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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Probably. It's one thing to say he is better than Cruz and Rubio and that the most extreme of the liberal hysteria is wrong because he isn't literally Hitler but at the same time he *is* horrifying in his own right on so many levels. He *is* a racist demagogue who is redirecting the class anxiety of the US white working-class, he is a misogynist, he would undo a lot of the positive incremental change of the Obama Whitehouse on social issues and accelerate privatisation and attacks on workers' rights.

And he wants to bring in torture 'much stronger than waterboarding'. Since Bush II and his cronies, torture seems to be an openly republican value. It's fairly terrifying that a racist, misogynist bully who proposes extreme torture, mass deportation, electronic databases for minorities and a whole host of fascistic policies is able to tap into the American zeitgeist the way that Trump has. The sign of sick, sick country.
And he wants to bring in torture 'much stronger than waterboarding'. Since Bush II and his cronies, torture seems to be an openly republican value. It's fairly terrifying that a racist, misogynist bully who proposes extreme torture, mass deportation, electronic databases for minorities and a whole host of fascistic policies is able to tap into the American zeitgeist the way that Trump has. The sign of sick, sick country.

Their very own Kim Jong un!
So an endorsement from Chris Christie and an attack on newspapers

“One of the things I’m gonna do if I win... is I’m gonna open up our libel laws so when [newspapers] write purposely negative stories... we can sue them and make lots of money... So when the New York Times or the Washington post writes a hit piece, we can sue them.

“With me they’re not protected because I’m not like other people...So we’re going to open up those libel laws, folks, and we’re gonna have people sue you like you’ve never been sued before.”

lol, like most of his rhetoric this is calculated to wind up liberals who will duly provide him and his supporters with a belief reinforcing barrage of hysteria and further consolidate his support. He is getting the nomination.
Good bit from Noam Chomsky:

Noam Chomsky, the renowned scholar and MIT professor emeritus, says that the rise of Donald Trump in American politics is, in part, fueled by deeply rooted fear and hopelessness that may be caused by an alarming spike in mortality rates for a generation of poorly educated whites.

“He’s evidently appealing to deep feelings of anger, fear, frustration, hopelessness, probably among sectors like those that are seeing an increase in mortality, something unheard of apart from war and catastrophe," Chomsky told The Huffington Post in an interview on Thursday. ...

A legion of less educated, working-class white men has fueled Trump’s rise. And while many say the business mogul is capitalizing on their fears about the perceived decline of white dominance in America, Chomsky says there may also be more existential forces at play.

Life expectancy, in general, has increased steadily over time. And thanks largely toadvances in health care, many people around the world live longer lives. There are exceptions, of course -- during war or natural catastrophes, for example. But what’s happening now in America, he says, is “quite different.”

Despite vast wealth and modern medicine, the U.S. has lower average life expectancy than many other nations. And while the average has been increasing recently, the gains are not evenly spread out. Wealthier Americans are living longer lives, while the poor are living shorter ones.

Donald Trump Is Winning Because White America Is Dying
I think Trump actually emerges quite unscathed from his tete-a-tete with Ali G. The opposite approach to Tony Benn who also came out looking good from the fandango: Trump closes down G as soon as possible whereas Benn decided to take him on directly.

Yep, this. People probably thought Reagan was a bit of a joke and an idiot in 1979, but he did an enormous amount of damage in his 8 years. Clinton is vile, but she isn't going to set about undoing every minor advance Obama's got through.
We can quibble over "every" (and what actual advances Obama has got through) but it'd be naive to think that Clinton will not attack the working-class, both in the US and outside it. Her, and her husbands, record(s) show that she did time and again in the past and to think that it will be different in the future is to be purposely blind.
Yep, this. People probably thought Reagan was a bit of a joke and an idiot in 1979, but he did an enormous amount of damage in his 8 years. Clinton is vile, but she isn't going to set about undoing every minor advance Obama's got through.
What is there to attack? Reagan had a whole post-war settlement to take down. She will have nothing - not a comment on her but on the previous president and legislative program. It's so weak that she, a dedicated supporter of the worst sort of voracious domestic and international capital doesn't have to lift a finger to oppose it.
And he wants to bring in torture 'much stronger than waterboarding'. Since Bush II and his cronies, torture seems to be an openly republican value. It's fairly terrifying that a racist, misogynist bully who proposes extreme torture, mass deportation, electronic databases for minorities and a whole host of fascistic policies is able to tap into the American zeitgeist the way that Trump has. The sign of sick, sick country.

And hopefully it's inevitable decline .

Remember the alternative to him is Hilary Clinton and her sidekick John McCain slavering for high noons and showdowns all over the global show . A different kind of insane but a lot more frightening . Clinton and others ...like Blair..are vastly more dangerous in that they can pull much the same shit, and worse, by laying it on thick with their humanitarian and liberal credentials and sounding reasonable . A different type of idiot, a middle class one, buys into that shit simply because it's sold using more refined buzz words . And have already done so .

