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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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My vote is purely symbolic. I live in a very red state. My fellow citizens will vote for Trump in large numbers no matter what I do.

The truth is, we're fucked no matter who gets in.

Trump recently repeated his innuendo about Ted Cruz' father being linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, even though it simply isn't true.

Trump has come out and said that he'll fund a PAC to help defeat Kasich and Cruz. What kind of adolescent get-even bullshit is that?

Trump has some serious problems.

So as far as the outcome of the election goes: there is fucked; and then there is really fucked.
So as far as the outcome of the election goes: there is fucked; and then there is really fucked.

If my friend's numbers are correct, we're looking at something on the par with 2008 economically. It's already pre-loaded. We're really, truely, epically fucked.

(If it makes you feel better his numbers are better than 90% certain Clinton will win.)
Five thirty eight has it 75% odds for Clinton.

Split the difference yuppi bet heavily on a trump presidency and if he wins buy canned goods and shotguns with the money.
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This weekend someone who is good with numbers showed me some data that is making me think I should vote for Trump. His data suggested that there's a high probability of a major economic crash in the next year or two. I'd rather the GOP take the blame for that. That way, we can run Elizabeth Warren in four years and have some chance of getting it done. However, I doubt the Republicans have the ability to handle a crash with the correct actions needed to make it as short and shallow as possible. It's certainly a dilemma figuring out who to vote for this year.

I just watched The Big Short the other night, brings back some memories, iirc the republicans were essentially screaming for more of the thing that caused the problem during and after the last financial crisis - lack of regulation, lack of oversight and corruption in campaign finance leading to the other two things.
I just watched The Big Short the other night, brings back some memories, iirc the republicans were essentially screaming for more of the thing that caused the problem during and after the last financial crisis - lack of regulation, lack of oversight and corruption in campaign finance leading to the other two things.

That was what the Clintons were doing when they repealed glass Steagal wasn't it ? And let their mates on Wall street play roulette with people's savings and pensions . As they'd been paid to do . By their mates on Wall street . Those vampire squid people .
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If I were Putin, I'd want Trump in there. Trump has already indicated that he wouldn't support NATO.

(And then there's the fact that Democratic Party data has always been a cracker jack box anyway. My half-blind, one-legged grandmother could hack their data.)

There's also the issue of Trump continually saying " why can we not get along with Russia ? " . Which is a pretty sane thing to say about a fellow nuclear power . Unlike Clinton and her PNAC hangers on who believe Russia can and should be "faced down ". Which is totally insane . And a trademark of their insanity that has left vast swathes of the world in ruins .
There's also the issue of Trump continually saying " why can we not get along with Russia ? " . Which is a pretty sane thing to say about a fellow nuclear power . Unlike Clinton and her PNAC hangers on who believe Russia can and should be "faced down ". Which is totally insane . And a trademark of their insanity that has left vast swathes of the world in ruins .

Personally, I want one of these t shirts:

That was what the Clintons were doing when they repealed glass Steagal wasn't it ? And let their mates on Wall street play roulette with people's savings and pensions . As they'd been paid to do . By their mates on Wall street . Those vampire squid people .

Exactly. That's the sort of thing that someone like Trump couldn't have got away with, even had he wanted to. Only someone posing as a "liberal" could get away with such things. That's why I'd prefer to see Trump win than Hillary.
Crooked Hillary now blaming Putin for the latest email scandal.

Pathetic !!
Trump has close financial ties to Russia/Putin. 'Keep the money coming Vlad & If you want to grab Estonia or Latvia, I won't interfere'?
Post-bankruptcy Trump has been highly reliant on money from Russia, most of which has over the years become increasingly concentrated among oligarchs and sub-garchs close to Vladimir Putin.
.....He has steadied and rebuilt his financial empire with a heavy reliance on capital from Russia. At a minimum the Trump organization is receiving lots of investment capital from people close to Vladimir Putin.
......Over the course of the last year, Putin has aligned all Russian state controlled media behind Trump.
.......There is something between a non-trivial and a substantial amount of circumstantial evidence for a financial relationship between Trump and Putin or a non-tacit alliance between the two men. Even if you draw no adverse conclusions, Trump's financial empire is heavily leveraged and has a deep reliance on capital infusions from oligarchs and other sources of wealth aligned with Putin.
Trump & Putin. Yes, It's Really a Thing
Exactly. That's the sort of thing that someone like Trump couldn't have got away with, even had he wanted to. Only someone posing as a "liberal" could get away with such things. That's why I'd prefer to see Trump win than Hillary.
Of course he could have, you pair of mysogynist shits
That was what the Clintons were doing when they repealed glass Steagal wasn't it ? And let their mates on Wall street play roulette with people's savings and pensions . As they'd been paid to do . By their mates on Wall street . Those vampire squid people .

