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Earth-shattering Pembrokeshire news

Are you from London JuanTwoThree ?

I fear this is another example of metropolitan types sneering at the provinces - something I'd like to see a bit less of.

Is that a thing? (metropolitan types that sneer at the provinces).

(I understand not in this case of the op as this has been dealt with).
It seems that London and the Home Counties have some go-to lazy stereotypes for The West Country, Wales, The Midlands, East Anglia, The North, and so on. And they for each other and of course for London and the South. It's less a city/country thing as region/region. Or does it come more from city-dwellers in the regions? Maybe so.

Obviously some city-dwellers disdain slow-witted 'Country Bumpkins' and 'Hicks from the Sticks', the world over, I imagine. And vice-versa for 'City Slickers'

How well-meant or bantzy this all is depends. Sometimes there's real venom and prejudice but it can be so boring, unoriginal and predictable however benignly meant.

Getting back to Wales. It's short of cities or even that many sizeable towns. You can scarcely feel living in rural Carmarthenshire that you are condescended to by people from LLanelli or Swansea. Let alone Carmarthen. As for Pembrokeshire people feeling inferior to people from its only city! (because St Davids has a cathedral so its nominally a city though smaller than most small towns and large villages). Plenty of historic counties have next to no decent sized towns.

Unless I'm mistaken Cardiff would be the only domestic candidate and I never get the impression that Cardiffians feel especially metropolitan to be fair. People from Wales's other nearby cities like Brum and L'pool perhaps more so? Or am I prejudiced?

Then there are of course those silly things like 'They only speak Welsh when they don't want to be understood' but you hear that from all sorts of people, Welsh included.
It seems that London and the Home Counties have some go-to lazy stereotypes for The West Country, Wales, The Midlands, East Anglia, The North, and so on. And they for each other and of course for London and the South. It's less a city/country thing as region/region. Or does it come more from city-dwellers in the regions? Maybe so.

Obviously some city-dwellers disdain slow-witted 'Country Bumpkins' and 'Hicks from the Sticks', the world over, I imagine. And vice-versa for 'City Slickers'

How well-meant or bantzy this all is depends. Sometimes there's real venom and prejudice but it can be so boring, unoriginal and predictable however benignly meant.

Getting back to Wales. It's short of cities or even that many sizeable towns. You can scarcely feel living in rural Carmarthenshire that you are condescended to by people from LLanelli or Swansea. Let alone Carmarthen. As for Pembrokeshire people feeling inferior to people from its only city! (because St Davids has a cathedral so its nominally a city though smaller than most small towns and large villages). Plenty of historic counties have next to no decent sized towns.

Unless I'm mistaken Cardiff would be the only domestic candidate and I never get the impression that Cardiffians feel especially metropolitan to be fair. People from Wales's other nearby cities like Brum and L'pool perhaps more so? Or am I prejudiced?

Then there are of course those silly things like 'They only speak Welsh when they don't want to be understood' but you hear that from all sorts of people, Welsh included.
I don't think there's a rural/town divide, but people look down on other towns for sure ... Jacks vs Turks, Jacks vs Cardiff (everyone hates Swansea, lets be honest) Merthyr vs the Snakes over in Aberdare....
West Wales does sometimes get referred to as the "Wild West", albeit with some justification - a history of piracy, for a start, and a tendency in some of the local authorities to operate in a (not always borderline) corrupt way.
I don't think there's a rural/town divide, but people look down on other towns for sure ... Jacks vs Turks, Jacks vs Cardiff (everyone hates Swansea, lets be honest) Merthyr vs the Snakes over in Aberdare....
Rivalries that have a lot to do with sports teams, I'm guessing.
It's something to do

:D Yeah, sometimes you just play along.

And it's not like people don't sneer at "that London" either.

I think somewhere I still have the first picture I ever took on a smartphone, of an old-style news stand with the local paper headline "Bethnal Green has lost another boozer!"
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