One thing I fin confusing is the lack of any attention that is being paid to the implications of further accelerated climate change, the trajectory we were on before was enough to make you despair but now surely it must be enough to give up hope altogether. Millions, perhaps billions, may well die in our lifetime as a result.
True enough: sort of helps to put the allegations against Hillary Clinton into perspective.
Donna Brazile, the interim leader of the Democratic National Committee, was giving what one attendee described as “a rip-roaring speech” to about 150 employees, about the need to have hope for wins going forward, when a staffer identified only as Zach stood up with a question.
“Why should we trust you as chair to lead us through this?” he asked, according to two people in the room. “You backed a flawed candidate, and your friend [former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz] plotted through this to support your own gain and yourself.”
Some DNC staffers started to boo and some told him to sit down. Brazile began to answer, but Zach had more to say.
“You are part of the problem,” he continued, blaming Brazile for clearing the path for Trump’s victory by siding with Clinton early on. “You and your friends will die of old age and I’m going to die from climate change. You and your friends let this happen, which is going to cut 40 years off my life expectancy.”
I know that that was rude and I apologise for that but you aren't arguing in good faith here at all. You are incapable of seeing ANY fault with power.
Trump was HER CANDIDATE, the person she wanted to run against and did everything she could to ensure that he became that candidate. Clinton and her inner circle knew what skeletons were in her closet, her former chief of staff from when she was Secretary of State begged her not to run because of that. They had to pursue the 'pied piper' strategy of elevating extremist GOP candidates because they knew that she would be such a weak, vulnerable candidate that she would not be able to defeat a more 'moderate' Republican. They were more right than they knew.
The responsibility for the current situation lies primarily with the economic system and then with the DNC, Clinton and the organisations and structures which revolve around them.
It is not the fault of people who pointed out, correctly, the unending list of problems with her candidacy.
I have no idea who Zach is but you need to listen to him.
DNC Staffer Screams At Donna Brazile For Helping Elect Donald Trump | The Huffington Post
It's a bit late for those who went against Choice A, to now start becoming concerned that Choice B might mean the destruction of the planet.
I'm just watching this new one with Mark Blyth - some good stuff.
One exit poll has been haunting me since I saw it: The Reuters/Ipsos early exit poll found that 75 percent of respondents agreed “America needs a strong leader to take the country back from the rich and powerful.” Only slightly fewer agreed that “the American economy is rigged to advantage the rich and powerful,” and — perhaps the kicker — 68 percent believed that “traditional parties and politicians don’t care about people like me.”
There’s a lot to unpack in those statements. They may conceal white resentment of the perceived advancement past them of black and Latino people. But they also reveal the sentiment that has been there since the 2008 financial crisis laid bare the lines of power in the country and the world — when, as the protest chant went, “Banks got bailed out, we got sold out.”
The downward trends have been with us for decades: the divergence of productivity gains from workers’ incomes, the substitution of credit card debt for raises, the shift of good union jobs and family wages and pensions into low-wage service jobs, and the attendant slashing of the social safety net. But the past eight years sped all that up and made it impossible to ignore.
If Donald J. Trump stood out to voters from the rest of the Republican Party, aside from a willingness to say directly the kinds of things usually carefully dogwhistled, it was in his rants about trade and his lack of interest in dismantling the remnants of the welfare state. For white Americans anxiously looking at their disappearing stability, Mr. Trump was a bomb they were willing to throw at a system they felt was failing them. He emotionally echoed their outrage and gave them a place to direct their anger, the age-old right-wing populist trick of refracting it both upward at elites and downward at minorities.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the mainstream Democratic Party were woefully unprepared to greet this wave. When your response to a cry of “Make America Great Again!” is “America Is Already Great!” you’d better be sure that it feels true to a majority of voters. The results show that it did not.
Apparently his sons are going to run it in a "blind trust", so those are two new words we can add to the "big book of words the Donald doesn't understand".
And point is, stop blaming Clinton, or liberals/everyone and anyone for this travesty. it is the fault of the people who voted for him, and no one else.
Sexism. The media. James Comey.
On a call with surrogates Thursday afternoon, top advisers John Podesta and Jennifer Palmieri pinned blame for Hillary Clinton’s loss on a host of uncontrollable headwinds that ultimately felled a well-run campaign that executed a sensible strategy, and a soldier of a candidate who appealed to the broadest coalition of voters in the country.
They shot down questions about whether they should have run a more populist campaign with a greater appeal to angry white voters, pointing to exit polls that showed Clinton beat Trump on the issue of the economy. They explained that internal polling from May showed that attacking Trump on the issue of temperament was a more effective message.
They offered no apology for the unexpected loss.
On the call, Clinton surrogates who have supported the campaign from the outside for the past 18 months offered their thanks to the Brooklyn-based operatives. The mood was light and supportive, with Podesta and Palmieri expressing gratitude for everyone’s hard work.
Put me on ignore too please, the less crap I have to read, the betterAnd you and the other hyenas can fuck off as well. Onto ignore with you, too.
Won't someone think of his golf courses?One thing I fin confusing is the lack of any attention that is being paid to the implications of further accelerated climate change
I posted this earlier but it is worth posting again. On the eve of the election, Clinton campaign surrogate Lena Dunham released a video where she and her father positively discussed 'the extinction' of 'white men, straight white men'. This is while many of the areas which went from Obama to Trump are ravaged by opiate addiction and the life expectancy is falling.
Adolph Reed did a great piece about the racial data lenses that malik touches on in the opening part of that, regarding the 2008 crisis:Kenan Malik, reiterates much of what's been said here, points to a failure of genuine social opposition allowing fake outsiders like trump in: