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Dreads and threads Nirvana T Shirts and no clue


Bass case
There seems to be a load of millennial and a bit older, with piercings and Dreads and coloured hair and... Absolutely no politics at all, none and like the Ramones T shirt, Nirvana T Shirts and no idea what Sub Pop means! There's a few at the college I'm going to and a lass in a flat below me and... It winds me up! I keep making the presumption that they know about music and politics, it's great that people can express themselves etc but... Baaah! What do Urban people think? @x
I was watching some reaction video on u-tube a while back, during the black lives matter stuff, and this guy was reacting to Killing In The Name by Rage and he pointed out how relevant the song was to what was going on... Then he saw the date, 2011, and freaked out how a song so old could be so relevant. I tore my hair out as that was the date it was posted, the song is from around 1992 and still relevant. (if you didn't already know.)

I love asking the youngers "Name 3 songs" of the band tee shirt they are wearing. This is nothing new, perhaps they will get some revolution in them once the recession really bites and they find out who is to blame and all the alternative lifestyles have been outlawed.
I'm more shocked but the rise of beige amongst the cool kids. I've seen kids wearing stuff my Dad would have chosen. I suppose it all goes around but did it have to be beige.
Still loads of teenagers in Nirvana shirts. But when I was a kid we had Led Zeppelin shirts that were 30 years too late so I can't talk.

Also I just realised I'm wearing a Spiritualized T shirt I bought 20 years ago. It's held up very well. And it glows in the dark!
I don’t care that youngsters are wearing hip t.shirts cos the band name or logo is hip but they haven’t bothered to listen to the music. They can do what they like.

It pisses me off that rockandroll, like everything else ever, gets commodified and packaged and sold off in little bytes and memes.

Here’s how a couple of Kardashians got into trouble for doing it,

Still loads of teenagers in Nirvana shirts. But when I was a kid we had Led Zeppelin shirts that were 30 years too late so I can't talk.

Also I just realised I'm wearing a Spiritualized T shirt I bought 20 years ago. It's held up very well. And it glows in the dark!
i ought not to need to point out that led zeppelin were formed in 1968 and disbanded in 1980. so unless you're a lot younger than i thought you were your led zepp t-shirts were never 30 years too late
I was wearing a Sun Records t-shirt years ago when someone came up and asked me about Elvis. At the time I had no idea what Sun Records was. I just liked the t-shirt, bought in some cheapo shop somewhere.

This was Pre-Internet. No doubt blokey who asked me would have been despairing on Facebook today.
I don’t care that youngsters are wearing hip t.shirts cos the band name or logo is hip but they haven’t bothered to listen to the music. They can do what they like.

It pisses me off that rockandroll, like everything else ever, gets commodified and packaged and sold off in little bytes and memes.
from its very beginning rock n roll was commodified and packaged and sold off

it's always been a great rock n roll swindle
Won't someone think of the t-shirt manufacturers ? :( I rarely buy band t-shirts now - I have one (Low from a gig last year) , so we need the young to keep the industry going.

My current top is 'promoting' a 50something man who does youtube videos about walking around London - :hmm:
I was wearing a Sun Records t-shirt years ago when someone came up and asked me about Elvis. At the time I had no idea what Sun Records was. I just liked the t-shirt, bought in some cheapo shop somewhere.

This was Pre-Internet. No doubt blokey who asked me would have been despairing on Facebook today.
it's always a good idea to familiarise yourself with things like this before wearing them because, like someone i saw wearing a w msi t-shirt many years ago, it might turn out to be something you're vehemently opposed to
from its very beginning rock n roll was commodified and packaged and sold off

it's always been a great rock n roll swindle

And it’s pisses me off.

Think of all the great music we would have had if Colonel Tom hadn’t bent Elvis to his own venal ends. Think of all the Bluesmen who died in poverty while their music made someone else rich.
I was wearing a Sun Records t-shirt years ago when someone came up and asked me about Elvis. At the time I had no idea what Sun Records was. I just liked the t-shirt, bought in some cheapo shop somewhere.

This was Pre-Internet. No doubt blokey who asked me would have been despairing on Facebook today.

Those t.shirts were pretty cool.
Pretty sure Love's big comeback / re discovery in the early 2000s had something to do with the t shirts that suddenly popped up everywhere and looked cool as. Not too many would have known them as a band back then.
Good for Arthur Lee.
i ought not to need to point out that led zeppelin were formed in 1968 and disbanded in 1980. so unless you're a lot younger than i thought you were your led zepp t-shirts were never 30 years too late

In 1998, when Led Zeppelin turned 30, I was 13.
I don't do logo clothing any more, but having said that I am sat here wearing a jumper with Paris written on it. I know where Paris is, though, so I think I'm ok for any questions from random strangers. :thumbs:
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