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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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doesn't say what gun he's bought. I hope its one of the baddies guns from action films. You know just after the hero has gunned his enemy down he turns to leave unburdened by the intense slaughter he has just engaged in. Then the baddie, still feebly choking on blood, reaches down to his sock for the 38. police chiefs special, allowing the hero to shoot the baddie again. This time for GOOD.
It's going to be a massive gun if Rubio can hit ISIS with it what with them being 4,000 miles away
It's going to be a massive gun if Rubio can hit ISIS with it what with them being 4,000 miles away
By the sound of it,the republican candidates should keep well,away from firearms or invest in lots of new foot ware.
So, the resolution that Trump be banned from entering the UK will apparently be debated in parliament this afternoon.
"We"? Let's quit "We"-ing.
you made the same point on another thread and its not without merit (i was piutting 'we' in scare quotes for some time myself but lapsed through laziness)but I should have thought most people mean 'we as a society' which despise the state as I and you and others do and consider it an invalid tyranny, we are still members of a society. Theres 'we' the shorthand for the actions of a nation state which is how I think its usually used. Rather than a validation of said state and a we-ness that implies we are all happy bunnies

if that makes sense. Its been a long day.
If he's banned from the UK, he'll wear it like a badge & brag about it.....saying those Europeans are politically correct.
In a parliament packed with worthless debates, that one marks a new level of worthlessness. Why did anyone turn up?
I think it was a good debate to have.
  • Donald Trump has been roundly denounced by MPs from all parties in a debate in the British parliament. But most of those MPs who spoke were critical of the call in a petition signed by 575,000 people for Trump to be banned from the UK because of his proposal for Muslims to be prevented from entering the US and the debate, which took place in an annex outside the main Commons chamber, ended without a vote. One of the functions of a parliament is allow a nation to let off steam and effectively that is what happened this afternoon. Many of the speeches were passionate, and the best from someone in favour of Trump being banned probably came from Jack Dromey, a Labour shadow Home Office minister (although not on this occasion presenting the official Labour party view). Dromey said Trump would fuel extremism if he came to the UK. “Isis needs Donald Trump and Donald Trump need Isis,” he claimed. But most MPs argued that a ban would be disproportionate and counter-productive, and there were particularly good speeches on this side from Labour’s Naz Shah and from the Conservatives Sir Edward Leigh, Victoria Atkins and Kwarzi Kwarteng. The government is firmly opposed to a ban and, summing up, the Home Office minister James Brokenshire said that the US was Britain’s most important partner.
Donald Trump denounced by MPs in debate about possible ban – as it happened
How can the bullshit artist propose something so extremely socialist Corbyn or Sanders wouldn't even think it...


...because that's his whole thing. He also defends social security to an extent that none of the Republican candidates will. He's appealing to the same left behind blue collar voters (see Goodwin and Ford in Revolt on the Right) as the Front National in France and UKIP in Britain do and he has been successful in that through opposition to outsourcing and by pledging to defend the parts of the welfare state which these voters see as legitimate while deriding recipients of more stigmatised benefits associated with ethnic minorities like food stamps.
"GOP candidate and angry sweet potato Donald Trump..."

Angry sweet potato - brilliant :D:D:thumbs:

I love some of the comments on that piece:

"Well people like him and he’s very smart...very very smart. He also knows very smart people as they are his friends. He’s only friends with smart people so trust him...he’ll figure out a way that will work for everyone."
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I think it was a good debate to have.
Why? What has it achieved? It's given some pompous parliamentarians the chance to be pompous on the world stage, given Trump an opportunity to portray himself as the underdog to his fans, allowed the government to claim it responds to the democratic will of the British people without having to actually do anything... Where's the good bit?
Why? What has it achieved? It's given some pompous parliamentarians the chance to be pompous on the world stage, given Trump an opportunity to portray himself as the underdog to his fans, allowed the government to claim it responds to the democratic will of the British people without having to actually do anything... Where's the good bit?

Also allows UK right-wingers to claim that they are not actually that right-wing because they are not literally Donald Trump.
Trump appeals to Christian voters at Liberty University talk

Donald Trump thumped his Bible, misquoted scripture and pledged to defend "under siege" Christians during a wide-ranging speech at one of the nation's most prominent evangelical Christian institution on Monday, in an apparent attempt to shore up support among religious conservatives just weeks before the Iowa caucuses.

"We're going to protect Christianity,'' he said during the convocation address at Liberty University, the Lynchburg, Va., school founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell.

The 2016 front-runner then proceeded to quote from what he introduced as "Two Corinthians, 3:17," prompting chuckles among students in the crowd of more than 11,000, who pointed out that the New Testament book is generally referred to as "Second Corinthians.''

"Two" Corinthians? No one who knows the bible is going to say "two' Corinthians. He pretty much outted himself as a heathen with that one.
Trump appeals to Christian voters at Liberty University talk

"Two" Corinthians? No one who knows the bible is going to say "two' Corinthians. He pretty much outted himself as a heathen with that one.

I think when asked about his favourite part of the bible he's been quoted as saying "all of it". Say what you'll like about cheap TV evangelist hucksters they'll at least memories some bits of the bible.

Someone I can't see who above nailed Trumps appeal, he'll say exactly what his base wants to hear and they'll willing ignore his contradictions.

I'm genuinely curious to see how Iowa and New Hampshire go now.

My prediction is as people drop out of the clown car that is the republican race they solidify behind Rubio as a "anyone but Trump or Cruz" candidate.

And it will be Rubio/Clinton.
doesn't say what gun he's bought. I hope its one of the baddies guns from action films. You know just after the hero has gunned his enemy down he turns to leave unburdened by the intense slaughter he has just engaged in. Then the baddie, still feebly choking on blood, reaches down to his sock for the 38. police chiefs special, allowing the hero to shoot the baddie again. This time for GOOD.
With an automatic that seemingly never runs out of ammunition, I want one of those.
In the same country which puts our flags at half mast when one of the Saudi tyrants dies. We are hypocrites and idiots.

No, in fairness, we are represented by people, the vast majority of whom, are hypocrites and idiots.
I think it was a good debate to have.

Aye but thons a can of worms! letting trump in because "America is our most important partner" then barring some Austrian or Dutch politician for saying much the same as Trump puts out a very hypocritical message, if your a racist, your barred, that should be the message.
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