The "America is the greatest nation," stuff is something most Americans absorb and regurgitate without thinking what it means. Various versions of it get drilled into us from birth and it sort of sticks. If a politician
didn't say it fairly frequently, folks would think it weird, then probably accuse them of being unpatriotic. Hell, that happens even when someone is saying it. Nevermind.
I've hated George F. Will with a passion all my life, so am genuinely surprised to hear he has some integrity. I think he's also probably right on this.
Trump won’t release his tax returns because they may show how deeply he’s involved with Russian oligarchs.
I was also puzzling over why so many fundamentalist Christians embrace Trump, possibly the most "ungodly" candidate to ever have a chance at the White House. While it's true there's rarely much logic or consistency to Christian fundi folk views, surely endorsing such an uber sinner must stick in the craw.
But, every day, they're praying for judgement day to come, and soon. I suspect they're selectively reading the book of Revelations and hoping Trump is the Antichrist who'll make their prayers come true.
Well, goody gumdrops.