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Dreads and threads Nirvana T Shirts and no clue

I had a long sleeved KLF shirt about 1991 and I still don't think I've ever heard anything other than their big hits
it's always a good idea to familiarise yourself with things like this before wearing them because, like someone i saw wearing a w msi t-shirt many years ago, it might turn out to be something you're vehemently opposed to
Have I ever told the story of meeting up with someone very close to me who was wearing a Burzum t-shirt, and when I asked some gently probing questions, it turns out they'd been a massive fan of the music for years, but never got around to learning the sort of very basic information that you might find from reading their wikipedia page? They'd just finished a shift at their customer service job as well, feels like it would be a somewhat disconcerting experience to go to buy your overpriced popcorn at the cinema and find someone in a Burzum shirt selling it.
Another vote for people can wear what they want without having to justify it on the grounds of politics and/or musical taste. However I did see a black youth a few years back wearing a leather jacket with the Confederate flag on the back so I suspect he probably wasn't much of a history student.
I think tbf there is a conversation to be had about music as a consumable item and not something to base your mindset/fashion/friends around, as it was to some extent for me when I was a young 'un. Caveat: yes this is from the perspective of an old fart.

But I did talk to one of my students because he had a Cure shirt on and without thinking about it asked what his favourite album was, just as I'd ask someone my age in a Cure conversation. He couldn't name one, or a song even, but he knew he liked them when they showed up on his playlists or streams or what have you.
I think tbf there is a conversation to be had about music as a consumable item and not something to base your mindset/fashion/friends around, as it was to some extent for me when I was a young 'un. Caveat: yes this is from the perspective of an old fart.

But I did talk to one of my students because he had a Cure shirt on and without thinking about it asked what his favourite album was, just as I'd ask someone my age in a Cure conversation. He couldn't name one, or a song even, but he knew he liked them when they showed up on his playlists or streams or what have you.
tbf, I like the cure - but other than favourite songs, I'd be hard pressed to remember an album title :D
I don't so much anymore because I'm not so into wearing them these days, but I go to loads of gigs and I used to buy t-shirts at them if I liked the band and the print - I couldn't name an album or a song by quite a few bands I have shirts advertising though, some of which I've seen multiple times, and some of whom I'm on speaking terms with. It's such a bullshit understanding of how people listen to and support music, that you've got to have an obsessive knowledge of a band's back catalogue to be allowed to wear the t-shirt. Fuck that.
But it's been the case for about 20 years or so since Topshop started selling Ramones and Led Zep t-shirts. Iconic design and all that.

I suspect women are disproportionately targeted by the 'name 3 songs' dudes.

I think 'Mate, I just liked the t shirt' should be a totally acceptable answer. Or if you're feeling more confrontational 'Give me 3 reasons I should care about your opinion of me'
I don't so much anymore because I'm not so into wearing them these days, but I go to loads of gigs and I used to buy t-shirts at them if I liked the band and the print - I couldn't name an album or a song by quite a few bands I have shirts advertising though, some of which I've seen multiple times, and some of whom I'm on speaking terms with. It's such a bullshit understanding of how people listen to and support music, that you've got to have an obsessive knowledge of a band's back catalogue to be allowed to wear the t-shirt. Fuck that.
Yeah, I was just thinking that being able to name songs is such an arbitrary criteria - there are bands I like (and have bought shirts of) that I've only ever experienced as a live act without feeling much desire to check out their recorded catalogue, and then there are bands where I listen to their records but tend to think of the album as one continuous thing without making much of a distinction between different tracks, like with the Cocteau Twins or most of the grind I listen to.
Yeah, I was just thinking that being able to name songs is such an arbitrary criteria - there are bands I like (and have bought shirts of) that I've only ever experienced as a live act without feeling much desire to check out their recorded catalogue, and then there are bands where I listen to their records but tend to think of the album as one continuous thing without making much of a distinction between different tracks, like with the Cocteau Twins or most of the grind I listen to.
Cocteau Twins are a good example. If asked I'd say I really like them. Beautiful sounds. Couldn't name three songs, though.
I missed the support bands at a gig recently and still bought a t-shirt from one of them just because it said


down the back in massive letters. I like to wear it to the gym because that pretty much describes me when I'm sparring :D I do also like their music when spotify plays it to me though but I'd not heard them at the time.
Anyway, I have mostly refrained from the temptation to spend money on daft jokey t-shirts (and shipping), but I do really like some of the designs Bread and Water Printshop do, they have quite a few shirts for various "mainsteam" or pop acts done in the style of very underground acts, eg:
I think the Are You Being Served?/Man is the Bastard mashup shirt is one of the most inspired/deranged pieces of niche cultural crossover I've seen in a while. But I can't name three episodes of Are You Being Served?, or even three MITB songs for that matter.
I quite like it / hate it when celebrities wear incongruous t-shirts.

Here is Angelina Jolie with a Crass one:

I remember seeing Kilroy one morning years ago where a lad in the audience had a baseball cap on and some old bastard was going on about the kid probably never even having been to a baseball game or played baseball.

Imagine getting worked up about shit like this.
I remember seeing Kilroy one morning years ago where a lad in the audience had a baseball cap on and some old bastard was going on about the kid probably never even having been to a baseball game or played baseball.

Imagine getting worked up about shit like this.
I realise this cultural reference is about 20 years out of date, but this is now making me think it would be quite funny to make a Libertines baseball cap.
Anyway, I have mostly refrained from the temptation to spend money on daft jokey t-shirts (and shipping), but I do really like some of the designs Bread and Water Printshop do, they have quite a few shirts for various "mainsteam" or pop acts done in the style of very underground acts, eg:
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I think the Are You Being Served?/Man is the Bastard mashup shirt is one of the most inspired/deranged pieces of niche cultural crossover I've seen in a while. But I can't name three episodes of Are You Being Served?, or even three MITB songs for that matter.
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I do like a niche daft jokey t-shirt :oops: There's a guy on Reddit who does jiu jitsu t-shirts in the style of metal band logos which I really want to like but the designs I've seen weren't all that great.
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