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EDL watch

report on boro. piss poor EDL 'national demo' in an area where the far right are quite strong.
me mate was there and reckons less than 200.
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Boro for me signals the end of EDL at a national level. There was maybe 300 and this was a national call-out being held in one of their last strongholds. There may still be pockets of support at a regional level that require a watchful eye but 300 for a national is just shit. Even the NF can get 200 for their nationals and nobody takes them seriously. The policing was lax with clear opportunities for the 'hardmen' of the north east infidels to attack the anti-racist rally earlier on but they just skulked past hoping not to be noticed. A few very small groups of youngsters confronted the edl at their rally and all the edl did was cry to the police. Like I said earlier, they're finished.
just for the record i have looked at 5 videos of the different marches (several times, yes I've nowt else to do) and at their peak the EDL had 310 the anti-edl had 230. bear in mind the edl was a national call out and the anti-edl was almost entirely Boro people.
Boro for me signals the end of EDL at a national level. There was maybe 300 and this was a national call-out being held in one of their last strongholds. There may still be pockets of support at a regional level that require a watchful eye but 300 for a national is just shit. Even the NF can get 200 for their nationals and nobody takes them seriously. The policing was lax with clear opportunities for the 'hardmen' of the north east infidels to attack the anti-racist rally earlier on but they just skulked past hoping not to be noticed. A few very small groups of youngsters confronted the edl at their rally and all the edl did was cry to the police. Like I said earlier, they're finished.

They were on their last legs in 2012. Then 2013 brought the killing of Lee Rigby and their numbers swelled that summer on the Newcastle demo. As shit as this turnout was there's still a lot of support when there's the right (or wrong) turn of events.

I couldn't make it to the counter demo as I have childcare duties most weekends and this one I couldn't avoid because of other stuff going on. TSM, NEAF and SWP opted for a UAF style approach afaik which imo doesn't really challenge anything. Not that militant pavement work would though. These people need their ideas challenging directly and this has happened with some TSM and Swappies on a previous occasion.
we can say for definite that their leadership is weak, their numbers have shrunk (300 for a national?), lack any strategy and they are doomed to going round in circles every other weekend. as treelover says (his a priori rudery aside!) 'people now have a 'legitimate' outlet for their frustrations in UKIP.' so what to do about them?
So not really a counter demonstration then :rolleyes:
This was always going to be a broad community response to the EDL, given the lack of numbers for anything more robust in the area. The whole organising process was as non-sectarian as anything I've seen in the British 'left' for a while. It ended up a bit more fluffy than I might have preferred personally, but once that was agreed, that's what we had to stick with. However the lack of confrontation between the 2 events was as much as anything about timing. We set ours for 11 and the edl didn't get details out till the day before (2.00 start). Particularly as we were seeking to get people involved who may not normally do demos, might not be on the facebook page to get updates, we felt we had to stick to that.
For all the good (and bad) work done by anti-fascists, it does look like the EDL were ultimately defeated by their own incompetence. Which is still good, but a hollow victory.

And yes, the resentment the EDL tapped into is still there. It cannot be defeated by anti-fascism either:

on the positive side, antifascists mobilised en masse for most demos. the EDL were subject to: incompetence, infighting, reckless behaviour, a lot of grassing (to antifascists as well as plod), and as 1 poster said 'no endgame' to which must be added no strategy, no coherent programme and just a vague idea to 'ban muslamic extremists.'
On the issue of th edl being a fading force, I got the impression at the weekend they were obsessing on the grooming thing, to the point of simply shouting 'paedo' at any passing Asians. Whilst they might get some minimal, brief and factually incorrect traction on that, it does smack of desparation. In practice, it also seems like they've abandoned any realistic attempt at engaging with the white working class. At the same time, as has been said, their failure can't really be seen as 'our' success.
They were on their last legs in 2012. Then 2013 brought the killing of Lee Rigby and their numbers swelled that summer on the Newcastle demo. As shit as this turnout was there's still a lot of support when there's the right (or wrong) turn of events.

I couldn't make it to the counter demo as I have childcare duties most weekends and this one I couldn't avoid because of other stuff going on. TSM, NEAF and SWP opted for a UAF style approach afaik which imo doesn't really challenge anything. Not that militant pavement work would though. These people need their ideas challenging directly and this has happened with some TSM and Swappies on a previous occasion.

There simply is no mass militant anti fascist movement, & so the question is how we get there? From a standing start the Boro mobilisation was great for a number of reasons, and lets be clear about this, direct action simply is not in itself the long term political community and movement building that we need to swell the ranks of militant anti fascism. This is not to say that we are UAF, certainly not, & we hopefully are a synthesis of previous approaches, recognising the weaknesses of both whilst retaining the positives.

Here's a good quote from AFN which sums the current situation up;
The counter-demo to the EDL was made up of local people, whereas the fascists had come from all over – some from as far away as London and Scotland. According to North East Anti-Fascists: “approximately 95% of the anti-fascists were from Teesside. Compare that with the EDL group made up of approximately 90% non-Teessiders. They made no significant inroads into the local population with this national demonstration – we built our strength and so it is us who are left in a stronger situation as a result of the fascist EDL national demonstration in Middlesbrough… We organised locally and did excellent outreach work, bringing new people into our organising networks”
It is this ongoing hard work of talking to people and getting out in the local area that sets down roots, building a constituency of opposition to the racists. This becomes vitally important if the EDL ever decide to come back to the area.
Onward and Upward
The next mobilisation for anti-fascists in the North is in Berwick-upon-Tweed this coming Saturday as the local TUC, supported by other anti-racists and anti-fascists organise to oppose a demo by the Scottish Defence League and the North East Infidels. Both these groups are even smaller and nastier splinter groups of the EDL."
I am dismayed some anti fascist suport groups are supporting the British army and imperialism. How can you be anti fascist and support imperialism ? This is the end result of them having no deeper anti fascist ideology rather one just seeks to laugh at "chavs" and "dole dwellers".
I am dismayed some anti fascist suport groups are supporting the British army and imperialism. How can you be anti fascist and support imperialism ? This is the end result of them having no deeper anti fascist ideology rather one just seeks to laugh at "chavs" and "dole dwellers".

How do you reconcile criticism of anti-fascist groups because of their support for the British Army, with you encouraging people to join the Labour Party?
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