group who gathered to oppose the 2000 EDL was a “victory” because the Harry Potters were locals and the EDL were not.

You couldn’t get a more twisted logic.

The Flashmob tactic is seen by UAF as a sign that the EDL are on the run. WTF?
If anything it is a stepping up and diversification of activity. Could it be that they are not as monolithic as the UAF?

Quote from UAF website; "The fact that they have resorted to these smaller, unannounced events this year shows that the pressure is getting to them and their confidence is draining away.
The lesson is clear: mobilising against the EDL works

UAF also comes to the conclusion that EDL have abandoned the set piece demos strategy. WTF is Luton, then?
Could it be that the EDL are going to use both tactics from now on or is that too complex and perhaps too “modern” for the UAF to comprehend?
Anyone remember "Abdul" the muslim guy they kept touting as proof they weren't racist?

Guess what - he is:

Has anyone sent in names and photos of the kiddy fiddlers to the loons responsible for nonce watch? I feel they ought to know.
If you go on the youtube channel that uploaded the video, he's linked his facebook on there.
If he has so much distain for Muslims, then why isn't he in Afghanistan fighting them? The 'cowardly cunt'. What a nob-jockey.
EDL members are white working class men who live in areas where diversity is the highest. Working class areas have become immigrant areas, middle class areas haven't. Ethnic displacement is a valid reason for protesting. Those white working class areas have been home to their familes for generations. It's rather rich for middle class multiculturalists, who never have anything to do with black or muslim people, to call them chavs and brush off their predicament.
EDL members are white working class men who live in areas where diversity is the highest. Working class areas have become immigrant areas, middle class areas haven't. Ethnic displacement is a valid reason for protesting. Those white working class areas have been home to their familes for generations. It's rather rich for middle class multiculturalists, who never have anything to do with black or muslim people, to call them chavs and brush off their predicament.

What you're doing there is confusing "white working class men" and "EDL members". The latter are at best a tiny subset of the former and it's easy to brush off their predicament because they are stupid twats. HTH.
EDL members are white working class men who live in areas where diversity is the highest. Working class areas have become immigrant areas, middle class areas haven't. Ethnic displacement is a valid reason for protesting. Those white working class areas have been home to their familes for generations. It's rather rich for middle class multiculturalists, who never have anything to do with black or muslim people, to call them chavs and brush off their predicament.

I'm White working class and live and work in a Multicultural area, at least half of my mates are muslim or mixed race, and you know what not one has tried to blow me up or rape my kids.

now fuck off back to facebook or the EDL forum and preach your hate for the muzzie scum etc.
EDL members are white working class men who live in areas where diversity is the highest. Working class areas have become immigrant areas, middle class areas haven't. Ethnic displacement is a valid reason for protesting. Those white working class areas have been home to their familes for generations. It's rather rich for middle class multiculturalists, who never have anything to do with black or muslim people, to call them chavs and brush off their predicament.

Hang on a minute. When did the EDL become about opposing diversity beyond the 'islamification' of Britain? Either you aren't EDL, you don't know what you're talking about or the mask is slipping.

Probably a mixture of two and three.
EDL members are white working class men who live in areas where diversity is the highest. Working class areas have become immigrant areas, middle class areas haven't. Ethnic displacement is a valid reason for protesting. Those white working class areas have been home to their familes for generations. It's rather rich for middle class multiculturalists, who never have anything to do with black or muslim people, to call them chavs and brush off their predicament.

What you mean is that it's perfectly acceptable for the far-right to seek to piggy back on working class discontent with social conditions and attempt to turn the social reasons behind their problems into racial ones. I think most 'white working class men' (if you want to speak about just men) have pretty clearly signaled their rejection of these attempts by their real lifes and actions haven't they?
EDL members are white working class men who live in areas where diversity is the highest. Working class areas have become immigrant areas, middle class areas haven't. Ethnic displacement is a valid reason for protesting. Those white working class areas have been home to their familes for generations. It's rather rich for middle class multiculturalists, who never have anything to do with black or muslim people, to call them chavs and brush off their predicament.

I know it fits your cosy little worldview to pretend that anti-racism and anti-fascism is a middle class thang, but it's fucking wrong. Which is probably why the EDL (WDL, CDL, WC, CU, whatever the fuck they're calling themselves today) are a fucking dead duck in that notorious middle class enclave of Wales. Lol.
They're also the size of a midge's dick compared to the trades union movement who they oppose and, funnily enough, contain working class people.
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