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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Good news comrades, Zizek supports a Trump vote:

In the UK EU referendum, all the names and organisations flocked to support the remain side and the polls pretty much all showed a remain win, even up to the start of voting. Yet in a surprise for the reporting media, and many voters, leave won.

In the US presidential election, all the names and organisations have flocked to the Clinton side and all the polls (most) have been pointing to a Clinton win, could the actual result be a surprise like it was here?
Leave was supported my a big chunk of the UK press, i dont yhink the same is true of Trump.
Trump's Last Will and Testament......

If someone were to make a film about a fascist take over of the US that's the exact speech that would be used by the would be dictator. Not that I think he will live up to any fascist fantasies or anybody else's fantasies, but he's really pressed that button.
This tweet was provided without much context in a story by the BBC website. I don't know if it's meant as a joke or ironic, but why exactly should a nation "not tolerate" a crowd booing anyone?

I once booed Sheena Easton. It was fun.
Booing is abuse danny, didn't you learn that from the Labour leadership debates.
Thats a good article - shows how the Clints seem to have been outmanouvered by taking Trumpo for a fool

That is what the article states, but it does miss the point a bit. Millions of people are not going to vote for Trump because he is a genius, or because of his political smarts; they are going to vote for him because their lives are a misery, their children's lives are likely to be even worse and they know that nothing Clinton has said or done or is likely to do would change it for the better. The Donald is the only other option.

If Democrat strategists don't realize the significance of all that disaffection they will get smashed in 2020.
So when do the results start coming in with who scored and won and lost and that?

Tuesday Night

Georgia: 16 votes
Indiana: 11 votes
Kentucky: 8 votes
South Carolina: 9 votes
Vermont: 3 votes
Virginia: 13 votes

North Carolina: 15 votes
Ohio: 18 votes
West Virginia: 5 votes

Alabama: 9 votes
Connecticut: 7 votes
Delaware: 3 votes
District of Columbia: 3 votes
Florida: 29 votes
Illinois: 20 votes
Maine: 4 votes
Maryland: 10 votes
Massachusetts: 11 votes
Mississippi: 6 votes
Missouri: 10 votes
New Hampshire: 4 votes
New Jersey: 14 votes
Oklahoma: 7 votes
Pennsylvania: 20 votes
Rhode Island: 4 votes
Tennessee: 11 votes

Arkansas: 6 votes

Arizona: 11 votes
Colorado: 9 votes
Kansas: 6 votes
Louisiana: 8 votes
Michigan: 16 votes
Minnesota: 10 votes
Nebraska: 5 votes
New Mexico: 5 votes
New York: 29 votes
North Dakota: 3 votes
South Dakota: 3 votes
Texas: 38 votes
Wisconsin: 10 votes
Wyoming: 3 votes

Iowa: 6 votes
Montana: 3 votes
Nevada: 6 votes
Utah: 6 votes

California: 55 votes
Hawaii: 4 votes
Idaho: 4 votes
Oregon: 7 votes
Washington: 12 votes

Alaska: 3 votes
Goodoh ta, so that's Civil War starting 4 o'clock tomorrow morning or Wednesday morning depending on how you read the times? :thumbs:
Goodoh ta, so that's Civil War starting 4 o'clock tomorrow morning or Wednesday morning depending on how you read the times? :thumbs:

It'll be a while before they can make it official but it sounds like they might be able to declare Trump the Loser-in_chief by this time tomorrow. By the time the polls close in California, the only thing left to speculate about might be what color his face is going to be when he speaks to the press.

That is what the article states, but it does miss the point a bit. Millions of people are not going to vote for Trump because he is a genius, or because of his political smarts; they are going to vote for him because their lives are a misery, their children's lives are likely to be even worse and they know that nothing Clinton has said or done or is likely to do would change it for the better. The Donald is the only other option.

If Democrat strategists don't realize the significance of all that disaffection they will get smashed in 2020.

We've been hearing this theory since the beginning of Trump's surprising ascension, and while it is easy to buy into and wraps everything up nicely with a bow, I think it also leaves a lot of us with doubts and skepticism.

For one thing, while I'm not regularly hanging out in circles with people who are desperately impoverished or abjectly miserable, I have come across my fair share of Trump supporters. I have tried very hard to understand what might have caused their anger and ire, especially against the Obama administration, The Health Care Reform Act, and such. The reason why it's so hard to understand is that most of these people are not from backgrounds different to mine. Most of them I have met through professional or volunteer circles. In almost every case, they were upper-middle class, college educated, successful, with large, thriving families, support networks: healthy, thriving, and comfortable. We believed in many of the same things on a personal level. In many ways, I and most of my more left-wing friends and family have struggled far more than they ever had.

Yet, yes..they were angry. About a range of things from immigration, to ISIS, to Michelle Obama trying to change school lunch programs to make kids healthier (???) They would rattle on about these things, almost on a daily basis, almost gleeful in their anger and condescension towards "liberals" and people like Al Sharpton, BLM, welfare recipients, and so on. (and no, I'm not trying to insinuate that it's all about racism either) But...it's just that it's not all about being miserable and struggling on a personal level either.

I honestly have had a difficult time getting to the core of what the anger is about. I do remember what it was like living under G.W. Bush, how frustrating it felt to feel so poorly represented or acknowledged to as a citizen. So I tried to see it from that perspective, and imagine what that might feel like to live during the Obama administration as someone who had very different views to mine. I do think this accounts for a good portion of this pro-Trump sentiment. Because we have mixed in with it the fact that Bush let them down too. He showed himself as part of a political dynasty which is seeming more and more removed from US Citizens.

Here's the thing...most right wing people in this country believe in the dream of working hard to achieve their goals...they want government to stay out of the way, they want to live independently without a bunch of red tape or overly sensitive people's distracting ideas about fairness for everyone getting in the way of that singular goal / right. This is a thread that runs through generations upon generations of US citizens. And now, a lot of those people are seeing how the world is changing around them (for the ones I'm talking about, these are the ones who grew up in suburban towns where they didn't have to be exceptionally intelligent or glamorous in order to succeed, to be popular, to be surrounded by people who thought like them, who did the same things they did, and who were accepted and never felt threatened by having to compete with a changing economy and workforce, with instability in their community and the country, etc.) and it bewilders them.

the irony is so many of those people whining about millennials and their requests for "safe spaces" etc.

I don't mean to downplay the role of people who are legitimately suffering, it's just that this certainly doesn't account for all, or even the majority of Trump supporters. I do see mostly in the ones I know a dedication to preserving their way of life for future generations, even if it doesn't make logical sense as a goal. They don't want a "shake up" of the system, they want a return to what they see as the natural order of things. I think Trump appeals to them because he's been straightforward about going after what he wants in life (money, a high-profile career, women) and they appreciate that kind of directness and lack of extraneous fluff or political pandering.
Donald Trump's campaign aides: "Of course we haven't taken Donald Trump's Twitter account away from him."

Donald Trump's Twitter today: "America must decide between failed policies or fresh perspective, a corrupt system or an outsider."

"Today in Florida, I pledged to stand with the people of Cuba and Venezuela in their fight against oppression."

"Big news to share in New Hampshire tonight! Polls looking great! See you soon."
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