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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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re that painting - i had to look it up - thought it was a spoof - anyhow the guy has some more, in case you havent seen them
today is a good day to take them in...


I love them. They remind me of this...

I believe Trump has been given the original of The Forgotten Man, and plans to hang it somewhere prominent in the Whitehouse.

If nothing else, we can at least take pleasure in him shitting all over the imagined dignity and class of the presidential office. :cool:
I was waiting for that, it represented something at the time, which may now be becoming explicit with the reaction to brexit, etc.
All those awful power stations etc, and the norms who work in them, wonder what finger prodder is doing now?
I was waiting for that, it represented something at the time, which may now be becoming explicit with the reaction to brexit, etc.
It's a sleeve liner image from the prodigy album 'music for the jilted generation' which was released in the years immediately following the CJA and the clampdown on free parties and new age travellers. It's an illustration of the lyric 'fuck them and their law' from the song 'their law'. The 'norms' on the picture are clearly the cops you sneering hysteric.

Like killer b said, it's some early 90's crusty utopianism, nothing more.

Get over yourself.
All I can see is Jefferson keeping wicket, Reagan at fourth slip and Lincoln at gully.
Obama's clearly showing dissent at the umpire's decision and risks losing his match fee.
Probably an ICC Trophy game, US v Kenya
Interesting the way a wheelchair has been edited out of history.

The wheelchair is something that has been posthumously edited into our visual image of FDR. When he was in office strenuous efforts were taken to make sure that he wasn't photographed in it.

Journalist John Gunther reported that in the 1930s he often met people in Europe, including world leaders, who were unaware of FDR's paralysis.[29]:239 However, Winston Churchill wrote in his memoirs that he "wheeled him in his chair from the drawing-room to the lift as a mark of respect, thinking also of Sir Walter Raleigh spreading his cloak before Queen Elizabeth."[37]

David Brinkley, who was a young White House reporter in World War II, stated that the Secret Service actively interfered with photographers who tried to take pictures of Roosevelt in a wheelchair or being moved about by others. The Secret Service commonly destroyed photographs they caught being taken in this manner; however, there were occasional exceptions.[25][38][39

Franklin D. Roosevelt's paralytic illness - Wikipedia
For a time, the White House website was selling Melania's jewellry line.

Visitors to the newly revamped White House website get more than a simple rundown of first lady Melania Trump’s charitable works and interests — they also get a list of her magazine cover appearances and details on her jewelry line at QVC.

Her biography starts with traditional details, such as her date of birth in her native country of Slovenia and information about her background as a model. That’s when the brief backgrounder takes a promotional turn. The website includes a lengthy list of brands that hired her as a model and several of the magazines in which she appeared, including the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.

It is not uncommon for the White House to note the accomplishments of the first lady in her official biography, but Trump’s decision to include a detailed list of her media appearances and branded retail goods is unusual.

Early on Friday, the website listed the brand names of Trump’s jewelry lines sold on QVC. But the website was updated after the publication of this story to remove any mention of QVC.

White House website touts Melania Trump’s modeling and jewelry line
True enough, now you mention it, gawd, remembering thon twat makes me feel me years, but, if you want to be really depressed, look at how long Mugabe has survived.
Don't knock Idi he may have been genocidal racist buffoon but he expelled a rather useful population of very entrepreneurial Asians that has since thrived in the UK. The rise of nativist twonks to power may have a silver lining.

A Hindu mate of mine living in Southern California long a US resident is a little worried that the way things are going his lot will get thrown out by Trump after the Muslims. India's finest math talent and the brains of Silicon Valley. Could be another windfall for the UK though they'd probably mostly head to a rather more immigrant friendly Canada.
Don't knock Idi he may have been genocidal racist buffoon but he expelled a rather useful population of very entrepreneurial Asians that has since thrived in the UK. The rise of nativist twonks to power may have a silver lining.

