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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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I admit that I'm confused by this. He's now talking about 'management' in a clear fascistic way. Isn't that likely to be anathema to 'better dead than red small-government' Republican types?

Republicans want small government only when it suits them.

For example on the subject of reproductive rights they want VERY VERY VERY SMALL government. Like small enough to fit into a womb.

Some republican asshat suggested Muslims to round up and interned like Japanese Americans in WW2, which was a triple win, offending Muslims, Asian Americans and Camp Survivors.
He's like a modern day henry ford, only shitter

Henry Ford was an obnoxious anti union jew hating asshole. But he was a self made anti union jew hating asshole. Trump got daddies millions and went into real estate a nearly idiot proof business and yet has declared bankruptcy several times.
Henry Ford was an obnoxious anti union jew hating asshole. But he was a self made anti union jew hating asshole. Trump got daddies millions and went into real estate a nearly idiot proof business and yet has declared bankruptcy several times.

And Ford, cunt though he was, raised the wages of his staff, Trump wants to keep wages down. He is a shitcunt with no redeeming features.
Lets not forget how much Ford despised black people. Everyone remembers his one liners and hatred of jewish people but he had so much more hatred to share with the world. Much like trump
It's a little too early out to be calling that surely? Paris is obviously still very fresh in the minds but it will fade as the campaign goes on, no?
I can't see who would beat him except possibly Rubio. But his flip flop on immigration will stop him. The only way I can see him not winning is if he decides he'd lose to Hillary or decides he doesn't want the work of being pres & throws his support behind Cruz.
While Rubio and Cruz are clearly competitive with double-digit support, note that their combined backing still trails Trump. The poll is roughly in line with the latest WBUR poll, which also surveyed New Hampshire Republicans, and found Trump with double the combined support of Rubio and Carson, his next closest competitors.
Think about his message over the last week: block refugees, bash President Obama, go after mosques, and “bomb the s**t out of ISIS.”
Does that sound like a pitch that’s going to resonate with Republican primary voters? Of course it does. Indeed, if you’re a far-right voter, who are you going to trust be “tough,” some politician in Congress or the bombastic, unapologetic frontrunner who never backs down?
Latest polls put Trump in the GOP's driver's seat
It's 3 Months to the 1st Primary. It's 8 months to the fucking convention. Can we PLEASE stop assuming a man with dead Pokemon on his head is already the candidate?
I can't see who would beat him except possibly Rubio. But his flip flop on immigration will stop him. The only way I can see him not winning is if he decides he'd lose to Hillary or decides he doesn't want the work of being pres & throws his support behind Cruz.

Latest polls put Trump in the GOP's driver's seat

betting odds ( which tend to be pretty accurate re: big political events - lots of money waged / wisdom of the crowd / + inside polling info etc ) very much saying Rubio's going to win ;

Rubio : 5/4
Trump 10/3
Cruz : 7/1

US / world capitalism just doesn't need someone as clearly as inadequate / borderline laughable as the Trump at the moment....the system will deliver .
.. US / world capitalism just doesn't need someone as clearly as inadequate / borderline laughable as the Trump at the moment....the system will deliver .
Rubio is mr invisible to me, I couldn't even pick him out of a lineup, how will he cope against Clinton?

(better than Trump is no answer, Mr Bean would cope better against Clinton than Trump would!)
Rubio is mr invisible to me, I couldn't even pick him out of a lineup, how will he cope against Clinton?

(better than Trump is no answer, Mr Bean would cope better against Clinton than Trump would!)

Not sure who isnt 'invisible' to you ( you in UK ? ) aside from Trump ? Carson ? ( weirdo, 12-1 ) Bush ? ( busted flush , 8-1 ) .

Rubio v visible in US, + sensible ( in media terms ) , bright, from working class Hispanic background .
( + Hateful little right wing shitbag, obvs )
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Cruz has the nastiest beedy eyes. Like a weasel looking out a hole. And he's Not a "natural born citizen"
Cruz has the nastiest beedy eyes. Like a weasel looking out a hole. And he's Not a "natural born citizen"

erm, agreed...wa s actually was talking about Rubio, and suddenly switched to Cruz in fug of lazy, quasi rasco stereotyping shocker .

Have edited.:(
Nothing wrong with a water break, but why hadn't he arranged to have his water nearer? That is a foolish-looking manoeuvre, and a water break should look seamless.
Nothing wrong with a water break, but why hadn't he arranged to have his water nearer? That is a foolish-looking manoeuvre, and a water break should look seamless.

