Just shows them up for the class traitor scum cunts that they are.a few kids are having an anti-jubilee thing in newcastle on monday and the edl have threatened they're going to go down and wipe them out.
There's talk of them showing up in Bristol this weekend. but with these cunts you never know, they treat it look footy fight meetings, miss-information etc
got a link for that, the date I can find is 14 July although there was talk of it being moved because it classed with Bristol Pride
is that the only source?
is that the only source?
Giggles? That's about as unfunny as it's possible to get outside of a Paddy McGuinness gig.More giggles from this blog (c'est un spoof, or possible une spoof I dunno)
Of course it's a spoof - and it's shit. Like i said.butchers, i thought it's a spoof surely?
Bringing kids on demos like that is a cynical propaganda technique,fucking cunts.It's says more about the parents who do it than it could ever say about the poor kids who are raised in those households...i really feel for those kids.taff, there is a strong element of 'lets get them at playtime' to all their rhetoric. they are the 'tough kids' at school who once in the real world realise that they only have their bullying to give them prestige. which is pretty useless anywhere practical.