A Hindu mate of mine living in Southern California long a US resident is a little worried that the way things are going his lot will get thrown out by Trump after the Muslims. India's finest math talent and the brains of Silicon Valley. Could be another windfall for the UK though they'd probably mostly head to a rather more immigrant friendly Canada.

I don't think he needs to worry too much about that, Hindus were amongst Trump's most vocal supporters in the US, Trump the nativist even addressed his Hindu supporters in Hindi once.

I recall a former US Ambassador saying he thought Mugabe was genuinely a great leader on Mandela lines but his beloved first wife died and she was really his moral centre. The second wife brought a pack of cronies with her and Zim all went rapidly to shit.

No fears of such a moral collapse with pussy grabbing serial adulterer Trump. He's already in touch with his inner demons and has almost completely surrounded himself with vulture capitalists on the make and twisted haters.
I don't think he needs to worry too much about that, Hindus were amongst Trump's most vocal supporters in the US, Trump the nativist even addressed his Hindu supporters in Hindi once.

The Trump campaign also specialised in garbled Spanish or "Mexican" and despite the rapey smears did get some enthusiastic Latino support especially among religious conservatives but consider the similarity of Trump to Narendra Modi in India. As someone once quipped of Modi's fashionable young supporters "Their minds are as narrow as their trousers." Marine Le Pen gets a fair amount of Jewish support in France as well while some look at the far-right's rhetoric on Muslims as a retread of antisemitism and see the old beast rising again in smart new clothes.

My rather devout Hindu mate lives in a well off GOP neighbourhood that's routinely covered in NRA posters. Well he likes the view out across the valley. I noticed all his other house guests lived across town clustered together in a equally prosperous Telugu speaking area. When he moved in the neighbours came by with pie and an invite to the gun range. He declined politely as he's a pacifist. They were very sympathetic when he got burgled but did point out he's not an obvious NRA member and so easy prey to predators from South of the border. He's isn't moving but is entirely serious about the dark turn in the mood in country lately. Just nervously applied for citizenship after a couple of decades feeling safe amongst these usually friendly strangers with just a Green Card. I told him to join the local gun club and blend in with the natives. I suspect there'll be a lot of such anxious adapting to the Trump era going on.
Well its done, he has his (small) finger on the nuclear button.

Again he referenced the forgotten man in his inauguration speech.

The idea that the white middle class hetro males are the most picked upon people in the US.
This is a travesty of history, half of the former Presidents would be be in a scrum trying to kick Lincoln's teeth in before Old Hickory does, I doubt TDR with his views of racial struggle would be applauding and nobody in a blonde wig and stockings could sensibly risk bending in front of JFK.
I recall a former US Ambassador saying he thought Mugabe was genuinely a great leader on Mandela lines but his beloved first wife died and she was really his moral centre. The second wife brought a pack of cronies with her and Zim all went rapidly to shit.

No fears of such a moral collapse with pussy grabbing serial adulterer Trump. He's already in touch with his inner demons and has almost completely surrounded himself with vulture capitalists on the make and twisted haters.
Herbert Chitepo is the guy who's usually cited as the Zim political leader who had the potential to be the Mandela figure in the post-1980 dispensation. We'll never know, though, because the Rhodesians killed him with a car bomb attack in Lusaka in 1975.

But yeah, African "big man" politics may turn out to be the most useful analogy for Trumpenbashi - and there have already been several analogous cases in Her Majesty's "white Commonwealth" - Bjelke-Peterson in Queensland, Rob Muldoon in Aotearoa, Duplessis in Quebec. So why not in the errant 13 colonies?
Herbert Chitepo is the guy who's usually cited as the Zim political leader who had the potential to be the Mandela figure in the post-1980 dispensation. We'll never know, though, because the Rhodesians killed him with a car bomb attack in Lusaka in 1975.

But yeah, African "big man" politics may turn out to be the most useful analogy for Trumpenbashi - and there have already been several analogous cases in Her Majesty's "white Commonwealth" - Bjelke-Peterson in Queensland, Rob Muldoon in Aotearoa, Duplessis in Quebec. So why not in the errant 13 colonies?
You forgot, a ultra-nationalist, late 60s counter-revolutionary set on smashing a conservative establishment rather closer to home.

