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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Plenty of intelligent American politicians

But they become fewer among the ranks of the Republicans, or so it appears, what with Dubya and Reagan. Then, if you go a bit further back, they become less stupid, but corrupt as fuck, what with Nixon, Agnew etc.
Ha, the quotes are fun.

Singer Michael Stipe, speaking through the band's bassist Mike Mills, said: "Go **** yourselves, the lot of you - you sad, attention-grabbing, power-hungry little men.

"Do not use our music or my voice for your moronic charade of a campaign."

Mr Mills also tweeted: "Personally, I think the Orange Clown will do anything for attention. I hate giving it to him."
Hillary has fucked up fairly big time with the private email server scandal, it seems to have led to a lot of bad feeling towards her.

Steady on ladies.......
I won't, but I wouldn't even if he wasn't a charter member of the He-man Woman-haters Club.
The trouble for me is Trump is a little like Nigel Farage here in the UK. I don't agree with what he stands for but somehow I enjoy the spectacle out of control and non PC utterances. Perhaps I view it more like a spectator sport rather than serious politics. Are Trump and Farage serious, do they honestly speak their minds, or are they just playing to a character?
The trouble for me is Trump is a little like Nigel Farage here in the UK. I don't agree with what he stands for but somehow I enjoy the spectacle out of control and non PC utterances. Perhaps I view it more like a spectator sport rather than serious politics. Are Trump and Farage serious, do they honestly speak their minds, or are they just playing to a character?

It depends. Trump's positions on illegals, on "political correctness", on RINOs like McCain and on Obama are outrageous but they are also the usual targets of that section of the GOP who vote in these things (with the exception of abortion where he is some way to the left of most of the rest). That he says them himself, rather than letting "anonymous sources close to" or attack ads paid for by superpacs say them probably boosts his popularity with that section of the electorate, rather than dents it. Of course this is all played out to a background of making sure everyone knows that he is really, really rich thanks to his business interests and he is therefore "a winner" in the way that group sees America. His campaign is by far the best so far in the GOP field, hence why he is miles ahead.

Farage on the other hand has never really had a policy background (beyond leaving the EU and making himself look like that bloke in the pub who stares at the barmaid), hence the mess when the Breitbart mob tried to staple a Thatcherite one on him during / immediately after the last Election campaign.
agricola I think the reason why I find Trump and Farage (and Galloway for that matter) amuse me is because they don't speak political which I loathe. I am so used to hearing professional politicians on Question time for example speaking that awful anodyne PC weasel worded stuff which leaves me cold, that someone not doing that seems refreshing.
he's that vile a human being I really want him shot. No fanfare or nothing, just get it done. Carbomb with a mecury switch even. Either way, he's such an arsehole he should be killed violently
agricola I think the reason why I find Trump and Farage (and Galloway for that matter) amuse me is because they don't speak political which I loathe. I am so used to hearing professional politicians on Question time for example speaking that awful anodyne PC weasel worded stuff which leaves me cold, that someone not doing that seems refreshing.

Im sure it helps that you don't belong to a group that these scum are attacking and whipping up hate against.
Im sure it helps that you don't belong to a group that these scum are attacking and whipping up hate against.
Well there is that indeed, I am not Mexican nor a migrant, but I have benefitted from the free EU movement of people in a number of ways, which Farage wants banned.
not sure if linx worx but this shows the kind of shit that can impact a campaign

Special Report: Touting morality, billionaire Texas brothers top 2016 donor list | Reuters

The born-again Lane, a self-described former “wild man” of “drugs, wine, women and song,” believes the Bible should be the primary textbook in public schools and that judges who favor same-sex marriage should be impeached. He says people who embrace homosexual marriage, along with “pagan public schools, pagan higher learning and pagan media,” are creating America’s downfall with their “multiracial false gods.”

I still can't get over the fact that he's called trump lol

Would letting off a weapons grade paper ripper in the middle of a stone circle count as a pagan trump?
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