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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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You wouldn't use that language to describe a man ergo it's sexists

Are you saying New York Military Academy wasn't a Military School?

I really don't think you understand how assertions work. You claimed he opposed the Vietnam war. I've asked you to support that assertion. I don't even need a statement from him just a photo of him at an anti war rally during the 60s.

Trump had spent a career lying but it's particularly brazen since his presidential run. Off the top of head he claimed thousands of Muslims were cheering in New Jersey when the twin towers collapsed, that his campaign is completely self funded, that vaccines cause autism, that the US unemployment rate is anywhere from 20 to 40%. All lies. So sorry no if Trump said last year he opposed the Vietnam war I don't believe him.

No you simple minded toe rag I never said you were a "Roosh fan" I said that you were using misogynistic language like Roosh. Which you are.

No, I'll give you an example of Internet stalking that would be investigating me to the point that you knew my personal details up to and including demonstrating you know my real name. I know that it's a tremendously specific examples it only comes to mind because you've done that to me on this forum.

I opposed the Iraq war , there are no photos of me on any rallies though . I have attended numerous demos over the past 30 years, doubt there's many pics of me though. Trumps bullshitting , which is chronic, isn't much worse than yours .
And quite frankly 8den, I couldn't give a toss what you believe and what you don't.

As regards naming you that's an impossibility because I don't know what your name is . I'm quite sure had I ever done this you and others would have reported it. And I'd have, rightly been banned . So your completely full of shit on that one as well.

Oh and have a look at Wikipedia . It describes Trumps old school as a privately run " university - preparatory school " run along military lines . Which is what it is . Why you think this signals any support for the Vietnam war though is mind boggling . He was sent there as a punishment .
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Having trouble with the quote function old bean? It has been a heavy few days hasn't it. Best call it day.

His companies that he manages have filled for bankruptcy four times.

As has been pointed out on this thread several times if Trump had literally done NOTHING but leave the 200million he inherited mature in a decent mutual fund he'd be better off financial than he is today.

But that's not the relevant issue here . What's relevant is you trying to sound clever but then being shown up as wrong . Trump himself has never been bankrupt like you stated .
So to be clear you admit that have nothing other than the word of a habitual liar and fraud that he was opposed to the Vietnam War? Grand do.

All military schools in the US are private schools you wingnut (aside from ROTCs and the Federal Academies) and you don't get sent to those as a punishment. and yes Trump was sent to it as punishment but by Senior year held the rank of Captain not the act of a rebellious anti war teen.

And if I'll have to dig up your posting history of your stalking of me Again. Fine.

You nasty little misogynist.

But that's not the relevant issue here . What's relevant is you trying to sound clever but then being shown up as wrong . Trump himself has never been bankrupt like you stated .

Any idiot with a few million and decent lawyer can incorporate to ensure their company bears the burden of their mistakes and ensures they don't have to declare "personal" bankruptcy. By 2004 it was clear that Trump could barely run a bath and the only valuable asset he possesses is a gaudy brand and his daddies millions
Any idiot with a few million and decent lawyer can incorporate to ensure their company bears the burden of their mistakes and ensures they don't have to declare "personal" bankruptcy. By 2004 it was clear that Trump could barely run a bath and the only valuable asset he possesses is a gaudy brand and his daddies millions

Again...so what ? You were wrong . Suck it up like a man and get over it .
Having your companies file for bankruptcy four times (more than once a decade) is not a sign of financial acumen.

Claiming that just because you personally haven't been bankrupt as evidence of your financial success is a bit like claiming you're a good driver because you walked away unscathed the four times you were involved in car crashes.

The point is though that you walked away from them.

I don't think that Trump is a financial genius, but Chapter 11 does exist and when it comes to using it to rescue some of his firms he made sensible use of it; the criticism of him for doing that - and from the right especially - is mindless.
The point is though that you walked away from them.

I don't think that Trump is a financial genius, but Chapter 11 does exist and when it comes to using it to rescue some of his firms he made sensible use of it; the criticism of him for doing that - and from the right especially - is mindless.

The point is that you are rich enough in the first place to incorporate to protect yourself from personal insolvency.

As has been pointed out filing for chapter eleven for companies you were CEO of and carried your name four times in 30 years in far and above the national average. Furthermore because you've incorporated you personally might not have to file for personal bankruptcy but many of your investors might further more because he was incorporated Trump availed himself of the kind of govt bail outs he condemns Obama for offering.