Remember Clinton already has an Iraq sanctions genocide under her belt , a million innocents dead before Bush even fired a shot ( with her support) Trump...so far..is a saint compared to that mass murdering harridan . But because of her liberal credentials and middle class approval she absolutely skates it . Trump talks shit, Clinton murders by the million. Trumps white trash populist appeal is horrible to behold but hers is worse in the scheme of things . It means millions dead while "nice , decent " people nod solemnly and ask " but what was the alternative ? ". Trump also genuinely hates the likes of Al Qaeda and won't be arming them to the teeth as a proxy force or acting as their air force. Clinton , McCain and co will go full tilt on that one if they get half a chance . All in the name of human rights, democracy etc. and it works .

Obama has done one good thing and that's to show it doesn't matter one jot who gets elected, the reality of the empire remains unaffected . A racist clown who doesn't want to start WW3 and who'll also greatly reduce US standing in the world is the best we can really hope for . Because well all be a lot safer in many ways .

Without a doubt Sanders is the nicest guy of the lot but he will change nothing because the system would never permit him . We know that , we should be totally convinced of that by now .So all he'd be is a nice face atop an evil empire , saying nice things and making forlorn excuses for why bad things still happen on his watch . Just like Obama was .
Having watched the 25/2/16 debate, based on this alone, Trump appeared more left wing than any of the other candidates.

On immigration Trump (& Rubio as it happens) would grant amnesty for some of the illegal immigrants they deported, Cruz wouldn't.
Trump was accused of cutting deals with Democrats, which he agreed with,adding he gets on with everyone! He was also accused by Rubio of being not conservative enough.
Trump said he would try & mediate for peace re Israel & Palestine. None of the others said they would - they would just support Israel.
Whilst not being a proponent, Trump acknowledged state healthcare had worked in a couple of countries, none acknowledged this.
Having watched the 25/2/16 debate, based on this alone, Trump appeared more left wing than any of the other candidates.

On immigration Trump (& Rubio as it happens) would grant amnesty for some of the illegal immigrants they deported, Cruz wouldn't.
Trump was accused of cutting deals with Democrats, which he agreed with,adding he gets on with everyone! He was also accused by Rubio of being not conservative enough.
Trump said he would try & mediate for peace re Israel & Palestine. None of the others said they would - they would just support Israel.
Whilst not being a proponent, Trump acknowledged state healthcare had worked in a couple of countries, none acknowledged this.

Your really trying to polish a turd ;)
Having watched the 25/2/16 debate, based on this alone, Trump appeared more left wing than any of the other candidates.

On immigration Trump (& Rubio as it happens) would grant amnesty for some of the illegal immigrants they deported, Cruz wouldn't.
Trump was accused of cutting deals with Democrats, which he agreed with,adding he gets on with everyone! He was also accused by Rubio of being not conservative enough.
Trump said he would try & mediate for peace re Israel & Palestine. None of the others said they would - they would just support Israel.
Whilst not being a proponent, Trump acknowledged state healthcare had worked in a couple of countries, none acknowledged this.

He was bigging up the Scottish NHS system..which I found bizarre. Mebbe he's just acting mr nice guy until he gets those nukes and his revenge .

Trump under attack as he praises NHS care

But on that issue alone he's definitely more " left " than his competitors. And Obama and Hilary come to think of it.

And actually that's good news for anyone he half tortures to death because at least they won't be stuck with massive medical bills afterwards . Which would be pretty unfair .
I find myself thinking "I hope Trump wins the nomination" because of how awful Cruz and Rubio would be. And then I think just how utterly and desperately awful it is to be in that situation.

I have some small sympathy with those who think Trump would be preferable to Clinton as well. Clinton would further normalise a whole bunch of absolutely dreadful stuff under the respectable Democrat label. At the same time, I cannot ignore the amount of harm a Republican (Trump or otherwise) presidency would cause to even more people.

It's like being stuck between a lump of shit and a lumpier piece of shit.
If I was a person of colour in the US I'd definitely not want him. No doubt about it . But I'm not . I'm a white European who'd rather not die of radiation poisoning and horrific skin melting burns, thanks very much . I can live with trump. I mightn't with Clinton, really really mightn't .
And quite frankly given what she's done already..deliberate genocidal mass murder of innocents..the sane, non hypocritical position is trump is a much nicer person than her in the scale of things that properly matter. Because nothing he has done bad in his life , or said, no matter how offensive, is even in the same universe of outright wrongness as what she's done. And would happily...yes happily, she enjoys it..do again given the chance .
And as there's next to no justice in this world and she won't face a crimes against humanity trial the best punishment she's likely to get is being beaten by Trump. Who I'm sure would rub it totally in afterwards . And make the remainder of her life a total misery . I actually look forward to that.

That and the hope her rotten husband ends up in the dock alongside Bill Cosby.
Trump's a complete unknown on foreign policy though. There's enough to be scared of, I reckon.

It's fucking depressing. Deciding who would be the least scariest.
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