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    Lazy Llama

eastenders - bizarre and shit

Whoooaaah! Its comments like that that make me think the grass is greener. I have had sex with my Mrs twice THIS YEAR. Once the other week and once in March.

I am having another kid in November. You do the math(s).

Whoooaaah! Its comments like that that make me think the grass is greener. I have had sex with my Mrs twice THIS YEAR. Once the other week and once in March.

I am having another kid in November. You do the math(s).


March works fine, depending on the precise dates. :confused:

Ultrasound dating is notoriously inaccurate - unless you have other info, it's not necessarily a clue to infidelity.
oh Philip :(

You just broke a cockney code man. Grant should fly home and deliver the neccesary familial retribution on your potato head.
March works fine, depending on the precise dates. :confused:

Ultrasound dating is notoriously inaccurate - unless you have other info, it's not necessarily a clue to infidelity.

Nono no no nono non on o nononono NO! :)

I wasnt debating whether it was mine! i know it is. What I was saying is that Madz post

"If Ricky hasn't seen to her needs for 2 months she should get it somewhere else IMVHO"

meant that if they werent 'doing it' then she should go and get it somewhere else. Which would also then work the other way around. I was merely pointing out that I have only had sex with my missus twice this year. And the first time i got a hole in one, and am expecting a little boy in November :)

So going 2 months without aint all that - and (for another thread) is probably more than average these days

I seem to be so fertile I dont even get to have a go at the fun parts of sex. Make sure that you never come within 20 feet of me!
Oh! Congrats!

(You're not black are you? We could do with some help ...)
It wasnt always twice a year. And she's still my best friend. And we have a beautiful little girl. Lots of point being married.

And ymu - no, not black. The best i can do is to go red in the sun. Will that do? :)
Haven't you got that the wrong way round?

And fuck that. Twice a year? No point in being married.

Really? You'd only get married for regular sex? Why? It'd be more interesting to go out on the pull for a bit of variety if that's all it was about, surely? :confused:
Just use a tanning salon for the sprog. Although the death from skin cancer going malignant might make you a bit sad when the kid hits twelve and starts to display tumors
Really? You'd only get married for regular sex? Why? It'd be more interesting to go out on the pull for a bit of variety if that's all it was about, surely? :confused:

It's a major factor.Otherwise why not live with your best mate?
It's a major factor.Otherwise why not live with your best mate?
I just don't think it has the kind of central importance of not being worth getting married otherwise, that's all. Especially after a few years. I do live with my best mate and we have fantastic sex, but that's not why we're bothering to be together. We have fantastic sex because of what we have between us, we do not have what we have between us because the sex is fantastic. IYSWIM.
Just use a tanning salon for the sprog. Although the death from skin cancer going malignant might make you a bit sad when the kid hits twelve and starts to display tumors

I could stick tea-bags in the bath water...
I just don't think it has the kind of central importance of not being worth getting married otherwise, that's all. Especially after a few years. I do live with my best mate and we have fantastic sex, but that's not why we're bothering to be together. We have fantastic sex because of what we have between us, we do not have what we have between us because the sex is fantastic. IYSWIM.

Yeah I know. Just labouring a point.
How exactly did Peggy manage to let herself into Phil's house last night when he had bolted the door from the inside?!? That really bloody annoyed me. Someone needs to sort these crappy scriptwriters out!!
bah, fell asleep and missed it. The above reads well if you do it in a sicilian mafia voice.

synopsis people, synopsis!

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