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EDL watch

cos the police told them too, innit? EDL meeting in Carver St car park, I believe, and then walking over to a sealed off war memorial

Volunteers have been handing out leaflets all week saying they should go to Barker's Pool :(
why? got more stones than either of us i'd wager.

With police close by?

It was superficially about the EDL, it could've been another situation. It was a just an easy sneer at the 'chavs' thing as far as I can see. Nothing more.

Rather than cheap shots at those people I don't really understand, to me it's depressing how people can turn out, what kind of shit in life creates that (not just people being attracted to the politics of the far right, could've been people I know getting sneered at in another situation).

It's as funny as taffboy pretending to be one of them lot wot spell rong. You've tried that before as well, haven't you?
It was a "family March" and you are welcome to join them etc... which was as you say followed with many WTF's ddraig can confrim.

the uaf bloke jeff hurford was over with the organisers and the police
he came over with the organiser woman saying that people were welcome to join them on their walk but wouldn't be allowed placards or banners, some of the uaf seemed to be considering it
there were obviously some grumbles and a bit of vocal opposition from anti fa and others
jeff then had a dig at the anti fa and referring to the white pride thing in swansea saying something like those dressed in black running around the side streets etc 'causing trouble'
understandably, no one wanted to march/walk with an obvious nazi and the majority of people stayed out or went to check on the mosque
some of us followed the walk on the other side of the road or behind to keep an eye on it etc to which we've been branded disrespectful and ruining the well intentioned event etc and that the nazi put his views aside and marched in silence with them

of course anti nazis are far worse for not joining than they were for walking alongside a nazi and allowing him to place a wreath at a war memorial

the nazi had to seek the protection of the police and get a lift to the station in a van for his own safety
They are not the brightest sparks are they......this has probably been posted but well worth a watch. What a bunch of planks. Fair play to the fellas for making this film though. Braver than me as its so, so obvious they are taking the piss out of the blokes being interviewed!

The fella at 2.54 ought to be their next Führer.....sorry leader. His articulate, persuasive argument has seriously got me thinking of joining them.

Give em enough rope etc. - good arguement for getting their 'views' heard more widely .
Posh boy is a prick as well.

Thought he was quite funny myself. Obviously a wannbe Louis Theroux but again....credit to him for going into what are basically a bunch of (very) drunk, mob of racist and agitated football hooligans and making them look like the thick idiots they are. If that constitutes being a 'Prick'...long live The Pricks!
it's been pointed out that he's a cunt because a) he's posh b) he's hiding behind a police cordon and b) he's mocking poor people.
It's a lightweight, jokey thing but as that I don't see the problem. Didn't notice him particularly taking the piss out of poor people,, unless you think the irrelevant and tiny EDL are representative of the majority of normal people - in which case the problem's more yours tbh.
There was a definite feeling the BNP didn't like being upstaged by the 'zionist supporting' EDL, and made a desperate bid for attention with the Whitehall parade. The laughable turnout probably left NG a bit sore. Tommy is getting quite an inflated opinion of himself at the moment, calling himself 'voice of the people' after getting in a huff when Newsnight dropped an interview in preference for coverage of the April Jones verdict. I'd be happy seeing him interviewed more on telly if only the interviewers didn't seem to have so much trouble aiming at the fish in that barrel.
They have a public duty to be 'balanced' donchaknow...
They have a public duty to be 'balanced' donchaknow...

That's one of the shittest trends in modern journalism, isn't it? The necessity in some cases to make sure you interview someone who is plain wrong to balance someone who plainly isn't, even in non-subjective areas like science. This is how stuff like Delingpole and Toby Young happen. Twats.
That's one of the shittest trends in modern journalism, isn't it? The necessity in some cases to make sure you interview someone who is plain wrong to balance someone who plainly isn't, even in non-subjective areas like science. This is how stuff like Delingpole and Toby Young happen. Twats.

It's more the BBC than others IMO, motivated by their perceived 'public duty'. I commented on it in the Icke thread:
This is exactly what the BBC do with various issues - climate change being on obvious example - they interpret their public duty to not be biased as a duty to "give both sides of the story" even when the weight of the opposing views is as balanced as Jupiter vs a pea. It leaves people confused, and thinking that 'the other side' is just as valid when it reality it may be an extreme minority opinion and completely refuted by 99% of the expert community involved.
Full disclosure - IIRC correctly Goldacre has written on the subject and I've probably picked up on it because of him. He's damn right though.
unless you think the irrelevant and tiny EDL are representative of the majority of normal people

Not at all.

I was looking at the responses to that video, which are similar to what has appeared elsewhere and has been challenged on here before. I don't see how inarticulacy necessarily equates to a lack of intelligence, reactionary views or racism either, whether through inebriation or some other cause. Or a lack of education, seemingly at a basic level. Nor should that be a barrier to inclusion and meaningful participation in progressive politics.

For every pretend hooligan posting near-unintelligible racist rants on FB, there are more people elsewhere who can't fill their benefit forms in and need a little help. Starting blogs parodying EDL fools for example, focusing on those aspects can be counterproductive to 'normal' people and alienate those they know like the above. There's a fair few at the very bottom, so to speak, and they need to be a part of any progressive change too, actively shaping things with those who went to university.
World War Two veteran Ken Riley, 88, from Grimesthorpe, fought in Normandy and was shelled in Belgium. He is a staunch trade unionist and anti-fascism campaigner – and plans to attend today’s Barker’s Pool demonstrations in his blazer, beret and war medals.
He said: “All those years ago we went to war to defeat fascism and today it is rearing its ugly head again.
“We have got to stop it – the radicalism on both sides – or it will be the same trouble all over again.
“I am concerned for future generations, and I am concerned World War III will break out, starting in the Middle East.
“The fascists want crushing just like the hate preachers and radicals want crushing, trying to create a world divided simply on religion. World war could certainly happen again.”


Ken gets it right...

The casuals arrive in their finest
its also because a lot of people who were there last week didn't like the 'heavy atmosphere', this is what people are posting here.

btw, are you here, there are many many EDL, BNP, etc.
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