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Dullest Film Ever

Onegin. Based on a poem by Pushkin, starring Ralph Fiennes, who my ex-wife had a thing for. Martin Donovan gets a couple of lines towards the very end, and there's a nice scene of ice-skating in St Petersburg, but making St Petersburg look pretty in a film is a bit like writing your name correctly at the top of an exam paper.

(My girlfriend, over my shoulder, is busy chiming in with Sunshine and Time Regained, both of which also star Ralph Fiennes, and both of which are also listworthy. And the English Patient, and I'm with her on that -- tis tosh. She's also just admitted to watching part of Sex Lives of the Potato Men so I think I'll end this post here.)
Flavour said:
the road to perdition is fucking DREADFUL

so is: THE LAST SAMURAI.... urgh, that film was so unbelievably shit

Oh god I know

My mum dragged me to see that cos she likes japanese related stuff and I sat there texting people and looking in the dark. Its like 'Oh look, Tom Cruise nearly dies for the 45th time but miraculously, surrounded by 500 dead bodies, he's alive. He must be amazing(!)' :rolleyes:

Fuck off America with your stupid 'movies' (its films in the country thank you very much) and your rehashed romantic comedies and action hero shite :mad:
Richard White said:
Grosse Point Blank was seriously dull.

i can understand you not liking it*, but how the fuck can you find it boring?

* actually, no i can't - you're clearly insane - but i was trying to be kind.
red rose said:
AI sucked, I sat in the cinema counting ceiling tiles cos my dad didnt want to leave

Absolutely sucked ass - one of the worst films I have ever seen if not the worst.
shoddysolutions said:
Michael Mann's 'Heat'.

Never even got up to 'Simmer' I'm afraid. Left with 20 minutes to go to catch last orders, wish i'd left earlier.

How can you get bored watching heat!?!

Tons of stuff like.. happens! :D

I'll vote for "Escape from New York". Found it in my flatmates video collection last wednesday afternoon and tried to watch it .. zzZzZ
Pearl Harbor
Lord of The Rings (the first one, nothing could persuade me to go and see any others after that)
Blair Witch 2
Blair Witch actually too

Whats so good about "Grosse Point Blank" then? I found it an extremely average and difficult film to watch. We hired it out expecting it to be a great film, but it was dull, soppy and extremely patronising. I found Minnie Driver's character annoying and Dan Ackroyd was hardly in it*.

*But judging by your patronising nature, you would'nt understand that, would you?
Richard White said:
Whats so good about "Grosse Point Blank" then? I found it an extremely average and difficult film to watch. We hired it out expecting it to be a great film, but it was dull, soppy and extremely patronising. I found Minnie Driver's character annoying and Dan Ackroyd was hardly in it*.

*But judging by your patronising nature, you would'nt understand that, would you?

fuck me, you're a humourless bastard aren't you?

it was a joke.

no wonder you didn't find GPB funny...

<unsubscribes from tedious arse />
Dubversion said:
i can understand you not liking it*, but how the fuck can you find it boring?

* actually, no i can't - you're clearly insane - but i was trying to be kind.

i thought it was trying too hard and fell flat in too many places for it to be a classic movie.

Average entertainment, but nothing more.
I have a habit of falling asleep in fronty of most films ( I've even fallen asleep watchhing The Cannonball Run ) so I don't think a dull film is one that sends you to sleep .

But from all the films I've ver watched the most mind numbingly boring one has to be ...

... Kill Bill volume 2

Big pile of steming shite that was :mad:
Dubversion said:
well since i thought Vol 1 was a steaming pile of shite, i didn't even bother with 2..

They are both steaming piles of shit , the difference is volume 1 actually has stuff happening that is vaguely exciting ( blood spurting about etc. )
And can I also mention Bladerunner? How many times have I fallen asleep during that borefest? Why anyone thinks it's good, I have no idea.

I understand the Hovis ad guy made it. Figures...
Orang Utan said:
Inspired by the thread on Charlotte Gray.

I fell asleep during Gangs Of New York, Gladiator and The English Patient.

Solaris has to be the winner though.

Not Gladiator the really good under-ground boxing film with Cuba Gooding Jr?
I agree with Gladiator - tried three times, never made it through the first fight scene.

Tarkovsky's MASTERPIECE Solaris isnt boring....just hypnotic!
(Havn't seen the clooney one though - that would be blasphemy!)
Oh and there is the one with just filming of the world and the challenger disaster all set to music by minimalist new york composer Phillip Glass.
warhol's 'chelsea girls' was boring as fuck (6 hours split over two screens, running concurrently), but the whole experience of watching it was leavened by liberal amounts of absinth and a comfy sofa on the stage in front of one of the screens. vive le cube :cool:

only film i've fallen asleep out of boredom at the cinema was 'independence day'. but i did get some coochie coo action and snogs as well, so swings and roundabouts.
Supposedly Warhol said (I'll paraphrase) that he thought cinemas were too quiet and people should interact more. So he made a series of the dullest "films" in the world in order to provoke people to have conversations in the cinema! Like "Sleep" - a film of someone sleeping. BW/Silent/5 Hrs 21 Mins! (cut from 8hrs)

(pedants note: Most of the Warhol movies are actually directed by a guy called Paul Morrissey, Warhols right hand man. Morrissey's films have slightly more going on in them!)
red rose said:
AI sucked, I sat in the cinema counting ceiling tiles cos my dad didnt want to leave
I saw it at home, and fell asleep to that film. Ended up watching the 2nd half (which was a waste of time) the following day. Overhyped, because of its sFX.
Toss up between 'Lord of the Rings' and 'Paris,Texas'.

Atleast Paris,Texas had Nastasia Kinski in.
(silently thrusts stilleto into the kidneys of Pilchardman, Sub Zero Cat and Andy 2002)

Moulin Rouge - 2 hours that I will never be able to get back.

That Jap CGI film... good god that was dull. Gave me a headache.
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