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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Just looked at the current Broward numbers from the NYT. Not looking good now. 75% in, which would track Clinton for another 125k or so. Not enough. :(
That percentage is clearly bollocks, in retrospect. From 600k being 16%, 750k is now 75%. Hmm...
If Clinton does go on to win, the narrative of this could still be quite dangerous. "Trump was winning but suddenly Clinton gets the votes she needs? SHENANIGAAAAAAANS!"

I've watched a few of these races now. UK GE, US Presidential, EU Ref.

In all of them, once you've seen it turn mid-way through the results, it shows the momentum.

OMFG :-o
I've watched a few of these races now. UK GE, US Presidential, EU Ref.

In all of them, once you've seen it turn mid-way through the results, it shows the momentum.
The EU ref didn't turn mid-way, Leave was strong from the start. Likewise at the last UK GE, the exit polls predicted a Tory win.
If you look here, at the three undeclared districts of Miami, Broward and Palm Beach:

Who’s ahead in Florida?

Hillary is hundreds of thousands of votes ahead and should win in Florida quite easily :confused:

ETA: unless I've misunderstood it and the votes are tallied already
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