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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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amazed he had to pay to find someone that would do it. would have thought there would have been queues.
Trump's bathroom: every shower a golden shower.

They are doing to Trump what Ashcroft did to Cameron.

Throughout the election Buzzfeed acted as basically a proxy of the DNC.

To say the very least I do not have a great deal of sympathy for Trump, he is reaping what he has sown. This story, along with the anti-Russian nativist hysteria emanating from the nominal centre-left, demonstrates a total (hate to use this term) mainstream media departure from ethical standards much higher than the New York Post or for that matter the National Enquirer. It's also incredibly rich that many of these publications - the NYT, the Guardian etc went on about 'fake news' for weeks following the election, and what do we have here now?
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Many thousands of women are expected to converge on the nation’s capital for the Women’s March on Washington the day after Donald J. Trump’s inauguration. Jennifer Willis no longer plans to be one of them.

Ms. Willis, a 50-year-old wedding minister from South Carolina, had looked forward to taking her daughters to the march. Then she read a post on the Facebook page for the march that made her feel unwelcome because she is white.

The post, written by a black activist from Brooklyn who is a march volunteer, advised “white allies” to listen more and talk less. It also chided those who, it said, were only now waking up to racism because of the election.

“You don’t just get to join because now you’re scared, too,” read the post. “I was born scared.”
sister demonstrations take place in other cities, contentious conversations about race have erupted nearly every day among marchers, exhilarating some and alienating others.

In Tennessee, emotions ran high when organizers changed the name of the local march from “Women’s March on Washington-Nashville” to “Power Together Tennessee, in solidarity with Women’s March on Washington.” While many applauded the name change, which was meant to signal the start of a new social justice movement in Nashville, some complained that the event had turned from a march for all women into a march for black women.

In Louisiana, the first state coordinator gave up her volunteer role in part because there were no minority women in leadership positions at that time.

“I got a lot of flak locally when I stepped down, from white women who said that I’m alienating a lot of white women,” said Candice Huber, a bookstore owner in New Orleans, who is white. “They said, ‘Why do you have to be so divisive?’”

In some ways, the discord is by design. Even as they are working to ensure a smooth and unified march next week, the national organizers said they made a deliberate decision to highlight the plight of minority and undocumented immigrant women and provoke uncomfortable discussions about race.

“This was an opportunity to take the conversation to the deep places,” said Linda Sarsour, a Muslim who heads the Arab American Association of New York and is one of four co-chairwomen of the national march. “Sometimes you are going to upset people.”

The post that offended Ms. Willis was part of that effort. So was the quotation posted on the march’s Facebook page from Bell Hooks, the black feminist, about forging a stronger sisterhood by “confronting the ways women — through sex, class and race — dominated and exploited other women.”

In response, a New Jersey woman wrote: “I’m starting to feel not very welcome in this endeavor.”

A debate then ensued about whether white women were just now experiencing what minority women experience daily, or were having a hard time yielding control. A young white woman from Baltimore wrote with bitterness that white women who might have been victims of rape and abuse were being “asked to check their privilege,” a catchphrase that refers to people acknowledging their advantages, but which even some liberal women find unduly confrontational.

No one involved with the march fears that the rancor will dampen turnout; even many of those who expressed dismay at the tone of the discussion said they still intended to join what is sure to be the largest demonstration yet against the Trump presidency.

“I will march,” one wrote on the march’s Facebook page, “Hoping that someday soon a sense of unity will occur before it’s too late.”

But these debates over race also reflect deeper questions about the future of progressivism in the age of Trump. Should the march highlight what divides women, or what unites them? Is there room for women who have never heard of “white privilege”?
The question is, what's the appropriate buzzword for this scandal?

'Watergate' is already taken. Too bad: it would be apropos.



Will this really damage the Monster, though? Don't the conservative US states have the highest rates of internet pornography use, after all?
Looking at the comments sections of various media outlets, the Trump supporters are just flat out denying that it happened, or that it even could have happened.

No surprise there.
Looking at the comments sections of various media outlets, the Trump supporters are just flat out denying that it happened, or that it even could have happened.

No surprise there.

Why wouldn't they? This 'dossier' is evidence free, it was first handed to the media months ago but it wasn't published because it was obvious bullshit. As far as I can see there are no additional reasons now to believe anything else.
On Lawfare About that Explosive Trump Story: Take a Deep Breath
Fourth, it is significant that the document contains highly specific allegations, many of which are the kind of facts it should be possible to prove or disprove. This is a document about meetings that either took place or did not take place, stays in hotels that either happened or didn’t, travel that either happened or did not happen. It should be possible to know whether at least some of these allegations are true or false.

Finally, fifth, it is important to emphasize that this is not a case of the intelligence community leaking sensitive information about an investigative subject out of revenge or any other improper motive. This type of information, referencing sensitive sources and methods and the identities of U.S. persons, is typically treated by the intelligence community with the utmost care. And this material, in fact, does not come from the intelligence community; it comes, rather, from private intelligence documents put together by a company. It is actually not even classified.

All of which is to say to everyone: slow down, and take a deep breath. We shouldn’t assume either that this is simply a “fake news” episode directed at discrediting Trump or that the dam has now broken and the truth is coming out at last. We don’t know what the reality is here, and the better part of valor is not to get ahead ahead of the facts—a matter on which, incidentally, the press deserves a lot of credit.
More than one error has already been reported in this material compiled by a "well respected" retired British spook.

I really doubt Trump and the folk about him would be as brazenly pro-Russian if the GRU had him by the testicles.

Being an ardent fan of Putin is part of the new paranoid style in rightwing US politics. The quasi-fascist adoration of the Great Leader of a once broken superpower. 21st century Russia is a corrupt, pint-sized bully of a petro-state with an increasingly impoverished population ruled by and for a clique of men far richer than Trump of which Putin is just one. But Vlad's position is so much better than being President. He's above any law and close to being a Czar popularly presiding over a ritual circus of democracy buoyed up on grand gestures and a well managed sea of misinformation. Trump doesn't see Russia as an enemy or even an adversary to be wary of. Russia is the model to emulate just on a far grander American scale.
I'm not saying this is real, not at all, but whatever real news that could bring Trump down now will be branded fake news.

All news is fake news now.
Putin/Russia has always tried to buyetc western politicians -they did it with Berlusconi,they did it with Gerhard Schroeder ,and now old general custer reincarnated.

Circle the wagons donald but the game is up before you even started.The indians will get their revenge ,karma man karma

Russians win either way -either they have their highest placed asset ever or they have proved they can manipulate america at will.Suckers.

Couldnt happen here of course....or could it ? Leaves stage to allow conspiracy theorists the opportunity to play internet tennis for the next 200 years.Putin was behind Brexit innit.?

Maybe putin could run for president in 2020-might as well.
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