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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Another Trump supporter takes action against a black person - this time, a veteran on Veteran's Day.

As Walker tells it, an elderly white man wearing a Donald Trump shirt approached him and said that he was in Germany and that blacks weren't allowed to serve there. Walker, who is black, says he was wearing his old Army uniform.

The man walked to the back of the restaurant, Walker says, and a waitress came to pack his leftovers. Then a manager showed up.

In a widely shared Facebook post, Walker wrote that the manager claimed another guest said Walker was not "a real soldier" because he was wearing his hat indoors. Walker said he provided a military ID at the manager's request, along with his discharge papers.

Chili's removes Cedar Hill manager who took away man's free Veterans Day meal | Restaurants | Dallas News
Best news I've seen all day...

Dr. Ben Carson is sitting out the next four years of Donald Trump’s administration ― at least officially.

Carson, a onetime Republican candidate for the presidency, will not seek a position in Trump’s Cabinet “or any position in the administration,” Carson adviser Armstrong Williams told Politico on Tuesday.

“Dr. Carson feels he has no government experience, he’s never run a federal agency,” Williams told The Hill.

Ben Carson Doesn't Want A Job In Donald Trump's Cabinet | The Huffington Post
One plausible theory is Trump's campaign are parading crazies in front of tv, as possible candidates, to make their final, intentional from the get go, announcement. Look at Sarah Palin talking about the job of energy secretary;

I think a lot about the Department of Energy, because energy is my baby, oil and gas and minerals, those things that God has dumped on this part of the earth for mankind's use, instead of relying on unfriendly foreign nations for us to import their -- their resources.

I think a lot about Department of Energy. And if I were head of that, I would get rid of it. And I would let the states start having more control over the lands that are within their boundaries and the people who are affected by the developments within their space.

So, you know, if I were in charge of that, it would be a short-term job. But it would be -- it would be really great to have someone who knows energy and is pro-responsible development to be in charge.

CNN.com - Transcripts
It's going to be a shitstorm the like of which we've never seen. Trump if he has any meaningful sense at all , which I doubt , has forgotten the maxim - keep your friends close but your enemies closer still. Now what are the odds on Pence for President probably some good prices at the moment.


This time may be different. Trump was not a normal candidate, the transition is not a normal transition, and this will probably not be a normal administration. The president-elect is surrounding himself with mediocrities whose chief qualification seems to be unquestioning loyalty. He gets credit for becoming a statesman when he says something any newly elected president might say (“I very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future”) — and then reverts to tweeting against demonstrators and the New York Times. By all accounts, his ignorance, and that of his entourage, about the executive branch is fathomless. It’s not even clear that he accepts that he should live in the White House rather than in his gilt-smeared penthouse in New York.


One bad boss can be endured. A gaggle of them will poison all decision-making. They will turn on each other. No band of brothers this: rather the permanent campaign as waged by triumphalist rabble-rousers and demagogues, abetted by people out of their depth and unfit for the jobs they will hold, gripped by grievance, resentment and lurking insecurity. Their mistakes — because there will be mistakes — will be exceptional.
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Hopefully he had a lucid moment and realised that he would be best advised to not go anywhere near the clusterfuck that is/will be the Trump Administration.

How weird is it, that Ben Carson thinks this administration is too crazy even for him.
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Combat liberalism.

"A conscious effort by a nation-state to attempt to achieve a specific effect" NSA chief on WikiLeaks

On setting upa Muslim register, bungs to the Trump family, Congress not bothered by foreign intelligence swaying vote, etc.

The Abnormal Presidency

Does this sound OK? Link to tweet below.

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The real tormentors of the working class are not financial institutions that plunge their countries into economic calamity, the bosses who don’t pay their workers enough, or the tax avoiders (such as Trump). No: it is the champions of minorities and women who are supposedly on a collision course with the working class. The working class, apparently, consists only of straight white men: not women who want rights, not ethnic minorities, not migrants, not LGBT people.

The old left, dominated as it was (and still is) by straight white men, long echoed this sentiment. The class struggle comes first; after the revolution, we’ll sort out everything else.

Don’t be divided by Trump and Brexit: minorities are part of the working class | Owen Jones

I know people will argue that Jones isn't best placed to make this argument given his own class status/privilege but it this is certainly an attitude I have encountered.
Don’t be divided by Trump and Brexit: minorities are part of the working class | Owen Jones

I know people will argue that Jones isn't best placed to make this argument given his own class status/privilege but it this is certainly an attitude I have encountered.

The examples Jones is using of people making this supposed claim are
  1. one (un-named) Wall Street Journal columnist
  2. Theresa May
  3. columnist Melanie Phillips
Have you actually encountered anyone with a genuine interest in working class politics making it?
who or what even is this 'old left' anyway? apparently there's some significant movement of class struggle revolutionaries I've never heard of...
The examples Jones is using of people making this supposed claim are
  1. one (un-named) Wall Street Journal columnist
  2. Theresa May
  3. columnist Melanie Phillips
Have you actually encountered anyone with a genuine interest in working class politics making it?

Do you think that piece by Owen Jones is addressing a problem that doesn't really exist ?
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