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I don't think its likely to be sympathetic in an overt way, but I think it might glamourise them in a "Ross kemp on gangs meets danny dyers football factories" kind of way, which is more a product of lazy, glib, sensationalist journalism than serious intent to promote them. Does that make any sense to you?

Definitions of sympathetic and unsympathetic are a little more complicated in this case.

If you follow any of the EDL/anti-EDL stuff going around you don't find pro-EDL youtube videos going around countered by anti-EDL videos. Often the antis will post up the very same video that the EDL posted as their way of opposing their ideas. Take the Liverpool Crown Court video that bob linked to a couple of pages back. That was put on youtube by EDL supporters but was posted just as much, if not more by those opposed to the EDL. Because the same piece of film is seen differently depending on who is watching it. When we look at that footage, we go 'Fucking hell what an earth are those idiots doing running around like 5 year olds shouting racist abuse at anyone with a brown face.

However to someone who sees things differently the response could easily be 'Fucking hell look at those geezers giving those fucking paki paedo scum what for. I want some of that!'

So you could have a documentary filled entirely with footage of the EDL making complete wankers of themselves which we would see as very, very hostile, but to the people the EDL are trying to attract, it would be seen as a massively effective recruitment film.

At the end of the day I'm personally not too worried about it. Dispatches has an audience of between 500-700,000. As an 'unfashionable' subject I would see viewing figures being at the lower end of that scale and a significant number of those viewers would be 'vested interest' viewers like ourselves and those involved in far-right politics. I doubt whether there will be more than a couple of hundred thousand 'normal' viewers and will certainly not provide the 'million plus' new recruits they were banging on about last month when they were appealing for donations for their new server fund.

John x
An update from the increasingly irrelevant Snowy

Liverpool 9th Feb
by Infidels of Britain on Friday, 10 February 2012 at 00:53 ·​
Yesterday I was in Liverpool for a few different reasons, after spending sometime chatting to the lads at the grooming trial protest we made our way to Liverpool Council offices, in fact everyone that was left at the court protest came along as we were going on another issue they felt needing addressing. We asked to speak to councilor Joe Anderson the head Liverpool Council. Sadly Joe didn't come himself but sent 2 representatives. We explained to them why we had come and asked "Why are Liverpool council allowing a parade that glorifies terrorists that killed British soldiers and citizens to march through the city and read out a "roll of honour" (taking the piss to just call it that on British soil) and also at the same time refused a St George's parade last year. So are they saying its ok to honour murderers but not our patron saint? Having caught them slightly on the back foot with no prepared answers the gentleman explained that the councils role is only to grant a permit and it's the police's decision on whether the march goes ahead. Now correct me if I am wrong but haven't some councils been very active in stopping marches especially when requested by right wing groups? A number of us voiced our concerns, they took notes and confirmed they have had a number of calls on this issue, so Paul and myself left our email address's for them too reply to our questions. We will update you on the outcome.

Having been informed that the police have allowed this parade we decided to take our concerns to Merpol HQ so Paul and John from CXF leadership and myself made our way through the city, I was glad too hear that we all shared the same concerns about the court protest continuing. We decided that we would also put those concerns to whoever we spoke told. The ACC was rightly far too busy to see us but no harm in asking, anyway we were seen by a senior officer who deals with marches and protests. Once again we explained why we were here and asked why the police had allowed this march as the council had informed us, now as we expected he informed us that the police can only advice the council on whether there is any public order issues regarding any march and that they were there to facilitate any peaceful protest. Having informed him all about the IRA parade we made him aware of our intention to have a counter protest at the point where they will be having a Sinn Fein speaker and read out their list of terrorist scum bags. Before anyone starts saying we claimed that we will no longer liaise with the police anymore, that only applies to Greater Manchester police, until Merpol or any other force go back on their word we don't have a problem giving them the legal requirement to hold a protest so that we get a safe demo that can be seen and heard by the public not a cage down the side of a building. The best thing would be for them to stop this IRA march, their supporters should never be able to march on the Queens highway to honour enemies of Britain who murdered and maimed many of our people, what would the victims and families of Warrington, Guildford and Birmingham think about these murderers being honoured in the UK. So please continue to email the council, the mayor and the ACC are Merpol about your disgust at them allowing IRA scum to march in memory of terrorists in Liverpool on Saturday 18th February and if they do continue to allow it then join us on the streets of Liverpool to oppose this affront to our country.