It was the televised rebuttal to the state of the union carried by several networks, and he looks comical in it, but there's nothing comical about a climate changed denying, pro gun, anti woman, anti abortion even in cases of rape and incest, fucknugget.
Reading a Republican forum, that party really is a shambles. Makes Labour's anti-Corbyn types seem almost solid. Party Republicans vs Far Right Conservatives vs Libertarians vs Trump Converts. Everyone's either being called a loon or a RINO.

Can't help but think that the party is killing itself for another decade at this point, whatever it's supposed to be these days.
Reading a Republican forum, that party really is a shambles. Makes Labour's anti-Corbyn types seem almost solid. Party Republicans vs Far Right Conservatives vs Libertarians vs Trump Converts. Everyone's either being called a loon or a RINO.

Can't help but think that the party is killing itself for another decade at this point, whatever it's supposed to be these days.

While they are unlikely to win the presidency, through gerrymandering several house and senate district lines have been redrawn to make them safe for the most toxic rabid republican tea party loon. Which means congress and senate will be gird locked.

Obama gets a lot of shit but the fact remains that everything he achieved has been in the face of the most unpleasant hostile congress and senate a president has ever faced.
While they are unlikely to win the presidency, through gerrymandering several house and senate district lines have been redrawn to make them safe for the most toxic rabid republican tea party loon. Which means congress and senate will be gird locked.

Obama gets a lot of shit but the fact remains that everything he achieved has been in the face of the most unpleasant hostile congress and senate a president has ever faced.
Needs saying.
While they are unlikely to win the presidency, through gerrymandering several house and senate district lines have been redrawn to make them safe for the most toxic rabid republican tea party loon. Which means congress and senate will be gird locked.

Obama gets a lot of shit but the fact remains that everything he achieved has been in the face of the most unpleasant hostile congress and senate a president has ever faced.

How many defeats can the TP types face for the presidency before they lose their momentum though? They can bunker down and rant all they like but sooner or later, after Trump or their next favorite loses some of their support is bound to turn back to the establishment party. Maybe once it's purged of Bush types. They're pursuing a doomed strategy for an audience that is too small to save them.
How many defeats can the TP types face for the presidency before they lose their momentum though? They can bunker down and rant all they like but sooner or later, after Trump or their next favorite loses some of their support is bound to turn back to the establishment party. Maybe once it's purged of Bush types. They're pursuing a doomed strategy for an audience that is too small to save them.
Hope you're right. *Holding my breath*
How many defeats can the TP types face for the presidency before they lose their momentum though? They can bunker down and rant all they like but sooner or later, after Trump or their next favorite loses some of their support is bound to turn back to the establishment party. Maybe once it's purged of Bush types. They're pursuing a doomed strategy for an audience that is too small to save them.

I really don't know. In the last ten years America has become weirdly more polarised. As has been pointed out before most of today's Republican field would denounce Nixon as too left wing. As we saw with John Boenhner anyone who doesn't fit their agenda gets thrown to the dogs.

With the Presidency it comes down to this stupid primary and delegate nonsense. The people likely to vote in the primaries are registered republicans and the hardcore. Which is why everyone is veering drastically to the right (ie Trump was pro choice before this started) it means to be elected candidate you need to appeal to the hardcore tea party base and then after the convention try and steer left to win undecided and less conservative voters, the result is you get candidates like the current crop who are virtually unelectable.

How you fix this is anyone's guess. Why you'd want to fix American democracy is another. Burn it down and start afresh.
Trump is exactly the candidate the Rebubs can't afford. They ned 47% of hispanic voters to get the WH & trump polls in the low 20s.
I really don't know. In the last ten years America has become weirdly more polarised. As has been pointed out before most of today's Republican field would denounce Nixon as too left wing. As we saw with John Boenhner anyone who doesn't fit their agenda gets thrown to the dogs.

With the Presidency it comes down to this stupid primary and delegate nonsense. The people likely to vote in the primaries are registered republicans and the hardcore. Which is why everyone is veering drastically to the right (ie Trump was pro choice before this started) it means to be elected candidate you need to appeal to the hardcore tea party base and then after the convention try and steer left to win undecided and less conservative voters, the result is you get candidates like the current crop who are virtually unelectable.

How you fix this is anyone's guess. Why you'd want to fix American democracy is another. Burn it down and start afresh.

Amen to that, as the Polish saying goes - not my circus, not my monkeys. Especially while they're off trying to implode themselves. I do think things will inevitably change though and what comes next is the important bit, who chooses what strategy to account for the decay.
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