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EDL watch

comparing this thread to redwatch is a bit extreme. antifascism is about all kinds of things including intell, screengrabs etc. you choose your own method (we do proapganda and go on the demos etc), others do what they can. broad church approach. the fash see it all as 1 front against them - UAF [sic].
butchersapron said:
Bristol UAF had an open organising meeting about countering the coming non-threat of the EDL in bristol last night. Timed it so you basically had to choose the england game or the meeting. That says so much on so many levels.

So it's less likely to be attacked? :D
there was always a far right contingent skulking round the 2 tone scene and some of the scooter clubs had fascist members. the far right politics of the scoot clubs has not been covered much.
In Manc there deffo is some fash leaning types on the scooter circuit. I spotted some in Llandudno last year then on me way home on the A55 passed a few waiting in a layby with a rather dishevelled look about them...ha
Well, that's true, but you don't get the seig heiling hordes
at "2Tone" gigs now, the way you used to in 1979-1980.
I'm sure if EDL and their ilk turn up at a Ska gig looking to
kick off, they will get a well earned shoeing.
George Michael was a scooter boy a long time ago until he fell off one day.....it did though inspire one of his albums........careless vespas
From what people are saying on the forums it was an intro to a song and she slagged off the edl in passing rather than specifically. that may be wrong too though!! I'll just wait and get it from a proper first hand source later on. bloody internet speculation!
probably Big In The Body, Small In The Mind - explicitly anti-EDL (and other racist nutjiob groups) release from last year
I don't see people sticking up photos in this thread and going look he went on a demo. what ever your views you have the right to go on demos without someone putting your photo up on one of these sites like fash and red watch.

Why do you have a "right" to do anything? Shouldn't people face the consequences of their actions? If you choose to be involved in the fash, and go on fascist demos it's obvious that people will take exception to it, and rightly so in my opinion. For fuck's sake, if somebody is attacking different races and attacking the right of the w/c to organise then don't be surprised if their photo ends up on some website ffs, they made a fucking choice. (although photos of kids is a bit off imo)

As for redwatch, loads of people will be targetted by the fash for doing things which have nothing to do with anti-fascism (for being trade unionists etc). I would say that it is part of the risk of our type of politics and if we were not pissing the fash off in some way we would be doing something wrong. Obviously people need to be sensible and protect themselves and each other and sites like redwatch and the like needs to be attacked and taken down wherever possible, but I don't think the way to do that is through some "they're both as bad each other" bollocks. Being targetted by fash shouldn't be an occupational hazard, but unfortunately it siometimes is (although not really in most of the UK), and the way to combat that is surely to be sensible and take steps to protect yourself
Look i dont agree with sites like red/fashwatch im not sure whats so hard to understand about that?

I dont think this thread is like either.

Thought I'd have a look at redwatch after today's discussions and noticed they've just put up loads of pics of people I know. Wish I'd gone now...feeling left out:D
I now appear on it, after MFE in Brighton. One old chap appears on there sitting on a bench, minding his own & reading the SW ffs. Cretins the lot of them.
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