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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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It's bollocks that Trumps (UKIPs) "outsider" status has helped him win the primary?

I read and understood your post, I just think it's an incredibly patronising piece of rubbish (and fundamentally incorrect as it happens but that's by the by). A huge proportion of those that have/will vote for Trump are doing so because "he's not a politician", "he'll shake things up", waffling on about how people don't understand how government works is not going to hurt Trump. That tactic has already helped him to take the most delegates, it's what has helped UKIP to become the third most popular party in the UK.
An interesting question is who will Trump choose as a running partner? Will be be cajoled by the GOP to pick someone of their choosing? Or will he have the freedom to pick himself?

If he has free reign, it would make sense to pick a woman. What options are there?

I think he's got very few options because none of the "sensible" ones want anything to do with him. His no 1 pick was Susana Martinez , who says she's too busy ..likely story . As a woman and a Hispanic the reasons for picking her were obvious . But he pissed her off . Unsurprisingly .

One name being floated is Newt Gingrich . He was the guy who had Bill Clinton impeached so he'd relish another dirty, low down brawl with the dastardly duo . Gingrich seems up for it and might be able to cobble together some semblance of unity when it comes to the senate, thanks to Trump really ..totally..pissing the republican big wigs off . It's doubtful many would even speak to Trump again .:D

Trouble is though Gingrich is a serial philanderer himself...just like Trump . Between the 2 of them there's 6 wives . Pots and kettles .

He should ask Sanders for the hell of it I reckon .
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I think he's been shrewd enough not to pick her. Not because she's a moron but he needs to appeal more to the middle ground. Lifelong Republicans are not going to vote for Clinton.

Some are apparently . She's right wing enough for them on enough issues . She's claiming a number of them have " reached out " to her already .


This article demonstrates why I'm so anti Clinton. She's basically done a Trump in reverse . She pretended to be left wing in order to see off Sanders , and now that's looking done and dusted she's pivotted way back to the right .

Clinton Campaign to Republican Donors: Hillary Shares Your Values

And here. And just like Maggie before her she proudly boasted she was going to be putting all the coal miners out of work and shutting the pits .


She's the anti working class candidate, by a long shot . Despite Trumps long list of personal and political faults .
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They are voting for a local Councillor are they, I thought they were voting for the President of the USA, I'd have thought that anyone running for that job should have some basic understanding of how the political system works. Something Trump clearly doesn't have if you listen to him for more than 5 seconds.

But I'll take your point on-board and next time I get a tooth ache I'll call a plumber.

I think Trump ..and Sanders.. point is though the political system doesn't work, except for a select few . And he has more than enough examples to point to to back that up . And that seems to getting him a lot of support . As it did Sanders .
Clinton certainly knows how it works, which is why she's Wall streets candidate . It works for them . Not for anyone else .
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not really that hard, do the american's have a left..

ffs David Cameron would be called a rabid communist if he even attempt to be a politician in the states
But Sanders has just pushed her hard running as a self-described socialist who polls better than Trump head to head.

I think it's a bit weak tbh , scaremongering stuff .

When it starts out with " global warming " . So Trump isn't going to shut coal mines and put Americas coal miners on the unemployment heap ? That's bad ?
Should leftists now be thanking Maggie Thatcher for her contribution to the green cause by her campaign of pit closures ? does that all need revised now ?

The US trade policies that are the cause of so much immigration in Latin America ..they're Clintons policies . And the relentless continued persuit of them is precisely why Wall street ...and not least Goldman Sachs ..is right behind Clinton . Trump wants to get rid of NAFTA.

Similarly as regards immigration from the middle east, it's Clintons policies which have wrecked the place . Trump opposes those policies .

Clinton wants all out war in Syria and to ramp up confrontation with Russia . To actually " face Russia down " ...which is madness . Trump wants good relations and negotiations .

The state in which Clinton and her ilk have actually left the world is what's truly scary . These scaremongerers have a damn difficult job pointing to anything remotely positive about Hilary Clinton and her growing band of backers . Encompassing Goldman Sachs and the war wing of the Republican party . So they play the fear card in place of any positive alternative . Others are in all seriousness playing the fascist card . And yet again there's the sniffiness. The presidency is an I portent position so only an important person like Clinton is suited to it . Despite her track record of disastrous decisions, policies and relationships with the most questionable individuals and corporations .

