Changing the facts
It wouldn't surprise me if as a result of californians voting to leave in that advisory referendum, the Trump admin declares martial law in california. How constitutional or enforceable it is would be irrelevant to them. They lack the finesse to deal with such a situation and it wouldn't be long before someone made a vary bad situation much worse by making a shitty decision and then that civil war that elements of the right have been agitating for will go hot very quickly. Hyperbolic? Maybe. But there does seem to be a constant and depressing drumbeat from over the atlantic and the signs are not encouraging...
Yes, I can see this outcome happening if Ca were to make a serious bid for secession.
However, it won't wash with Trump.
California is currently on the back foot. Drought and increasing risk of catastrophic fires, not to mention the earthquake threat too. As I've said elsewhere, rebuilding LA is the perfect opportunity for Trump to use his experience as a crappy building tycoon to trawl for land and cash, him and his cronies.
CA produces a lot of fruit, vegetables, and nuts for the American market. I can't see Trump giving that up while increasing tariffs on imports. If he puts money into supporting farmers elsewhere in America, he'll claim it's to protect food security as CA struggles with drought etc.
I think he's more likely to hold california's feet to the fire.
Trump may be planning a sharp, extended conflict with California, experts say - Berkeley News
Donald Trump does not hide his disdain for California and its perceived progressive values. Now UC Berkeley analysts say he may be planning an offensive against the state that extends from public health and climate to immigration, energy and education.
Extortion seems to be his MO at the moment ( and by the way I reckon this tactic has been suggested to him by someone close by).
There's also the small matter of the California -Mexico border. I don't see Trump allowing CA to look after things there without his oversight.