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Dreads and threads Nirvana T Shirts and no clue

There seems to be a load of millennial and a bit older, with piercings and Dreads and coloured hair and... Absolutely no politics at all, none and like the Ramones T shirt, Nirvana T Shirts and no idea what Sub Pop means! There's a few at the college I'm going to and a lass in a flat below me and... It winds me up! I keep making the presumption that they know about music and politics, it's great that people can express themselves etc but... Baaah! What do Urban people think? @x
What is it about the Ramones and politics you like?
While Nirvana/Ramones tshirts are certainly trite AF, they are way less problematic than people wearing the latest Kanye West endorsed trainers. IMVHO.
There seems to be a load of millennial and a bit older, with piercings and Dreads and coloured hair and... Absolutely no politics at all, none and like the Ramones T shirt, Nirvana T Shirts and no idea what Sub Pop means! There's a few at the college I'm going to and a lass in a flat below me and... It winds me up! I keep making the presumption that they know about music and politics, it's great that people can express themselves etc but... Baaah! What do Urban people think? @x
Who gives a fuck?
It's only a t-shirt of a middle of the road band. If they like it then why not wear it. Did Nirvana have especially wonderful politics, or was it just run of the mill grungy music?

As for the Ramons IIRC one of them is a right wanker and there music isn't all that either.

In the winter I'll sometimes wear a Selco woolie hat. It doesn't mean I know all their catalogue. Its just a warm hat.
It's only a t-shirt of a middle of the road band. If they like it then why not wear it. Did Nirvana have especially wonderful politics, or was it just run of the mill grungy music?

As for the Ramons IIRC one of them is a right wanker and there music isn't all that either.

In the winter I'll sometimes wear a Selco woolie hat. It doesn't mean I know all their catalogue. Its just a warm hat.
maybe if you know their catalogues you can order some other similarly warm gear from them
Did Nirvana have especially wonderful politics, or was it just run of the mill grungy music?
Kurt was alright actually:

Cobain on liner notes to an album said:
“If you’re a sexist, racist, homophobe or basically an a--hole, don’t buy this CD. I don’t care if you like me, I hate you.”

Johnny Ramone was a Republican arsehole though. And he neverplayed upstrokes on the guitar which is just a waste of fucking energy, who has time for that?
It's only a t-shirt of a middle of the road band. If they like it then why not wear it. Did Nirvana have especially wonderful politics, or was it just run of the mill grungy music?
Since no-one else has gone for the low-hanging fruit here, I suppose I might as well: don't you just hate it when you meet someone and you think he's a proper Nirvana fan at first, but then you realise he likes all their pretty songs and he likes to sing along but he don't know what it means?
Since no-one else has gone for the low-hanging fruit here, I suppose I might as well: don't you just hate it when you meet someone and you think he's a proper Nirvana fan at first, but then you realise he likes all their pretty songs and he likes to sing along but he don't know what it means?
He’s a 10 but he only knows Teen Spirit?
My Nephew is 11 and learning to play Smells Like Teen Spirit on the guitar which is the temporal equivalent of me starting my musical education with whatever the fuck people listened to in 1953.
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