Claiming he personally didn't file for bankruptcy the four times his companies did is the kind of mealy mouth attempt at pedantry that characterised the republican debate. The fact that his companies collapsed under his stewardship is in fact worse than if he filed for personal bankruptcy.

To use the analogy again. It's like Trump was involved in four very bad car crashes that he caused, and yet he's boasting about the fact that he walked away relatively unscathed as evidence that he's a good driver.

For example in his first bankruptcy it cost his company 3 billion while Trump himself lost a MERE 900 million.

His 2nd bankruptcy was when he racked up half a billion in debt on a mere 4 years running the plaza, which he bought for 300 million. After that he remained as CEO of the plaza but sold his stake didn't draw a salary and had Zero control over the company afterwards.

And we're quibbling about the fact that he didn't declare personal bankruptcy.
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Claiming he personally didn't file for bankruptcy the four times his companies did is the kind of mealy mouth attempt at pedantry that characterised the republican debate. The fact that his companies collapsed under his stewardship is in fact worse than if he filed for personal bankruptcy.

It absolutely isn't, though. Chapter 11 allows firms to carry on as a going concern, after a sensible and (relatively) impartial judgement takes place with regards to whether or not the firm can continue and, if so, who loses what; if he had personally gone bankrupt it would be much worse.

This criticism of him using a part of the law in the way that it was intended to be used is daft.
It absolutely isn't, though. Chapter 11 allows firms to carry on as a going concern, after a sensible and (relatively) impartial judgement takes place with regards to whether or not the firm can continue and, if so, who loses what; if he had personally gone bankrupt it would be much worse.

This criticism of him using a part of the law in the way that it was intended to be used is daft.

Worse for whom? Trump? His Investors? Trump not filing for personal insolvency allowed him to continue to run businesses into the ground while his investors lost their shirts and the government spent billions helping him out.

As I listed in just two examples in his first bankruptcy incorporating meant Trump only lost 900 million, everyone else (state, investors and creditors ) picked up the other 2 billion tab.

How is that a win for anyone?
Yeah you're trying to claim a military academy isn't a military school.

Can you explain to me , in plain English, what you think a military school is ? And why this is at all relevant to trumps views on Vietnam ? Bearing in mind his dad sent him there as punishment . And he'd finished there by 64 , before the Vietnam war properly hotted up .

It's a privately run prep school . It's not run by the US military . The Chinese own it these days .
Senior year held the rank of Captain not the act of a rebellious anti war teen.


Nobody's claimed he was Jane Fonda . You're just making extra stuff up now, while demanding photographic evidence of him attending demos earlier .:D:D
All his attaining rank proves is he was adept at working the school system to his own advantage . Like he was with the draft system . His contemporaries complained his main interest was women and cars and his interest in things military was non existent ..

Post Ronnie Reagan it's still controversial in the US to state you were opposed to the Vietnam war . I've yet to see any statement were he supports it that contradicts his claim of non support . And his other positions in opposition to military interventions unless someone is actually attacking the US back this up. As does his support for a lifting on sanctions against Iran..despite being pro Zionist ..and his desire to get along with, rather than militarily confront, Russia . There's no basis whatsoever to dispute his personal opposition . It's consistent enough with a general trend .

Other right wingers like Ron Paul and Rand Paul take these type of positions too . People don't have to be flower power hippies or whatever to be generally anti war .
Can you explain to me , in plain English, what you think a military school is ?

If you think there is a difference between a military school and a military academy I'm all ears (oh and btw I already established that military schools/academies are different from ROTCs and the Federal Academies)

And why this is at all relevant to trumps views on Vietnam ? Bearing in mind his dad sent him there as punishment . And he'd finished there by 64 , before the Vietnam war properly hotted up .

Yes and since trump had written several books including autobiographies surely you can site an example besides his spat with McCain.

It's a privately run prep school . It's not run by the US military . The Chinese own it these days .

Read back over our discussion. You called it a prep school not a military school. I pointed out that all the military schools in the us are private schools aside from ROTCs and The Federal Academies.

We're wandering way off tangent btw.

What exactly did you mean when you called Hilary a Menopausal apocalypse?
8den, stop running away from the issue. I've asked you to explain in plain english what you think a military school actually is ?

Ive stated it's a prep school. To prepare you for university . To make sure you pass your exams and stuff by instilling a military rigour to your studies and behaviour . Often for kids who fuck about too much in a normal environment.

You seem to think its something else .

What is it ? What's its purpose in your opinion ? Not a prep school you seem to be saying ?


