Lord Camomile
He does seem to have a disingenuous humility schtick he rolls out sometimes, generally as part of what I believe is referred to as a "humble brag".I'm suprised his ego let him say honest abe was better man.
He does seem to have a disingenuous humility schtick he rolls out sometimes, generally as part of what I believe is referred to as a "humble brag".I'm suprised his ego let him say honest abe was better man.
At Secretive Meeting, Tech CEOs And Top Republicans Commiserate, Plot To Stop Trump
Billionaires, tech CEOs and top members of the Republican establishment flew to a private island resort off the coast of Georgia this weekend for the American Enterprise Institute's annual World Forum, according to sources familiar with the secretive gathering.
The main topic at the closed-to-the-press confab? How to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump.
Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker, and Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk all attended. So did Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), political guru Karl Rove, House Speaker Paul Ryan, GOP Sens. Tom Cotton (Ark.), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Tim Scott (S.C.), Rob Portman (Ohio) and Ben Sasse (Neb.), who recently made news by saying he "cannot support Donald Trump."
Along with Ryan, the House was represented by Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Fred Upton (Mich.), Rep. Kevin Brady (Texas) and almost-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), sources said, along with leadership figure Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.), Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-Ga.), Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (Texas) and Diane Black (Tenn.).
Philip Anschutz, the billionaire GOP donor whose company owns a stake in Sea Island, was also there, along with Democratic Rep. John Delaney, who represents Maryland. Arthur Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York Times, was there, too, a Times spokeswoman confirmed.
"A specter was haunting the World Forum--the specter of Donald Trump," Kristol wrote in an emailed report from the conference, borrowing the opening lines of the Communist Manifesto. "There was much unhappiness about his emergence, a good deal of talk, some of it insightful and thoughtful, about why he's done so well, and many expressions of hope that he would be defeated."
How could Trump get the likes of Apple to manufacture their kit in the USA rather than China unless through tariffs, backing off from globalisation and protectionism?
Reminds me of the plot by Rockefeller, Carnegie and JP Morgan to stop William Jennings Bryan in 1896.
How could Trump get the likes of Apple to manufacture their kit in the USA rather than China unless through tariffs, backing off from globalisation and protectionism?
I've seen some of his speeches and its a man used to holding court, doing so with all smug satisfaction etc. MAkes me wonder how much of what he says is populist bullshit to get elected and how much is true in his mind. Does he buy all his own shit iyswim. Cos I think more than any of his rehtoric-wether true belief, half true or naked bollocks- Trump just wants the big chair. The prize is more important.He can't, and he probably has no interest in really doing so. His rhetoric is designed to appeal to his potential voters, I don't treat any of it as genuine statements of intent.
I've seen some of his speeches and its a man used to holding court, doing so with all smug satisfaction etc. MAkes me wonder how much of what he says is populist bullshit to get elected and how much is true in his mind. Does he buy all his own shit iyswim. Cos I think more than any of his rehtoric-wether true belief, half true or naked bollocks- Trump just wants the big chair. The prize is more important.
Stories marveling at the stupidity of Trump voters are published nearly every day. Articles that accuse Trump’s followers of being bigots have appeared by the hundreds, if not the thousands. Conservatives have written them; liberals have written them; impartial professionals have written them. The headline of a recent Huffington Post column announced, bluntly, that “Trump Won Super Tuesday Because America is Racist.” A New York Times reporter proved that Trump’s followers were bigots by coordinating a map of Trump support with a map of racist Google searches. Everyone knows it: Trump’s followers’ passions are nothing more than the ignorant blurtings of the white American id, driven to madness by the presence of a black man in the White House. The Trump movement is a one-note phenomenon, a vast surge of race-hate. Its partisans are not only incomprehensible, they are not really worth comprehending.
Tom Lewandowski, the president of the Northeast Indiana Central Labor Council in Fort Wayne, puts it even more bluntly when I asked him about working-class Trump fans. “These people aren’t racist, not any more than anybody else is,” he says of Trump supporters he knows. “When Trump talks about trade, we think about the Clinton administration, first with Nafta and then with [Permanent Normal Trade Relations] China, and here in Northeast Indiana, we hemorrhaged jobs.”
“They look at that, and here’s Trump talking about trade, in a ham-handed way, but at least he’s representing emotionally. We’ve had all the political establishment standing behind every trade deal, and we endorsed some of these people, and then we’ve had to fight them to get them to represent us.”
Don't think he cares either way, he's a winner, probably better for him if he loses but he still has the big chair and cigar and he still wins. He's got the prize, he inherited it.
to a Trump, second place will not do. Victory is what he's after. What do you give the man who has or can buy anything he wants?
Insuranceto a Trump, second place will not do. Victory is what he's after. What do you give the man who has or can buy anything he wants?
What do you give the man who has or can buy anything he wants?
Real hair !!to a Trump, second place will not do. Victory is what he's after. What do you give the man who has or can buy anything he wants?
to a Trump, second place will not do. Victory is what he's after. What do you give the man who has or can buy anything he wants?
Apple could be doing that already, but it seems Chinese workers are cheaper even than automation.automated factories
A bullet!
amenA bullet to the back of the head.
body to the crocs. America has a great resource of corpse disposal in its wide environs, its rich fuana and sometimes I think they forget that we british have to hide our enemies in motorway pylonsA bullet!
body to the crocs. America has a great resource of corpse disposal in its wide environs, its rich fuana and sometimes I think they forget that we british have to hide our enemies in motorway pylons
Are you working for the US tourist board now?We are a blessed land, arn't we? We not only have crocs, but pigs, bears, cougars, manure slurrys, rendering plants, meat grinders, lime pits, mine tailing ponds, underground caves, acid baths, etc. Its an embarassment of riches for the murderously inclined.
Are you working for the US tourist board now?
Nope, just a proud American.
How could Trump get the likes of Apple to manufacture their kit in the USA rather than China unless through tariffs, backing off from globalisation and protectionism?