this is going off topic a bit, but I've never shared this with anyone much before,mainly because it's of limited interest i suspect ( and also cos I 'm responsible for introing a pretty strict ' one sentence per dream ' recounting rule in our household to reign in potential dream-bores at breakfast etc) - anyway, you hear of people kinda inventing/ creating shit in their dreams occasionally - the closest I ever came was about 5 years ago, waking up after dreaming that i'd invented a new Viz character ( despite not having thought about Viz for about a decade before that) , which they wanted to use (in the dream) , called Micks' Metaphors , ie : Mick mixes up yet another metaphor, and so someone smacks him around the head with a plank / skip falls on his head etc.
At the time I actually thought this was pretty good and I should contact them with the idea, but i soon got over it.
However I have kept an interest in 'mixed metaphors' ever since, and I'm wondering if "it's working, hook, line and sinker" actually mixes two or more ( which must be the assumed criteria for a 'mixed metaphor'. ), as it seems to just miss out part of one , ie : 'the swallowing of the hook' part of 'hook, line' etc ' , rather than run another one into it, as 'working' could be part of another MM ( eg : 'like a dog' ' ) , but isnt explicitly so here .
It's a trickier area than one might first assume though, so am open to argument.