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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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This post will come back to haunt you as the situation gets worse. Your bleat that the world didn't end in the first 22 hours of yer man's presidency will seem small beer compared to the unprecedented horror to come. It could be worse? You'll be on your knees weeping your eyes out and praying to a God you only wish existed before the next four years are out.

Di Eagle and di Bear a keep a living in fear
Of the impending nuclear warfare
But as a matter of fact â?? believe it or not
Plenty people don't care whether it imminent or not
Or who di first one to attack or if the human race
[aba] survive or not
For those whom is aware
Them life already coming like a nightmare

And you can see it everywhere
The famine and the fear
The doubt and the drought
Desperation and despair
And you can see it all around
The massacres abound
Dead bodies all around
The atrocities abound
Missing persons can' t be found
Dictators get dethroned
New clowns are quickly found

Di Eagle and di Bear a keep a living in fear
Of the impending nuclear warfare
But as a matter of fact â?? believe it or not
Plenty people don't care whether it imminent or not
Or who di first one to attack or if the human race
[aba] survive or not
For those whom is aware
Them life already coming like a nightmare

And you can see it everywhere
The famine and the fear
The doubt and the drought
Desperation and despair
And you can see it all around
The massacres abound
Dead bodies all around
The atrocities abound
Missing persons can' t be found
Dictators get dethroned
New clowns are quickly found
Yeh. Tho whether squirrelp will see it in such philosophical terms is I suggest doubtful
How Silicon Valley Utopianism Brought You the Dystopian Trump Presidency

Two years ago, journalist Anand Giridharadas took the stage at the TED Conference and told the attendant techno-solutionists that they were, in fact, part of the problem. Literally, that’s what he said. Here, I’ll quote him directly:

“If you live near a Whole Foods, if no one in your family serves in the military, if you’re paid by the year, not the hour, if most people you know finished college, if no one you know uses meth, if you married once and remain married, if you’re not one of 65 million Americans with a criminal record — if any or all of these things describe you, then accept the possibility that actually, you may not know what’s going on and you may be part of the problem.”

Seen from today, as Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president, Giridharadas’ message joins “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the U.S.” as one of the great unheeded warnings of the 21st century. That socioeconomic despair was profitably channeled to elect a president who—beyond his politics—represents a threat to most of the values the technocracy holds dear: transparency; multiculturalism; expertise; social progress. And, in the greatest of ironies, he used the tools and language of the technocracy to do it.

How Silicon Valley Utopianism Brought You the Dystopian Trump Presidency

These young 'disruptors' have a lot to answer for, do they have self awareness?
Let's hope not . Paisley got Stormont back and the Provos to surrender their weapons , unequivocally support the new RUC ,recognise the state and the union strengthened beyond all doubt . A massive win for unionism . He didn't live to see Gerry Adams and Martin mcguiness running behind the queen like deranged Nicholas Witchells but it's his legacy .
You won't find many Ulster Prods recognising that account.

In 69 the UUP had 49% of the vote last year they were down to 13%. Paisley's DUP coming from nowhere became the dominant Prod party with about 29% of the vote in 2016 but are pretty bitter about how. SF (24%) similarly trounced the moderate SDLP (12%) but betrayed the ideals of the Green Book. In English terms rather like UKIP having reduced both Labour and the Tories to also ran parties in a few decades.

Big Ian's rabble rousing undermined the Orange establishments early attempts to compromise with the Civil Rights movement. The likes of John Hume then lost out to the direct force Republicans. Paisley also headed off the compromise of the Sunningdale agreement in 74 that would later be compared with the GFA. The insurgent DUP gutted the Ulster Unionists support and finally opportunistically knifed their leader David Trimble in the short ribs as he attempted to give an inch in the Peace Process. Then with his main enemy vanquished agile Big Ian flipped over and did a deal with the kindred nationalist extremists of the other side SF. Sectarian power sharing was born. That did cement the DUP's position but lost Paisley his party and his Church. An unstable Stormont has now fallen apart over a finally truly massive corruption scandal blamed largely on the DUP.

