Thing is, Cri, for this uneducated northern working class woman, Trump (and Tories) are actually the enemy, the oppo, ireddeemably vile hateful scum who exist only to be despised. The so-called Left (Democrats and NuLabour) otoh have been the betrayers, the thieves of hope and trust, the manipulators who have enabled a political system where they tendentiously mouth off about meritocracy - another sort of American Dream, hard working families blah blah while absolutely policing every aspect of life to ensure that a small privileged class simply use politics as just another career choice as they scale that greasy pole (stamping on the faces of those below them). By 'social liberalism', they simply mean that they would share a dinner table with a homosexual while caring not one whit for the discontents of unemployed shipbuilders or dockers. I recall being discouraged to apply for a teaching position because I had a conviction for shoplifting...and being told that this was actually 'worse' than a conviction for possession of drugs because, hey, lets roll up a racy little spliff but hmmm, shoplifting, a crime of poor women...don't know any of them.
So when this so-called Left dismisses the concerns of the working class (such as housing) as being somehow beneath mention, or certainly nothing which exists in their little bubble (until it actually impacts on their lives as it is finally doing so now), then the utter dismay at the vicious contempt they display while simultaneously polishing their virtuous haloes does indeed begin to grate. Do you really fail to appreciate the anger when yet again, a working class movement is hijacked (and monetised) by a small elite class of self-referential, public school educated fuckwits who choose politics - potentially a life or death scenario - as a vehicle for their personal enrichment and then cement this with a sneering disdain for anyone else who fails to fully appreciate the intellectual pomo charade for the high calorie, empty nutrition meal on offer...or the crumbs from the (high) table?
The Trumps, Bush family, Cameron and May are, and will always be the enemy...but when our supposed saviours (who, we are told, 'represent' us) , the useless Millibands, Obamas and (shudder) the apotheosis of liberal privilege, Clinton, turn out to be EXACTLY THE SAME....where do we go from there?