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EDL watch

Anyone else involved in the EDL facebook wars? I've got a couple of mates who are involved in the MDL, and there's been this big kick off round Dewsbury/ Bradford between EDlers posting shit on mates of mates walls and vice versa then big slagging matches. It's made facefuck more interesting, though maybe it's just between a limited group of people after India won the cricket and there was lots of celebrating/ commiserating in Bradford which seemed to piss the EDL off.

Not presonally, but a few of my FB friends have joined the EDL page on FB to troll.....

This Indymedia piece claims that Alan Lake has been out to play a little more in cyberspace recently. As the moneybags and 'brains' behind the EDL I really thought he would be more together than this (assuming it is him): frothing on about executing liberals and such like. at least the teenage race-war wank fantasists of the EDL are, well, teenagers. This twat never grew up.
I doubt the asian lad was MDL as they claim. Probably just an easy 'ethnic' target for them trying to get the train home.

The MDL are small fry really AKAIK, it's far more a reality in the fevered paranoid minds of the EDLers, same as how anyone who doesn't like them is construed as UAF.
Bob, have you learned nothing?

Critique of the EDL must be entirely based on theory with solid class analysis to back it up. The fact that the EDL couldn't theorise their way out of a paper bag is neither here nor there. The fact that their poor English skills render it nigh on impossible to debate with, doesn't detract from the fact that if you scorn thick racists then YOU are just as much to blame in the eyes of some of the self appointed judges of what does and doesn't make valid argument.

I cant stand the class snobbery, I cant stand the inverse tendency that being educated and / or reasonably employed means having to look over your shoulder the whole time for someone finger wagging you for being 'middle class'. The EDL are generally thick racists regardless of their class, as dupes for fascism they are ultimately class enemies anyhow in the lexicon of the left.

If humourless analysis and thought policery of the critics of fascism had proved a success in keeping the far right at bay I might be more given to them as strategies.

There were, in fact, lots of ignorant middle class and working class people who thought, without looking too deeply, that the EDL might 'have a point'. That has been exposed and washed away now, by the EDL's own violence, hatred and stupidity. Little to do with class or the left in the end (thought the anti cuts demo showed them what a real street movement is about).

Today the media department of the English Defence League has been shown certain pictures by the sun newspaper.

We are well aware of these pictures, as we have recently been receiving threats from the NWI stating they intended to sell them to the media. So we would like to inform our members of the full story.

At the request of the Blackburn division Tommy Robinson attended the Blackburn homecoming parade late last year. Following the parade Tommy stayed in Blackburn and had a few drinks with fellow EDL members. He was then invited back to a party at some ones house, at this point he posed for a few pictures and someone put on a table behind him something that could be viewed as being drugs. They ensured a photo was taken in this way to enable them to blackmail Tommy moving forward. Clearly had Tommy been taking drugs the person responsible for the stitch up would have obtained a picture of him with a note up his nose? Tommy has advised the paper that should they run the story stating he takes drugs, legal action will be taken as there is clearly no proof of this.

We are not sure if the Sun will run this story or not at present they have only asked for Tommy’s side of the story, which he has confirmed that a proven Nazi member of the EDL was kicked out of the movement and is now seeking revenge.

We have to ask ourselves a few questions here as the same group of people try time and time again to end the EDL.

1. The NWI continually talk of all the money the EDL makes (of which a statement detailing expenditure is being prepared for all members). However these mugs go and sell pictures to papers to make a few quid for themselves out of the EDL.

2. The NWI in an attempt to destroy the Blackburn demonstration spent a week calling certain people grasses. And then go and make up a story to grass Tommy to the national media. Hypocrisy springs to mind!!!!

3. What are the motives of these people? They say they are the extremist infidels but day after day we have to think are they really on the side of Militant Islam? Or are they just jealous idiots only out for themselves and not their country? There can be no other explanation for them wanting to destroy the biggest movement Islamism has come up against in recent years.

Well you can decide what are the intentions of these groups but rest assured people can keep trying to stitch Tommy up and blackmail him but he is going nowhere and neither is the EDL.

Time and time again we are continually fighting against people who claim to be fighting the same cause as the EDL. This is wasted energy!!! If we could be channelling this energy towards our fight against militant Islam instead of against egotistical, jealous, jumped up, wannabe's then maybe the government would be listening to us by now. Or maybe the government has planted these wrong un's as they seem to be very persistent in stopping this great movement.

We will continue to grow no matter what obstacles are put to us and we will continue to fight for our great nation.

Tomorrow Tommy will still be here, Tomorrow the EDL will still be here, Tomorrow Diddyman and the NWI grasses will have failed again. They continually try to blackmail Tommy, which came to a head last week at the Blackburn.

No Surrender

Your Leadership Team

"They ensured a photo was taken in this way to enable them to blackmail Tommy moving forward. Clearly had Tommy been taking drugs the person responsible for the stitch up would have obtained a picture of him with a note up his nose? "

yeah right - it doesnt matter if your you're Tommy Robsinson or not, you're not going to let anyone take a photo of you mid-nose up, and with it being night/flash obligatory, there's no way it would have been possible on the sly, so this bit is complete bullshit.
From the NWI page...

British Loyalist
I would like to welcome our friends from urban75 forums who keep coming onto this page with malice intent. Also from U75 " The cat looks to be very much out of the bag here, and I guess it's up to us who are aware of this to put up the fight. How do we do this? I have no easy answers, but if anti-racism/fascism has to get militant aga...in, then so be it." I bet everyone is terrified that these cretins might get 'militant' again. You're not Red Action anymore ladies.

Ha ha ha ha ha, I get quoted by NWI! Hilarious central. Well, if you're reading this, "lads", you're welcome to come down to Clapham to throw your lardy weight around. Don't be surprised if the, ahem, "Aryan" masses decide to slap you all over the shop as a thank you. And don't worry darlings, I'll be there to blow you a kiss or two. What next, you gonna call out the gluesniffers of Combat 18 to defend you anti-Muslamic honour? In short, get back to your Blood and Honour wank mags, losers.

Anyroad, to all Urbans -move along here, nowt to see, you're all doing fine work :cool:
yeah and Cardiff welcomes you back with open arms, :D

pop down anytime you like i'm sure it will all go as well as last June when 150 of you and the fat cunt Marshy got laughed out of the city by 1000+ people
BOB2009 - I like your style - this is what the kids want, after all :cool: Funnily enough, I had an encounter this very evening in Clarm-land with a propa Inglish woomun who was, like, not liekin the Muslamics and Chinese. I gave her the benefit of my wit and wisdom and she slapped me on the face with...a bunch of flowers. It was like being bashed over the bonce with Morrisey's gladioli!
More laughable shite from Spiked. Wtf is it with these apologetic tossers?
An interview with a young member of the UK-based protest movement, the English Defence League (EDL), is currently spreading like wildfire online. It’s not difficult to see why: for many lefties, this single interview confirms every prejudice they have about the inarticulate, confused primitives that make up the EDL – and the white working classes as a whole.

The author misses the point - it's funny and it shows how thick these EDL bastards are. As the article goes on, the author gets into a real tangle. LM: they don't know what they want.
he's bang on the money with this bit here however

It is nothing less than confirmation of their political and cosmopolitan superiority over the uneducated, provincial lower orders.

sums up lefty to a tee (and a big proportion of posters here, nino_savatte, littlebabyjesus, violentpanda all spring to mind)

I see the EDL in Blackburn used the death of a families loved one at their demonstration last week and didn't have the common decency to contact the family first to make sure they didn't upset them. Absolute gutter politics.


People should read threads :p
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