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EDL watch

And I'm sorry but the EDL stuff isn't just a "fringe group". As the recession hits, as we've been pointing out on here fucking endlessly, the far right has made, and will continue to make, massive gains. In a town near to my local area the race equality centre has had its funding almost completely cut and is threatened with closure. Look what's happening in France ffs, hard-right policies are becoming normalised, you think that couldn't happen here? you think that we shouldn't show our opposition to disgusting racism?
The need for numbers against fash now, is greater than ever. Anti fash movements can't afford to politicise themselves (publicily anyway), through risk of alienating people from one side or the other. Even the DM have hatred for BNP and EDL, they prefer their racism at a more subtle level as we all know.
The need for numbers against fash now, is greater than ever. Anti fash movements can't afford to politicise themselves (publicily anyway), through risk of alienating people from one side or the other. Even the DM have hatred for BNP and EDL, they prefer their racism at a more subtle level as we all know.

the thing is that they end up losing credibility if they end up involving people like David Cameron (which is on the list of UAF signatories) which are the ones promoting far-right policies and encoruaging the conditions that allow fascist/far right movements to grow.

anti cuts activists cant NOT afford to be involved in anti fash work (and vice versa).
And of course, as has already been said on the thread, "chav-" hating idiots like those in that video need to be disassociated from.
i am saying the left has the wrong priorities, ok...

I think you sort of have a point - but if you'd take your "the left is the problem" obsession and leave it to one side for a second you'd probably see that it's a bit more complicated than that. "The left" is prioritising welfare issues and the like, we're certainly doing this in Sheffield - where I seem to remember you saying you lived. But when we work on these issues it's us and only us - so it's not as noticable. Anti-racist and anti-war issues mobilise far more people, this is true. But that's not because "the left" is giving them priority over bread and butter issues. Racism and war are "trendy" issues and so it's not just "the left" who attend them - you get people with personal or family connections to the issue (minorities on anti-racist demos, people with ties to the war-torn regions on anti-war demos), you get liberals, you even get pacifist/antiracist conservatives in attendence. The SWP have, in the past, concentrated their efforts on these demos for recruitment purposes but even they appear to be getting better now.

If you go to any unemployed workers centre or other voluntary benefits advice/advocacy organisation, or to a mental health or pensioners action group you'll find that everyone there would consider themselves on the left. So if our priorities are wrong what does that say about everyone else?

The reason for the smaller turnouts on welfare issues is the size of the left, not its priorities.

EDL to protest outside East London Mosque, unless government publicly accepts three simple facts

I like the 'We really are getting somewhere' bit.

All this excitement seems to be based on a couple of sympathetic pieces in the Daily Telegraph and the fact that 'Sir' Tommy was asked to do an interview for some Canadian cable channel!

And how in god's name can they say 'last months demonstration in Tower Hamlets was a great success?'

John X

EDL to protest outside East London Mosque, unless government publicly accepts three simple facts

No word yet from David Cameron about the live debate that he was challenged to by Tommy Robinson

That ^^^ statement and their three demands of the government just demonstrate how far they are up their own arses.

A group that can only get a few hundred to turn out, for what was supposed to be a major national demo, is simply not in any position to be taken seriously, it's just piss-poor trolling of the government.
That ^^^ statement and their three demands of the government just demonstrate how far they are up their own arses.

A group that can only get a few hundred to turn out, for what was supposed to be a major national demo, is simply not in any position to be taken seriously, it's just piss-poor trolling of the government.

I think you're right.

They are starting to believe their own publicity and facebook posts. The demo on the 3rd. September was a complete disaster. The only 'win' they had was that video of those two goons interviewed about the 'angel' who fell off the bus! Everything else was a total disaster for them. They promised to march into the 'hartland' of Islamic extremism and not only never got into the Borough, but were run when they got close.

I think that they are still at that immature stage where the 'all publicity is good publicity' mantra is still believed.

john x

EDL to protest outside East London Mosque, unless government publicly accepts three simple facts

Any Muslim groups wishing to join our demonstration, or who have any questions, are urged to contact us in advance of the planned demonstration. It’s crucial that we gain your support, because it’s only you who can change the Muslim community from the inside.

I assume that bollocks from the link is just a shite try to make them look as if they aren't a bunch of racist cunts.
That or they've been drinking way too much meths.

Fuck off EDL.
this would be the nick griffin video discussed a week or two back?

Yep, the one where his eyes are a *bit* black, & have bags growing under them, from the lack of sleep caused by his mounting financial problems.

The one where he reaches out to the EDL because he's so desperate for new friends.

And money.

This realates to the stabbings after 9/11 demo....


I take it that 'they have footage of some of ours taken by ours ffs' means EDL supporters have given the police footage (presumably from mobile phones), which contradict their own 'version' of events! :eek:

Also Mickey 'English' Bayliss, telling people to 'check it before handing it in to the police' could be construed as attempting to pervert the cause of justice or at the least withholding evidence.

Now what was that Met Witness Appeal line number again! ;)

john x
Not sure if this has been covered yet, but remember the video of those two stupid twats laughing about that EDL nazi bitch getting attacked? Well, one of the guys on it, a comedian called Anthony Richardson, has apparently sent an apology e-mail that some blog has published. Both him nor his mate were bystanders and were not anything to do with any of the Anti EDL protests

Dear Max,​
Please print this in full on your blog.​
I am writing to you as Anthony Richardson, featured in the ‘UAF Celebrate Violence Against Women in Tower Hamlets‘ video.​
I am writing first to apologise about the conduct in the video, and second to tell you that neither Ben Melchiors or Ben Tonge, who have both been misidentified as being the cameraman, played any part at all in it.​
The video was recorded in the heat of the moment in the midst of a very volatile situation. We were bystanders and had not been actively involved in either side of the protest. I can categorically state that I am not part of any political party or particular leaning, nor do I condone violence against anyone, particularly women. I said those comments without thinking, and they were part of an extremely badly judged, terribly thought-through reaction to the unusual events of that day. In fact, I was ashamed of what I said as soon as I said it. We know we come across as complete idiots and never did it cross our minds that we would cause so much offence. My comments were completely against my nature and we are truly sorry that we got involved in a situation that we did not understand.​
I am also writing this to ask people to stop pursuing Ben Melchiors and Ben Tonge. As I said, they were in no way involved in this. The Ben on the video I do not work with, he is simply an acquaintance of mine. I can assure you he echoes my feelings about the whole matter and has been involved in the writing of this apology.​
So, while I realise I can’t take any of this back, I would like to ask you to take this apology for what it is: completely sincere and written with the intention undoing as many of the problems the video has caused as possible. Our comments on the video were out of character and we’re ashamed of them. I certainly do not condone violence against women, or men for that matter and hope that any political differences expressed by anyone in any circumstance in the future never lead to violence, as seen on that day, it doesn’t help anything. I badly misjudged the situation this time round and am sorry.​
Yours sincerely,​
Anthony Richardson​

Here's a clip of him trying to be funny on the BBC:​

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