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Dreads and threads Nirvana T Shirts and no clue

Although not a band t-shirt I have got one of these that gets a lot of reaction from peeps of a certain age.


Many a stranger tells me they used to have one of those as a nipper.
Since no-one else has gone for the low-hanging fruit here, I suppose I might as well: don't you just hate it when you meet someone and you think he's a proper Nirvana fan at first, but then you realise he likes all their pretty songs and he likes to sing along but he don't know what it means?
That might be me!

I know one song - which is OK, but I prefer the Paul Anka version if I'm being honest. And I can only hum it - no idea what the words are about

However, I don't have a Nivana t-shirt, and I don't think I'll end up with one, as most of my clothes are hand me downs from the kids and they have better taste
And the Urban prize for least thought out post goes to.....In slight mitigation there was no one approached at bus stops or asked questions about 3 songs related to choice of T shirt,it was fellow students,anyway,moving on .....@x
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