Yes, it was... with the help of the GOP senate. That was back when everyone thought Greenspan was a god. Greenspan has been completely discredited. Even Greenspan has admitted he was wrong about Glass Steagel.
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Very light on evidence, very heavy on IGNORE THE CORRUPTION LOOK OVER THERE AT THE RUSSIANS!

Bias within the DNC toward Clinton qualifies as corruption; but arguably the bigger story is the relationship between Trump and Russia. Apart from the growing evidence that the DNC wikileaks originated with Russia, there are accusations that Trump has close financial ties with Russian oligarchs; and that that is why he is hiding his tax returns, something which no party nominee has done before.

It's conjectured that the tax returns will show the connection between Trump and the oligarchs.
Thinking about putting some money on Trump after seeing the tone deafness of the DNC convention.

If Clinton wins it will absolutely be in spite of how the campaign was run and her awful, terrible candidacy and history.
Thinking about putting some money on Trump after seeing the tone deafness of the DNC convention.

If Clinton wins it will absolutely be in spite of how the campaign was run and her awful, terrible candidacy and history.
if we're really lucky some latter day sirhan sirhan will take out the candidates
Yes, it was... with the help of the GOP senate. That was back when everyone thought Greenspan was a god. Greenspan has been completely discredited. Even Greenspan has admitted he was wrong about Glass Steagel.

No offence but this sounds like yet another excuse for them . That somebody else made them do it . As always when it comes to the Clintons. Greenspan has little choice to admit he was wrong given the scale of the unmitigated disaster which followed the Clintons policy that everyone could see . Hillary Clinton is thoroughly bought and paid for by the very institutions that benefitted immensely from the Clintons gutting of Glass Steagal .

Bush went to war with the help of Hillary Clinton and her fellow democrats . His Project for a New American century lunatics are now in the Clinton entourage . Along with Kissinger . And have been for years . Her recanting of her decision to support it was belated to say the least. And only long after , like Glass Steagal, the position of supporting it became a public liability . A disaster everyone could see and therefore a liability in terms of votes . A tactical withdrawal rather than an honest admission of wrong or a change of a heart she doesnt possess . That harpie doesn't learn from unmitigated disasters . She is one .

They haven't admitted they're wrong . Far from it. Instead she's rewarded them with further office , further power and if elected will be giving them he opportunity to peruse their insane fascism even further . And insane fascism it is . Without a shadow of a doubt .
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Because.... a man who defends sexual predators, routinely cheats those who work for him, and is prone to making 'fact free' statements.... is preferable?

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

Trump Defends Roger Ailes: ‘He Helped Those Women’

Priebus: Trump wasn't claiming to be 'factual' when he linked Cruz's dad to JFK assassin

You forgot his fact free assertions about landing in Bosnia under sniper fire . And him being married to that multiple rapist who door stepped the attorney general to get him off the hook on criminal charges.

Whoops..that wasn't him . It was somebody else.
Bias within the DNC toward Clinton qualifies as corruption; but arguably the bigger story is the relationship between Trump and Russia. Apart from the growing evidence that the DNC wikileaks originated with Russia, there are accusations that Trump has close financial ties with Russian oligarchs; and that that is why he is hiding his tax returns, something which no party nominee has done before.

It's conjectured that the tax returns will show the connection between Trump and the oligarchs.

I am not sure that it will - for a start, anything he declared to the IRS is almost certainly not going to be something to be worried about politically; anything compromising would all be offshored.

He is probably holding back on releasing his returns for one of two reasons - either he is nowhere near as rich as he claims, or there is nothing controversial there at all and he wants to get the Democrats into a position where they talk about it to the exclusion of other things, then he releases a load of stuff that "proves" they are liars.
Bias within the DNC toward Clinton qualifies as corruption; but arguably the bigger story is the relationship between Trump and Russia. Apart from the growing evidence that the DNC wikileaks originated with Russia, there are accusations that Trump has close financial ties with Russian oligarchs; and that that is why he is hiding his tax returns, something which no party nominee has done before.

It's conjectured that the tax returns will show the connection between Trump and the oligarchs.

So let's get this straight. Putin is so powerful it's him pulling the strings at the DNC . It's really Putin which has obliterated the GOP hierarchy . Putin that's responsible for Killarys falling poll ratings . Putin who's looking likely to win the US presidency and install his puppet . Putins whos influencing who'll actually be be in power in the USA. Basically himself as Trump is his proxy. He's taking over the entire world.

Will his demand be one million dollars ?



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