Do none of them actually take the time and bother to ask the question what another 4 or 8 years of the likes of Clinton will actually bring ? what that will actually do ? That scares me a lot more .

I think this is a better article when it comes to examining this stuff . Some actual thought goes into it

Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump. Here's why | Thomas Frank
Similarly as regards immigration from the middle east, it's Clintons policies which have wrecked the place .
No, it's Bush's policies.
Clinton wants all out war in Syria and to ramp up confrontation with Russia . To actually " face Russia down " ...which is madness . Trump wants good relations and negotiations .
I've seen nothing indicating she want's all out war in Syria. Trump opposes the Iran nuke deal.
I think this is a better article when it comes to examining this stuff . Some actual thought goes into it
Millions of ordinary Americans support Donald Trump. Here's why | Thomas Frank
That article emphasizes Trump's opposition to trade deals. It ignores his main trade policy....import tariffs which would lead to trade wars. It also says in effect 'Yea he's a racist but that's not why white working class voters support him. That's indeed why many support him. It's a long standing Repub strategy.
Yep, global warming would continue to affect vulnerable areas even if Noam Chomsky was elected president.
True. Difference is Trump actively promotes coal mining claiming he'll bring miner's jobs back. Like so much else of what he says, he's either ignorant or lying. Better to have a candidate that's part of the solution rather one that would exacerbate the problem.
Hillary Clinton has a $30 billion, 4,300-word plan to retrain coal workers that covers everything from education and infrastructure to tax credits and school funding.

Donald Trump’s coal plan is a duckface thumbs-up in a miner’s hard hat and a rant about hair spray, President Barack Obama and China. The specifics of his plan to put coal miners back to work.... are that he’d put coal miners back to work. That’s it.

And Trump is the candidate who won the West Virginia Coal Association’s endorsement ahead of Tuesday’s West Virginia presidential primary. Fact-checking Trump is a fool’s errand, but as viscerally satisfying as it is to say Obama killed coal, it isn’t true. The coal industry is killing itself
Hillary Clinton Has A Plan To Help Coal Workers. Donald Trump Has A Scapegoat.
True. Difference is Trump actively promotes coal mining claiming he'll bring miner's jobs back. Like so much else of what he says, he's either ignorant or lying. Better to have a candidate that's part of the solution rather one that would exacerbate the problem.

One thing that I have yet to see any candidate address is the fact that jobs will be going away as robotics progresses. I'm not talking about just unskilled jobs or jobs going overseas. What direction is our society going to go when there's only jobs for a minority of the population? If we don't start addressing it, you can bet its going to go all Soylent Green on us.
One thing that I have yet to see any candidate address is the fact that jobs will be going away as robotics progresses. I'm not talking about just unskilled jobs or jobs going overseas. What direction is our society going to go when there's only jobs for a minority of the population? If we don't start addressing it, you can bet its going to go all Soylent Green on us.
We can help a little by going through the human checkout at stores instead of the robot checkout & always push 0 or say agent when the cust serv computer tells you to go to their web site.

Before Bush ever fired a shot in Iraqs direction the Clinton team had accounted for one million..at least...dead Iraqi civilians who they murdered through genocidal sanctions . They were fully aware what has happening to those people under their policies . Over a quarter of them were children..yet they stated the price was worth it. Clinton fully and vocally supported Bushes war, which was nothing more than a continuation of her own .
Not only that the PNAC crowd are her team now . Barbara Nuland ..dick cheneys cheif advisor..is Elliot Kagans wife ffs . They're enmeshed around Clinton .

Does Hillary Clinton support the neoconservative manifesto the Project for the New American Century? - Democratic Underground


Why yes they are

Robert Kagan: Republican, Neocon, PNAC co-founder endorses Clinton

They're her policies . George Bush just happened to agree with them .

And since Bush left she completely destroyed Libya ..forever . That in turn has caused havoc across the middle east, Africa and even Europe.

