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EDL watch

I suppose it's too much to hope for that treelover would ever critically reflect on his propensity towards kneejerk reactions to stuff.
But UAF always claim all the opponents on their demos are UAF
trees! as 'malatesta' has pointed out the EDL operate with a Dubya style if yr not with us yr against us mentality which is politically naive. they also have failed to understand the range of opposition against them: UAF, community groups, militant antifascists, trade unionists, and just local folk (sorry people!) who dont like gangs being bussed in from outside to cause hassle and violence in their towns all these groups are opposed to them as are local councils and plod who see them as unwelcome and disruptive.
Saw the secret bit too late John and already tweeted the link, my sincere apologies :(

That's you in trouble then!

we will as time goes on have to appoint more quartermasters in order to spread out our equipment in order to assure that all our eggs are not in the same basket and that no one man knows where they all are

Jesus Christ how stupid are these people?

They do know that the cops watch all their forums, don't they?

john x
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