Yup , you've said that definitively in post #1972 ( not a prep school ) . Mind you you also said kids don't get sent there as punishment , and then said in the very next breath Trump was sent there as punishment . So it's clear I'm talking to a complete fuckwit . Again .
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Nobody's claimed he was Jane Fonda . You're just making extra stuff up now, while demanding photographic evidence of him attending demos earlier .:D:D
All his attaining rank proves is he was adept at working the school system to his own advantage . Like he was with the draft system . His contemporaries complained his main interest was women and cars and his interest in things military was non existent ..

Post Ronnie Reagan it's still controversial in the US to state you were opposed to the Vietnam war . I've yet to see any statement were he supports it that contradicts his claim of non support . And his other positions in opposition to military interventions unless someone is actually attacking the US back this up. As does his support for a lifting on sanctions against Iran..despite being pro Zionist ..and his desire to get along with, rather than militarily confront, Russia . There's no basis whatsoever to dispute his personal opposition . It's consistent enough with a general trend .

Other right wingers like Ron Paul and Rand Paul take these type of positions too . People don't have to be flower power hippies or whatever to be generally anti war .

You're saying Donald "let's bring back water boarding & worse, lets execute the families of suspected terrorists, take Iraq oil to pay for the war, and deal with ISIS like Patton and Mc Arthur" that Donald Trump is "generally anti war"?
Yes . The fact is he is . And he's on record opposing it in a number of instances.

Nobody said he wasn't a cunt as well. And a dickhead . You can be a dickhead and anti war . Just look at you .
Yes . The fact is he is . And he's on record opposing it in a number of instances.

Nobody said he wasn't a cunt as well. And a dickhead . You can be a dickhead and anti war . Just look at you .
He's on he's on the record saying claiming he was opposed to the war very different from going on the record at the time.

Politicofact checked 77 statements the Donald made on the campaign in 2015 a whooping 76 were rated untrue. The fact that you'll take his word on anything says volumes about you

[VIDEO]2015 Lie of the Year: the campaign misstatements of Donald Trump

Personally the fact that a homophobic misogynistic asshole like you doesn't like me is a boon.
Politicofact checked 77 statements the Donald made on the campaign in 2015 a whooping 76 were rated untrue.

Not quite.

They rated 76 percent of them as "Mostly False, False or Pants on Fire".

He's still an outrageous liar though.
He opposed the Vietnam war too .

Hilary Clinton meanwhile strongly supported the war , strongly supported the genocide that preceded it , supported lots of other wars and would start a slew of other wars given half the chance . And probably cause the last one ever . She's batshit crazy . Trump is horrendous and grotesque . She is the apocalypse with menopause . And I'd rather not die thanks to her and McCains mentalism . She's bad enough but if she won McCain would have an even bigger role and say than he does now.

What a scumbag you are.
Worse for whom? Trump? His Investors? Trump not filing for personal insolvency allowed him to continue to run businesses into the ground while his investors lost their shirts and the government spent billions helping him out.

As I listed in just two examples in his first bankruptcy incorporating meant Trump only lost 900 million, everyone else (state, investors and creditors ) picked up the other 2 billion tab.

How is that a win for anyone?

er - they didn't lose their shirts, and the government didn't spend billions helping him out.

Look, there are a whole galaxy of valid reasons to criticize Trump, but to pretend that his firms going into Chapter 11 is one of them is daft; if anything, his experience of having to deal with and fix organizations that are suffering from colossal levels of debt is probably more of a reason to vote for him, given how much the country owes.
er - they didn't lose their shirts, and the government didn't spend billions helping him out.

Look, there are a whole galaxy of valid reasons to criticize Trump, but to pretend that his firms going into Chapter 11 is one of them is daft; if anything, his experience of having to deal with and fix organizations that are suffering from colossal levels of debt is probably more of a reason to vote for him, given how much the country owes.

Apart from the colossal levels of debt were as a result of deals, he,presumably, negotiated. And the Chapter 11 fixes, his creditors putting things on a more even keel
Apart from the colossal levels of debt were as a result of deals, he,presumably, negotiated. And the Chapter 11 fixes, his creditors putting things on a more even keel

It has always been his firms that have applied for Chapter 11 protection rather than his creditors, but yes he did get his firms into debt at such a rate of interest that they couldn't it pay back if anything went wrong and the various debts had to be re-negotiated. The point is though that the system over there does allow firms to do this, and for all the criticism of Trump personally for getting his firms to do it I am not aware of any of the other GOP candidates who have called for it to be gotten rid of.
If we had Chapter 11 in the UK, 2008 would have been a lot more manageable.

It is not a sign of great business acumen though.
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