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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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I'd pick Hillary over Trump, or any of the Repubs. The prospect of Supreme Court nominations, and various other things that will have a huge impact on other aspects of politics, is too important to fuck around with.
Obama has done one good thing and that's to show it doesn't matter one jot who gets elected, the reality of the empire remains unaffected .
So the struggles of the suffragettes in Britain & the US, blacks in the US, non-property owners in both countries to vote was all for nothing?
So the struggles of the suffragettes in Britain & the US, blacks in the US, non-property owners in both countries to vote was all for nothing?

Here's what the term "all for nothing " actually looks like

I'd pick Hillary over Trump, or any of the Repubs. The prospect of Supreme Court nominations, and various other things that will have a huge impact on other aspects of politics, is too important to fuck around with.

US Supreme court nominations way more important than world peace. Bravo .
A million dead Iraqis deliberately killed by her not as important as US supreme court nominations...that nobody actually gives a shit about . Bravo again .
If it's a choice between Trump and that crazy evil old witch Hillary, I'll take Trump. We'll be lucky to survive Hillary.

Neocon Kagan Endorses Hillary Clinton | Consortiumnews
Hillary Clinton’s Pay-for-Play Reality
Sic Semper Tyrannis : Hillary is still triangulating
How I Would Reaffirm Unbreakable Bond With Israel — and Benjamin Netanyahu

tells you all you need to know about Hillary - along with, of course, "We came, we saw, he died."

Is it really necessary to use sexist language when talking about Hillary Clinton? There is plenty to criticise without referring to her gender or her age or a combination slur which attacks her for the crime of being an older woman. It wouldn't be acceptable to use anti-black slurs to criticise Obama on here and we shouldn't talk about Hillary Clinton that way either.
I'd pick Hillary over Trump, or any of the Repubs. The prospect of Supreme Court nominations, and various other things that will have a huge impact on other aspects of politics, is too important to fuck around with.

This is depressingly accurate, Scalia's death has already led to so many positive outcomes and he has only been pushing up daisies for a little while. That being said I would not trust Hillary Clinton not to, for example, appoint a judge who would rule against the California Teachers.
Is it really necessary to use sexist language when talking about Hillary Clinton? There is plenty to criticise without referring to her gender or her age or a combination slur which attacks her for the crime of being an older woman. It wouldn't be acceptable to use anti-black slurs to criticise Obama on here and we shouldn't talk about Hillary Clinton that way either.

I'm not buying that . She actually cackles at her destruction and evil doing, she actually is evil. Witch is fine for me . And quite mild come to think of it .
what did I just read? The man who wants to build a wall against Mexico and deport Muslims is the lesser of two evils?

Yes. I can only surmise you want smote what she wants to smite if you can't see the much worse stuff she is into. And the absolute scum of the earth travelling in her wake. The whole PNAC ensemble jumping ship to follow her after realising their time is over with the Reps thanks to trumps victory on that wing . You'd actually support that ?

Why on earth would you be disgusted with Blair if you'd even consider supporting that evil monstrosity Clinton ?
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I don't want either of them tbh and don't have a vote but prefer the one who at least pays lip service to enlightenment values.
Trump may he better in some ways but he is a definite loose cannon. In terms of global diplomacy I think he could be much more damaging president than any of the 'traditional' politicians.
Trump may he better in some ways but he is a definite loose cannon. In terms of global diplomacy I think he could be much more damaging president than any of the 'traditional' politicians.

Why ? Clinton isn't a loose cannon. We already know who she wants war with . Firstly Russia . Also Syria and Iran. That's world war 3 right there . You'd actually support that piece of shit and her mates...McCain, kagan, Nuland ? You seriously would..right ?

Trump wants friendship with Russia and china, doesn't want war, wants to build up basic Us infrastructure like roads, bridges, hospitals. Clinton , mcCain and co ate determined on confrontation . You support that ?

Are you insane ? You know what her death toll is already ?
I don't want either of them tbh and don't have a vote but prefer the one who at least pays lip service to enlightenment values.

What's enlightened about murdering one million innocent Iraqis?...half of them children... by deliberate genocide ? Please fucking tell me. Enlighten me on that one .