And then she set her sights on Syria . That's what she'll go after next ..and she's done enough damage there already . It was also her manning the phones trying to get the republicans to agree to a bombing campaign..again mostly her idea . Thankfully most of them told her to fuck off
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But Sanders has just pushed her hard running as a self-described socialist who polls better than Trump head to head.

He's also shown the entire games fixed and that it doesn't matter how much support he had among democrat supporters and members . The democrat party is inherently undemocratic and no outsider was ever going to be allowed get in Clintons way . Trump didn't have to worry about super delegates, the establishment there couldn't close ranks the same way the democrats did against Sanders . I don't know why the democrats even bother having primaries .
Clinton fully and vocally supported Bushes war
And then admitted it was a mistake voting to authorize Bush to invade.
And since Bush left she completely destroyed Libya ..forever .
Wow. She had amazing power for a secretary of state. The UN/NATO destroyed Libya. She took orders. To the extent she was for it, she was wrong & so was I. You were right on that one.
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Trump on the Iran deal..way saner than any leading republican candidate
And that isn't saying much. He repeatedly calls it the worst deal America ever made. Then constantly repeats the lie that 'We gave them $150 billion and got nothing.' "We" didn't give them a penny. It was Iran's money and he's too ignorant or more likely dishonest to say it. Hillary supported the deal.

Agree that Hillary was & is indeed way too hawkish on Syria.
And then admitted it was a mistake voting to authorize Bush to invade.

Wow. She had amazing power for a secretary of state. The UN/NATO destroyed Libya. She took orders. To the extent she was for it, she was wrong & so was I. You were right on that one.

She admitted it was a mistake only long after it became extremely unpopular .ie when it was politically advantageous to distance herself from the decision . And after she and her husband had murdered one million innocents when in office . However she plainly doesn't think it was that much a mistake when she's kept the bastards from PNAC closely around her, and essentially become their current political figurehead. Including going into this election. Why would she want advice, guidance and support from people who make such huge mistakes ? Regardless of what she says her actions say the complete opposite .

And yes she did have amazing powers for a secretary of state . Obama was largely an empty vessel who relied on her for guidance. He was reluctant to get involved militarily in Libya, so we're his other advisors. She was the one who made it happen. Her, personally .

The Libya Gamble: Inside Hillary Clinton's Push for War & the Making of a Failed State | Democracy Now!



She was giving the orders, not following them. And that's how a US ambassador ended up dead as well . And why many of her e mails have gone missing .
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And that isn't saying much. He repeatedly calls it the worst deal America ever made. Then constantly repeats the lie that 'We gave them $150 billion and got nothing.' "We" didn't give them a penny. It was Iran's money and he's too ignorant or more likely dishonest to say it. Hillary supported the deal.

Agree that Hillary was & is indeed way too hawkish on Syria.

It's called politics . He'd have made the same deal himself, probably even quicker . Regardless though he was the only republican candidate who comitted himself to sticking to it .
And then admitted it was a mistake voting to authorize Bush to invade.

It took her 12 whole years..and a loss of a presidential nomination to Obama on that issue..to grudgingly concede it was a "mistake ". She never conceded it was a mistake back in 2008 even . 6 years later ..when setting her sights on the next nomination..then she concedes it's a "mistake " . Despite making a series of very similar " mistakes " in the same vein . And surrounding herself with the very people responsible for the Iraq " mistake " .

This is the reality of the magnitude of her " mistake " that she only admitted was a mistake 12 years later . When a child could tell you it was a massive blunder .

What's Missing From Hillary's Iraq Apology
The Donald now says he won't release his tax returns until after the election.
In an interview with the Associated Press, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump revealed that he will not release any of his tax returns before election day. Previously, Trump blamed an ongoing audit for his failure to release returns, an excuse that was questioned by tax experts.

The announcement is a sharp break from historical precedent. Although the number of years for which they’ve released tax returns vary, every party nominee since 1976 has released some. Fifteen years of Hillary Clinton’s tax returns are available online.
The Hypocrisy Of Trump’s Refusal To Release His Tax Returns
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