The man my mother blames for The Troubles:

Great big manly paws there.

Imagine if Trump does to the GOP what the insurgent Paisley did to Unionism.

Keep up the shouting Donald. Shouting works!
You forgot, a ultra-nationalist, late 60s counter-revolutionary set on smashing a conservative establishment rather closer to home.

The man my mother blames for The Troubles:

Great big manly paws there.

Imagine if Trump does to the GOP what the insurgent Paisley did to Unionism.

Keep up the shouting Donald. Shouting works!
I was talking last night to a colleague whose family moved back to NI in. . . wait for it. . . 1971.

The Trump campaign also specialised in garbled Spanish or "Mexican" and despite the rapey smears did get some enthusiastic Latino support especially among religious conservatives but consider the similarity of Trump to Narendra Modi in India. As someone once quipped of Modi's fashionable young supporters "Their minds are as narrow as their trousers." Marine Le Pen gets a fair amount of Jewish support in France as well while some look at the far-right's rhetoric on Muslims as a retread of antisemitism and see the old beast rising again in smart new clothes.

My rather devout Hindu mate lives in a well off GOP neighbourhood that's routinely covered in NRA posters. Well he likes the view out across the valley. I noticed all his other house guests lived across town clustered together in a equally prosperous Telugu speaking area. When he moved in the neighbours came by with pie and an invite to the gun range. He declined politely as he's a pacifist. They were very sympathetic when he got burgled but did point out he's not an obvious NRA member and so easy prey to predators from South of the border. He's isn't moving but is entirely serious about the dark turn in the mood in country lately. Just nervously applied for citizenship after a couple of decades feeling safe amongst these usually friendly strangers with just a Green Card. I told him to join the local gun club and blend in with the natives. I suspect there'll be a lot of such anxious adapting to the Trump era going on.

I think the Trump campaign probably did more in terms of specific Hispanic outreach than the Clinton campaign, which only spent $300,000 on it. Certainly Trump himself spent a lot of time securing the Cuban-American vote, he got the first endorsement of the Bay of Pigs veteran association and Cuban-Americans voted for Trump at a higher rate than whites. The RNC no doubt spent much more in terms of resources and time on campaigning for Hispanic votes, probably did more in terms of Spanish language materials, the less top down structure of the campaign probably also led itself quite well to this. Undoubtedly if the Clinton campaign allowed a bit more autonomy more Spanish-language organising would have happened organically purely as a result of the fact that, for example, trade union campaigners in the US speak Spanish disproportionately.

Ironically perhaps it comes down to the fact that the Clinton campaign really did seem to rely on a sort of racial essentialism, that Hispanics were a homogeneous bloc and their demographic destiny was to put Clinton in the Whitehouse. Whereas the RNC/Trump did not take this actually quite racist view and correctly realised this was not the case and that it was quite possible to win over Hispanic votes, so actually bothered to ask for them.
You forgot, a ultra-nationalist, late 60s counter-revolutionary set on smashing a conservative establishment rather closer to home.

The man my mother blames for The Troubles:

Great big manly paws there.

Imagine if Trump does to the GOP what the insurgent Paisley did to Unionism.

Keep up the shouting Donald. Shouting works!

Let's hope not . Paisley got Stormont back and the Provos to surrender their weapons , unequivocally support the new RUC ,recognise the state and the union strengthened beyond all doubt . A massive win for unionism . He didn't live to see Gerry Adams and Martin mcguiness running behind the queen like deranged Nicholas Witchells but it's his legacy .
Well... No nuclear strikes yet and TTIP is dead. It could be worse
This post will come back to haunt you as the situation gets worse. Your bleat that the world didn't end in the first 22 hours of yer man's presidency will seem small beer compared to the unprecedented horror to come. It could be worse? You'll be on your knees weeping your eyes out and praying to a God you only wish existed before the next four years are out.
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