It wasn't an accident. It was deliberate. And her camp stated openly , it was " worth it "

A fucking liberal can literally get away with mass murder. As in be excused for it by other liberals .
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Please spell it out to me carefully (I'm slow on the uptake) how Clinton has murdered a million Iraqis.

As her husband stated frequently during his presidency it was a " 2 for one deal " . It was both of them in charge. They both oversaw and insisted upon a genocidal sanction regime against Iraq. It resulted in over a million surplus Iraqi deaths . Up to half of them children . 2...one after the other...UN chiefs appointed to oversee their...the Clintons...oil for food programme resigned in utter disgust and called the programme explicitly for what it was. Genocidal. The Clintons insisted repeatedly that was Baathist propaganda . But the scale of the massacre was so unavoidable even the liberals under their regime eventually had to admit it was happening ...but actually fucking justified it .

Here's their minion Albright at the time doing just that

And there's the real danger...because their liberals, because their " right on " no crime is too putrid or too massive . The fact you even have to ask the question in the first place proves my point as to her insidious nature


The death toll was half a million kids by 1996... Bush didn't start his massacre until 2003 . Fuck knows how many the clintons actually killed. People stopped counting .
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Please spell it out to me carefully (I'm slow on the uptake) how Clinton has murdered a million Iraqis.

Read this and carry on supporting that fucking monster

Squeezed to death

And evil monster she is. You can't say witch here as it offends sensibilities, unlike genocide, so I'll settle for "chimera". A bit more middle class.


And you want to see who spawned the like of IS ?

Read the very bottom of that interview , from 1998. The fucking monster couple, that's who. With their deliberate genocide .

BBC News | Middle East | UN official blasts Iraq sanctions

So go ahead and support more of those " enlightenment values "
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Like just look at this, and remember who she has backing her up..McCain, nuland, kagan..the neo con crazies.

Literally cackling

And truly chilling, given what she's ACTUALLy cackling about in this one. As if her track record in Iraq, Libya and Syria wasn't bad enough . Just look at her for fucks sake, listen to her

Who in their right fucking gourd could support that for one instant ?
He was bigging up the Scottish NHS system..which I found bizarre. Mebbe he's just acting mr nice guy until he gets those nukes and his revenge .

Trump under attack as he praises NHS care

But on that issue alone he's definitely more " left " than his competitors. And Obama and Hilary come to think of it.

And actually that's good news for anyone he half tortures to death because at least they won't be stuck with massive medical bills afterwards . Which would be pretty unfair .

See Chomskys criticism of Obamacare.

Who in their right fucking gourd could support that for one instant ?

You know that's been edited to reverse the context right? Their lips aren't even moving in time with what they're saying.

1:10 "and frankly there are those who say the best thing that could happen to us would be to be attacked by somebody. Just bring it on because, that would unify us it would legitimize the 'REGIME'" .

"us" there is not the US but the Iraqi government.

you know we're not going to give anything up and in fact we are going to 'PROVOKE' and attack because then we will be in power for as long as anyone can Imagine.

"we" there is not the US but the Iraqi government.
You know that's been edited to reverse the context right? Their lips aren't even moving in time with what they're saying.

1:10 "and frankly there are those who say the best thing that could happen to us would be to be attacked by somebody. Just bring it on because, that would unify us it would legitimize the 'REGIME'" .

"us" there is not the US but the Iraqi government.

you know we're not going to give anything up and in fact we are going to 'PROVOKE' and attack because then we will be in power for as long as anyone can Imagine.

"we" there is not the US but the Iraqi government.

Tell us what she's cackling about..and leaning into that pricks shoulder over...and cackling some more about " we're working on it " and then more cackling .
You know that's been edited to reverse the context right? Their lips aren't even moving in time with what they're saying.

1:10 "and frankly there are those who say the best thing that could happen to us would be to be attacked by somebody. Just bring it on because, that would unify us it would legitimize the 'REGIME'" .

"us" there is not the US but the Iraqi government.

you know we're not going to give anything up and in fact we are going to 'PROVOKE' and attack because then we will be in power for as long as anyone can Imagine.

"we" there is not the US but the Iraqi government.

My apologies actually. You are right and you make a fair point. I've had a few and that is definitely not the vid I wanted to post. Your right, it's manipulated and I apologise again.

This is the one I meant to post. Same interview but none of the manipulation . Didn't watch the first one whole way through. Thought it was this one..

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