2) The fash don't only worship the military for it's own sake, they worship it because of both what it reprsents (health, vitality, all that shit) and also because of their territorial ambitions, about redressing the fact the nation has been humiliated by regaining the lost symbols of their humiliation. For example laying claim to various territories (or increasing their claim on various territories). If a fash party came to power in the UK you would probably imo see them openly disccussing invading Ireland after a while for example, un-devolving Scotland etc.
Rampant sexism - yep, this is certainly a part of fascism. However, it's also been a feature of loads of countries which, while backward, aren't exactly fascist (for example switzerland not giving women the vote till the 80s lol).
What I would say is a feature of fascism is the obsessive preoccupation with community decline and the attacking of enemies for example in sexual terms, for example Hitler's rants in Mein Kampf about syphilis and gonnorhea. The fash see the nation like a body and individual sexual morality is linked to national morality, to them it is the same thing. If you fuck a black man you're destroying the purity of the national body as well as the purity of your own body. Therefore if say somebody is gay it is seen as damaging the nation, if immigrants are "raping" the country it means they are actually raping people etc.
The sexist thing is complicated because women do play a major role in fascist movements. Fascism also started as a secular thing as well. However I'd say that in general the whole message of fascism does tend to lend itself to extreme misogyny, the whole emphasis on "traditionalism" and the hatred of "weakness" and all that bollocks.
Controlled mass media - yep absolutely. However all countries do this to an extent, there aint any such thing as total freedom of speech. The fash however? they do it to an extent that almost no, or no opposing views get out.
Obsession with national security - all states do this especially at a time of "crisis".
Corporate power is protected - Name me a country where this doesn't happen?
What happens in fascism is something called "corporativism". The fash believe in class collaboration. They believe that unions and bosses should work together for the "good" of the nation (for the ideological purposes of fascism), which of course ends up meaning that in practice the unions end up rubber stamping the bosses' decisions. This is what happened in Fascist Italy. The fash will also try and gear the economy towards militaristic aims by offering incentives to companies to do so etc. In 1930s Germany a lot of companies ended up making their workers swear an oath of allegiance to the fuhrer on a regular basis.
Labour Power is suppressed - The fash will try to destroy working class power utterly. What happened in fascism is more than restrictive laws against trade unions, it was destroying working class power in the most brutal way possible. They will also try to set up their own unions and force the workers to join those.They will even purge people who believe in working class power within their own party.
Of course, capital will only promote fascism as a last resort.The bourgeoisie fear the fash almost as much as they fear the power of the working class, because the fash will also try and force their bollocks onto the rich as well (although not as vigorously). The fash might adopt the language of Marxism - Mussolini used to be a socialist before he started fascism,they might even adopt some popularist and pseudo socialist ideas, part of the whole thing about fascism is that they try to attract the petit bourgeoisie and the lumpenproletariat and elements of the working class, they do that by having some socialist ideas, even adopting some of them, and not making it obvious they're fash (although the violence etc will display otherwise). They've never done this (make themselves into a caricature and get ny real power), they never did it even back in the 20s and 30s.
Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts - yep, although I'd say that it was the hatred of a certain type of intellectual (that's also linked into the hatred of women as well). Intellectuals are seen as weak and fascism is quite an anti illectaual movement.One of the slogans of the spanish fash was "death to intelligence"
That said, I think that the Nazi and fascist movement was keen to encourage the pseudo intellectual filth of the likes of Rosenberg, Spengler, etc, as a philosophical backing behind the violence and cruelty of fascism, and in the attempts to portray fascism as soley about lumpen thuggishness this has has perhaps been little recognised, because there were fascist intellectuals who offered the most sickening justifications for their beliefs.
I've not mentioned this but it is IMO the most important part of what fascism is so sorry I ain't mentioned it until now, this is what the list misses off.
Fascsim is "palingenetic ultranationalism". Palingenesis meaning the rebirth of society into a modern version of the golden age the fash look back to and the destruction of the (degenerate) current society. There is no analysis behind fascism although a lot of the fash are very clever, but there isn't really any actual theory behind it. It's not about intellectual analysis, this is why fascism always involves a charismatic leader/s as well and asks people to believe, its like a secular religion. When Mussolini tried to define fascism in the 20s he couldnt do it, he ended up describing it as like a faith and like a feeling. They think that the nation can be reborn again without all the degeneracy and all that bollocks and that they are the ones to do it. They think back to a golden age where moral standards didn't slip and the country had its rightful place in the world - and they also think that they can bring that about again.
There is a massive emphasis on action in fascism as opposed to theory. That "action" usually involving violence or its threat.
ETA: It's all about violence. They glorify violence. They view war as not only avoidable or even a necessity but as desirable from an aesthetic as well as political point of view. "War - the world's only hygiene!" etc. Without violence or the threat in practice as well as in theory it isn't fascism.
Also -
fascism is ALWAYS racist. Don't believe anyone who says that Italian fascism wasn't racist or that it's possible to be fascist and not racist. It is not. Fascism is always racist, might not involve the nazi one drop rule but it always involves racism of some kind, there are other ways of being racist other than basing it on a genetic basis like the Nazis did. there are ways of forcibly destroying culture and language. The were racist as early as 1920 when they were still "socialist" - they were burning down Slovenian church halls and forcing people to drink petrol.
As such they want to encourage not to think and they counterpose the faith and feeling of the fash who are about action and not thinking etc, with lily-livered marxists who like to sit in rooms and read books etc.
You're bang on about cultural work being state sanctioned.
Obsession with Crime and Punishment - yep. It comes under the community decline thing. The flipside of that is that any dissent will be regarded as crime and that some crimes will not be punished at all. This happens in any state however, they will just go on about it that much more.
They will also use extra-legalistic methods to carry out their aims, as long as the lawbreakers cannot be linked back to the Party in any concrete way, although it will still be known who is responsible. The paramilitary wings will have a token distance from the state (but not really). However, the Nazis were very concerned about carrying out the holocaust in a "lawful" manner - watch the film "conspiracy" for an example of this. Sickening ...
Rampant Cronyism and Corruption/Fraudulent Elections - thing is, this happens in almost every state. There are plenty of dictatorships who do this regularly and they're not fash.
I hope that helped mate let me know if you have any other questions.