Now the other issue was the grooming trial protest, we again informed him of our concerns and discussed how we could make sure we weren't a reason any defence council could call for a miss trial and the whole process have to be started again at a later date. Nobody wants to see them walk free due to our actions and surely the quicker this case is over with the better so that justice is served and just think what a miss trial or worse would do to the victims of these horrendous crimes. We were assured that Merpol would be willing to facilitate any peaceful demonstration at the courts but he was concerned as we were what effect it could have on this case. He asked us if we would be able to stop people coming, now no one could stop anyone coming but we were prepared to advise our various supporters that we feel it isn't in the cases best interest to have people outside everyday. This has no reflection on the people that have stood there this week as they were there to highlight the fact that the trial hasn't be reported in many media outlets. Now that it has been done in our opinion we should let justice take its course however we have informed Merpol that we intend to be back for the verdict and sentencing and Merpol are happy to facilitate those protests. If local people still want to highlight this case why not get some leaflets done and leaflet the city streets but remember not to do it anywhere near the court. This will help to make more people aware that this case is happening and that this sort of crime seems to be on the increase or at least detecting it is. Again not telling anyone what to do but imo just have the issues at hand on the leaflet and also inform them on the protests at the end of trial and forget about promoting what group you belong too. The only things important in this are justice, the victims and informing the public. 20 lads with a 1000 leaflets will inform more people than 50 stood outside the courts surrounded by police. Please remember you can only leaflet on public property and only offer them one never try force it into their hands as that could be deemed as an offence. I am sure they'll be plenty of volunteers to help spread the word and I would be more than happy to come help whatever days I can. Finally I would like to thank everyone for a great day today, and I look forward to some more of that scouse hospitality once again next Saturday.

Keep the faith
Off the top of my head I can't, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. A lot will depend on the tone and style of the documentary. It it portrays them in a flattering way, if it glamourises them and doesn't attempt to be critical, then couple that with the situation in Hyde an Rochdale and you might see trouble in those areas with the EDL.

Organizations like the EDL getting a platform in the national media of any kind is something I am uneasy with.

I'm not sure why you're worried that #EDL will be glamourised by the forthcoming media presentations of them.
This documentary by Swedish SVT Uppdrag Granskning on the Counterjihad, Lake, Breivik, and the "Neo Neo Far-right Nationalists" of Europe didn't (flatter or glam them up).
Read more: http://svt.se/ug/20111214110033/breivik_inspirerades_av_valdsam_brittisk_grupp

What is this 'IRA' march the EDL are referring to?
It is a commemoration for an IRA volunteer from Liverpool who died nearly 100 years ago!

Do you think someone should tell them that even the Queen laid a wreath to dead IRA volunteers from the war of Independence when she was in Dublin last year?

Just saying, like! ;)

john x
Also calling them Paki bastards even though they were Turkish.

They are being hailed as heroes now, by the way.

john x
Are the Rowley Division the ones who attacked the stall of an Islamic group who were promoting peace between Xtians and Muslims last year?

john x
dunno, but they guy on the far right (get it) is this one

Given that the EDL is just a flash in the pan, you do have to feel a bit sorry for those numpties who get English Defence League -No Surrender' tattoos and are then stuck with them for life!

john x
where do they get those flags printed up? it's canny big so must be a relatively specialist printer. some fuckers will take anyone's money.
To be fair to them i have heard of people in trotskyist sects who've got tattoos of their group's logo which then split and changed its name. Well one person anyway but Im sure there are others.
To be fair to them i have heard of people in trotskyist sects who've got tattoos of their group's logo which then split and changed its name. Well one person anyway but Im sure there are others.

If I remember correctly, in a certain AFA book, co-written by a certain poster on this board, said poster talks about getting kicked out of the SWP for squadism just after he got an SWP red fist tattoo.

If we're lucky he might be along soon to tell us all about it :D
To be fair to them i have heard of people in trotskyist sects who've got tattoos of their group's logo which then split and changed its name. Well one person anyway but Im sure there are others.

That is just so wrong on so many levels! :eek:

john x
That is just so wrong on so many levels! :eek:

john x

Why :confused: I can see why someone would do it, for a lot of people in activist parties their politics is one of, if not the, most important elements of their identity, so it's not all that surprising that they get tats. A bit misguided maybe, but no more so than the bloke who gets his girlfriend's name done just before she dumps him.
some EDL spin off appears to be angling for a demo in Walsall at the start of March. Looks more internet fantasy than anything else
Are the Rowley Division the ones who attacked the stall of an Islamic group who were promoting peace between Xtians and Muslims last year?

john x

Dunno, but that was a muslim sect called the ahmadiyya. Loverly and interesting people.

Not liked or even necessarily recognised by orthodox muslims of either stripe because they think the Medhi has already been and gone.

In other words: SPLITTERS!!
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