There's a very good book Belfast and Derry in Revolt: A New History of the Start of the Troubles that has Paisley as a 60s firebrand. My mother's right about this: no Paisley probably no Troubles or at least a much shorter pointless war. What might have been a blip of unrest in what was a very peaceful society became a decades long low intensity civil conflict. It was sparked by a few dozen people on both sides of which Big Ian was the most prominent. The centre didn't hold in the face of politically effective nationalist extremists who ended up as a dominant and rather corrupt new establishment. That may be a pattern all over Europe and there is more than a whiff of it about Trump.
This post will come back to haunt you as the situation gets worse. Your bleat that the world didn't end in the first 22 hours of yer man's presidency will seem small beer compared to the unprecedented horror to come. It could be worse? You'll be on your knees weeping your eyes out and praying to a God you only wish existed before the next four years are out.
Well maybe. I guess god would reply "cheer up. You might have had Hillary Clinton instead"
You won't find many Ulster Prods recognising that account.

In 69 the UUP had 49% of the vote last year they were down to 13%. Paisley's DUP coming from nowhere became the dominant Prod party with about 29% of the vote in 2016 but are pretty bitter about how. SF (24%) similarly trounced the moderate SDLP (12%) but betrayed the ideals of the Green Book. In English terms rather like UKIP having reduced both Labour and the Tories to also ran parties in a few decades.

Big Ian's rabble rousing undermined the Orange establishments early attempts to compromise with the Civil Rights movement. The likes of John Hume then lost out to the direct force Republicans. Paisley also headed off the compromise of the Sunningdale agreement in 74 that would later be compared with the GFA. The insurgent DUP gutted the Ulster Unionists support and finally opportunistically knifed their leader David Trimble in the short ribs as he attempted to give an inch in the Peace Process. Then with his main enemy vanquished agile Big Ian flipped over and did a deal with the kindred nationalist extremists of the other side SF. Sectarian power sharing was born. That did cement the DUP's position but lost Paisley his party and his Church. An unstable Stormont has now fallen apart over a finally truly massive corruption scandal blamed largely on the DUP.

There's a very good book Belfast and Derry in Revolt: A New History of the Start of the Troubles that has Paisley as a 60s firebrand. My mother's right about this: no Paisley probably no Troubles or at least a much shorter pointless war. What might have been a blip of unrest in what was a very peaceful society became a decades long low intensity civil conflict. It was sparked by a few dozen people on both sides of which Big Ian was the most prominent. The centre didn't hold in the face of politically effective nationalist extremists who ended up as a dominant and rather corrupt new establishment. That may be a pattern all over Europe and there is more than a whiff of it about Trump.
Lives of great men all remind us, we can make our lives sublime. .
. but there's more to it than that. Maybe everything would have been alright if Paisley had never existed - or maybe someone worse would have filled his boots. Someone like Bill Craig maybe. Those few dozen stirrers wouldn't have succeeded in their stirring if the time hadn't been ripe and the ground hadn't been ready. What is America ready for?

Senator from Illinois Tammy Duckworth, an Iraq War army veteran who lost both her legs during her service, took to the stage

“I didn’t shed blood for this country, I didn’t give up literally parts of my body to have the constitution trampled on... We did not serve to protect the constitution to have them roll back our rights,” says Duckworth.

Duckworth notes how rolling back the American with Disabilities Act would dramatically affect the disabled community and that she wouldn’t be alive without it.

“I just sat through two weeks of senate hearings... of people who forget they have millions of dollars in the Cayman Islands... people who don’t know if there’s a safe amount of lead to be in your drinking supply,” she announces, bemoaning Trump’s cabinet picks.
Talking politics: inaugural addresses

Excellent podcast with the guys at Cambridge U talking through many Presidents' schtick at their inaugural.

Rather a lot of humble bragging; Jefferson being notable in that respect. The Biblical and the Roman pretension. FDR dashing off to fight WWI. The rather reckless JFK actually fairly scary in the remembered parts. "Pay any price" I am reminded of Pakistanis supposed willingness to "Eat grass" to get The Bomb.

Lincoln's Old Testament soaring 2nd is quoted at the end.

Not much mention of "carnage" anywhere.
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Lots of media comparing todays turn out for the Women's March with Trump's inauguration, but of course many blue collar supporters of Trump just can't afford to come to Washington, overnight accomodation, etc, its another glaring example of how the liberal media don't get it, something that Trump's Communication Director has been quick to pick up on.
Lots of media comparing todays turn out for the Women's March with Trump's inauguration, but of course many blue collar supporters of Trump just can't afford to come to Washington, overnight accomodation, etc, its another glaring example of how the liberal media don't get it, something that Trump's Communication Director has been quick to pick up on.
How are the conservative media, the daily mails, cnns and so on reporting it?
Trump addressing audience at Langley says he told "them" (Bush/Obama administrations?) they should have "kept the oil" (in Iraq, presumably) and then says, almost under his breath "maybe we'll get another chance"..........
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