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EDL watch

Some cars that drove past beeped in support of the anti-muslims, some of them were beeping from their work cars, the companies involved were; Aqua Cars, Anglian Home Improvements, Wessex Demolition and the charity, Forces Support.

How can one deduce whether the sound of the honk of a car horn is in support of one side or the other or, indeed, in support of anyone at all?
Especially on Victoria Road North, there's the roundabout there with the bridge going to Asda and the train station at the next roundabout over.
The EDL are growing. Both in the City I live and my home town.

I was hoping the local fash would keep it off the street.
EDL demonstrating in Preston on the 27th. UAF have undermined the attempts of local activists to build a meaningful demo in conjunction with them by changing the location of the counter-demo from the flagmarket to the fishmarket (close by, but easily separated and secured by a bottleneck) and gearing up for a LMHR disco. plans for non-UAF to turn up outside the police kettle at the flagmarket, but UAF will get the numbers.
Also reported that the EDL will also be demonstrating in Nuneaton on the 27th, Warwickshire police are reassuring customers that they will be safe to shop as per Normal.
UAF have sabotaged themselves in an attempt to prevent a meaningful anti-EDL in Preston, deleting their wn facebook group advertizing the event (because others were posting on the wall) and starting not only a new 'invite only' event, but also a new invite/request only UAF group (to stop people posting on the wall). They currently have 39 out of a previous total of 200+.
Looks like the twats have started threatening councils now..

EDL leader Tommy Robinson said in the letter: "Please keep Christmas as Christmas and not let our culture and traditions be eroded and preserve English values.

"Any council that does not keep the word Christmas in the annual celebrations and opts for Winter Festival, out of the politically correct appeasement of others to the detriment of our traditions, will have their town/city visited by the English Defence League throughout the following year."

Peterborough on the 11th December.

There will be a fair bit of support there.....and opposition from the Asian lads, hopefully.
EDL demonstrating in Preston on the 27th. UAF have undermined the attempts of local activists to build a meaningful demo in conjunction with them by changing the location of the counter-demo from the flagmarket to the fishmarket (close by, but easily separated and secured by a bottleneck) and gearing up for a LMHR disco. plans for non-UAF to turn up outside the police kettle at the flagmarket, but UAF will get the numbers.

UAF and Preston and South Ribble TUC jointly booked the flag market for the 27th before the EDL attempted to book the flag market for their March. Despite the booking from UAF/TUC being accepted they were then bumped to allowed the EDL to march and congregate on the flag market. The fish market is the area the UAF/TUC was offered by the council/police.
UAF have sabotaged themselves in an attempt to prevent a meaningful anti-EDL in Preston, deleting their wn facebook group advertizing the event (because others were posting on the wall) and starting not only a new 'invite only' event, but also a new invite/request only UAF group (to stop people posting on the wall). They currently have 39 out of a previous total of 200+.

I agree that was a bad move, they should have just moderated the original event/wall etc to remove incorrect information.
Anyway, report from Preston so far, I've seen tons of police, only seen 2 coachloads of EDL coming in but haven't been in the centre all day. Was very quiet earlier on in terms of the usual numbers of shoppers you would see on a Saturday a month before Xmas. Tons of police all over the place, got stopped at traffic lights earlier on so they could escort a coachload of EDL through so they wouldn't have to stop at the lights and one of the main roads into the centre was blocked earlier so a coach could drop off near the pubs where they're meeting before the march.
From what I've worked out from twitter feeds, UAF & associated counter protest are on covered market area, EDL are split into two groups, larger one on flag market, smaller group coming up friargate. Police are blocking the roads and alleyways which give access to the coveredmarket (fish market). The only barriers erected to stop the EDL and UAF protests meeting were between covered market and flag market, nothing round the back which is where they seem to be approaching from, as far as I can tell.

Preston Council just tweeted: "Preston is open for business as usual, the protests are due to finish at 2pm."
off twitter:

Please report Nick Lowles to the police for incitement to violence at the EDL demo.Lowles is stirring on his twitter account

his updates certainly don't tie up with local press blog reporting.
Lancashire Telegraph twitter comments today, start at the bottom:

# The official protest areas are now virtually empty with the cordons and barriers being taken away. less than 20 seconds ago

A group of around 100 EDL protesters are on Fishergate chanting offensive songs. 5 minutes ago v

A proportion of the EDL support has been moved away from the main group and is mingling with the shoppers. Some chants but no violence. 26 minutes ago

Police are moving bystanders away from the EDL protesters who are being kept inside a police cordon in front of the Harris Museum. about 1 hour ago via ÜberTwitter

So far both the EDL protest and the counter-demo have remained static. about 1 hour ago

Over 1000 EDL protesters have assembled, chanting and letting off fireworks. Curious shoppers look on. about 1 hour ago

Around 300 anti-EDL protesters are assembled in the Fish Market. The EDL protesters are expected at the Flag Market opposite soon. about 1 hour ago via ÜberTwitter

We will be providing live updates on the EDL and UAF demos in Preston this afternoon. So far the streets are quiet http://bit.ly/eIFSoq
Nick Lowles earlier:

Real trouble is breaking out in Preston. There are two groups of EDL, one, in the main square of 6-800 and then a second group of 200. Both are fighting with everyone. This is the worst trouble we've seen at an EDL demo.

seems to have been talking shite.
video here of edl on the flag market taken from crown of onlookers on cheapside, this would certainly suggest there are not 600-800 on the flag market area of their protest...
Lowles has just sent out an email containing this paragraph: "I'm sorry to write to you at the weekend but I felt you needed to know about the violence caused by the EDL today in Preston and Nuneaton. Bricks, bottles, coins, smoke grenades, fireworks and thunderflashes have rained down on police and local people in both places. As I write this I'm hearing of people with serious head injuries being led away."

There's also a picture of what he claims to be a "flash grenade". I have no idea whether it is - it actually looks like a diseased squid! (sorry, can't figure out how to post images when I don't have a URL)
Lowles has just sent out an email containing this paragraph: "I'm sorry to write to you at the weekend but I felt you needed to know about the violence caused by the EDL today in Preston and Nuneaton. Bricks, bottles, coins, smoke grenades, fireworks and thunderflashes have rained down on police and local people in both places. As I write this I'm hearing of people with serious head injuries being led away."

There's also a picture of what he claims to be a "flash grenade". I have no idea whether it is - it actually looks like a diseased squid! (sorry, can't figure out how to post images when I don't have a URL)
right click, copy image location
I think that's the image he's been emailing:

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